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Everything posted by Stovo

  1. Tonight I did an experiment. I stared at myself intensely in the mirror and imagined the being in the mirror as a separate being from myself that I created. I had a sudden intense sensation and the being in the mirror started to get darker and I literally saw a flash of an incredibly evil being staring back at me. I quickly turned away because it terrified me so much, so who knows what would have happened if I kept going deeper. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Is this all in my head, or do you think I really saw what I saw? Just to clarify, I wasn't on any psychedelics or drugs of any kind. It was during normal consciousness, but it felt like I entered a slightly different state of consciousness for a brief moment.
  2. @Philipp Inflation is basically a tax yes, but these people are also the type of people who would say "tax is theft" too. It took me a long time to realise this, but the hardcore bitcoin believers are basically in a cult. Paradoxically I still believe in it as an investment, I just don't think it achieves the same thing as what the cultists believe.
  3. @nistake That's certainly a possibility, I wouldn't discount it.
  4. Very well-educated people with PHDs are more likely to be yellow IMO. Obviously most still aren't, many are still stage orange, but you increase your odds drastically. Look for people that study a LOT, either academically, or who read tons of nonfiction books. The most important thing is they must be learning for the sake of learning, for the curiosity of it all, not just for money.
  5. In my view, Japan is the perfect case study of the folly of this philosophy. You would think that Japanese citizens would be materially the wealthiest citizens in the world given their crazy work ethic and strict discipline. Yet they are not, their GDP per capita is below that of most of Scandinavia, who work much fewer hours, have less strict discipline, and savour life more. Clearly, there are limits to strict hierarchies in terms of outcomes, and when societies hit these limits and realise these limits they shift more towards stage orange freedom.
  6. @meta_male That sounds really similar! You're right mate, I need to grow some balls and look deeper. That's quite mind-opening actually. We all see ourselves with layers of conception based on all the indoctrination of society and our "human" lens. Perhaps for a brief moment, all the conception disappeared and I was just experiencing myself as experience.
  7. My guess is that you managed to detach yourself from your ego whilst on the psychedelics, so you saw yourself how you really are. I had an experience recently where my appearance changed in the mirror, but it was probably different to your experience as I hadn't taken any psychedelics.
  8. I'm really hung up on this one. If God is absolute infinity, and God is all possible imaginations of reality, then surely it must hold true that there must be alternative universes with different laws of physics? Or even concepts that we could not even fathom with our tiny human minds? And if that is true, then it must not be possible to access these universes from this universe, because by doing so we'd have to break our own laws of physics in order to enter a universe with different laws of physics. Another possibility in my mind is that I've got this all wrong, and all of reality is literally just my own direct existence in the present moment. So everything outside of my existence is non existence, and therefore there is only this universe which I am imagining right now? But this seems to be a paradox to absolute infinity. How can only my present experience exist, whilst absolute infinity exists?
  9. I agree that reality can only be verified in one's own experience, this cannot be any other way. But, as I am not awakened, I cannot be certain that there is no value in seeking answers in forums as a method to point myself in the right direction, or provide some clarity on certain questions. If you are awakened you may feel this is foolish, and you may tell me it's foolish, but from my own perspective, you could be wrong or lying about this too. As an unawakened person, there is absolutely no way I can avoid doing stupid things that lead to nowhere in my quest for answers because I need to unturn all rocks. Heck, I don't even know for sure if awakening is real. I only am told it's real by people who claim they are enlightened. It's a gamble.
  10. @Leo Gura Oh yes I have considered that. My expected outcome here isn't for somebody to write a post here that explains all of reality and for me to be like "right I've figured that out then". I know that I need to put the work in to know for sure. Nonetheless, I am interested in the perspective of various authorities, because they provide perspectives and ideas that I can then contemplate/meditate on deeply. There must be some value to seeking authority, otherwise, why do you release your videos? haha
  11. @Raphael When I first stumbled upon several years ago I watched them all. Nowadays I am more selective. You only have so much time, and there's so much you can do on top of like meditation, contemplation, reading, watching other channels, and so on. You need a good balance between watching the videos and integrating the teachings.
  12. So, right now in my own experience, I am imagining I am a finite being in this particular universe with these particular rules of physics. So this is all that is because this is all that I am currently experiencing or imagining in this present moment? Is this also true in the absolute sense? So I may be infinite consciousness capable of imagining an infinite multiverse, but just because I am capable of imagining this it doesn't mean that I am imagining this right now? Right now I am imagining I am a human called Stovo staring at a computer screen, typing on a keyboard, whilst outside it is a cloudy rainy day. So in an absolute sense, everything in my finite relative direct experience in this present moment is all that exists right now? Sorry for all the questions, I thought I had a lot of this figured out but the more I contemplate this the more questions I have, and the more I realise I don't have a clue.
  13. Was just contemplating on China's handling of Covid, it's a perfect example of the strengths and weaknesses of stage blue. At the beginning of the pandemic, it was a weakness because an overly authoritarian system didn't allow for the free expression of doctors fighting the disease, leading to a coverup and denial by authority figures. This made the problem worse at the beginning. Their handling of the pandemic since then has been nothing short of extraordinary. They've essentially been able to almost entirely eliminate covid within their borders, in an enormous country of over 1.3 billion people living in crowded conditions. This is only possible at stage blue because this gives them an obedient public that accepts authoritarian policies to eliminate the virus.
  14. @Husseinisdoingfine pacifist right now. If they ever reach the relative power that the US reached they might not be so pacifist. You guys are not doing basic study of history. The US prior to WW2 was just as pacifist as China is today. Research how power works.
  15. @Roy If you're not worried then you should be worried. @Blackhawk If you're worried then you don't need to be worried.
  16. But I HAVE studied the culture, lived there, and intermingled with the people Of course, the culture is very different, but they are still humans with egos. They are already playing a game of Chess with the West in order to expand their influence as much as possible.
  17. @funkychunkymonkey We've replaced religion with capitalism. In the past, it was heresy to go against the word of god. Today it is heresy to question rationality, materialism, science, and the endless purchasing of absolute crap. Having said that, stage green is pretty common in most western countries now, especially amongst younger people and those living in big cities. Stage green people will be much more understanding of your positions, so befriend stage green people.
  18. @Nobody_Here Yes, although much of the work itself is a solo endeavour. A good partner can only encourage you to do the work, or point you in the right direction. It wouldn't be wise to explicitly seek a partner for this purpose, as that is selfishness.
  19. Great to hear your parents are still happy together. The best way to approach it is to ensure you are happy within yourself first, then look to your partner as an addition to your happiness but not essential to it. Broadly agree. It's about finding the right partner.
  20. @Blackhawk The situation is WAY more complicated than you currently understand.