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About Stovo

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  1. Cash gives you guaranteed nominal 4% but negative real returns in the long term. If you are wrong and financial conditions ease then everything goes up 20% and you lose 16%.
  2. Very good point. Free trade actually benefits China because they're currently so much more efficient than anywhere else. Putting up trade barriers slows down China a bit but at the end of the day they'll just export their cheap goods to other countries which will boost those countries relative to the US, speeding up US decline. In this world the US can no longer afford a global empire and they need to turn inward to build up their strength again (decades process). The only real chance the US has of continuing some form of empire is to basically allow their colonies (east Asia/Europe) to build up their military strength and power to replace the lost US power which would lead to a kind of western dominated global structure where US allies have much more say over matters. The US is currently messing this up because they don't want to lose that power.
  3. Trump is a far more important figure in terms of his impact on the country so Biden will be remembered in the context of Trump. Biden is the guy who served between Trump's 2 terms.
  4. This entire thread should be a case study on how emotional feelings towards a person cloud your judgement of them in every area. It's like that ex that cheated on you so you can't remember any positive qualities about them.
  5. That's a strawman, you bought up China. 130 million estimated outbound departures from China in 2024, most of these will double count people who travel abroad multiple times in one year. Very few Chinese have ever been abroad as a % of their population.
  6. 90% of Chinese people are nationalist extremists. My girlfriend is Chinese and I have interesting conversations with Chinese people all the time but these are the most developed 5% of the population that are lucky enough to live in rich cities and travel abroad.
  7. Of course if that happens then the right wing will claim that "Europe has fallen" and has fallen into authoritarianism. I think it's politically feasible though, for example Musk is extremely unpopular with the British public in polls.
  8. The cost to takeover Canada would be significant in resources and nearly impossible given the size of the country, even if they succeed they'd get constant guerilla warfare from a rebel movement and the population would reject it entirely. The US would also risk losing other allies. I actually think there's a distinct possibility this is a military strategy to force the US allies to significantly increase military spending which is required for the west to beat Russia, China, Iran.
  9. Based on the past couple of weeks the right is going to destroy themselves, the stuff going round on X is so fucking stupid it's actually pushed me significantly to the left
  10. 100% Frustratingly the more political he's gotten the more popular he's become.
  11. The US is already taking action against China but it's an economic/trade war because China hasn't militarily attacked the west like Russia has.
  12. Much of the European right is to the left of the democrats, e.g. the British conservative party. There does exist a populist right in Europe but they're still to the left of most Republicans. The Republican party would be seen as an extremist party if it was in Europe.
  13. Green isn't dead. It's very much alive in northern Europe and the west and east coasts of the US. The challenge for the US is half the country is at northern Europe levels of social development and the other half is at Russian levels of social development.