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Everything posted by Stovo

  1. @undeather Your trust in institutions and science is strong I see, I understand I have been there. Consider 1) funding flows for science, and 2) scientists own self biases The evidence that red meat is good for you is not only the fact our ancestors ate it, you just simply need to read the nutritional labels. Don't get caught up in science that fits your bias, just read the damn food labels. Notice how in your own experience you feel better and strong eating meat too.
  2. Listened to that podcast but it seemed like the pro meat guy was just really poor at debating compared to the other guy which made his arguments seem weak ? I think what really matters is what personally feels good for you since we're all genetically different. For me I feel really good eating a lot of meat, fish, and liver. Others prefer a vegetarian diet like Sadhguru, others prefer a vegan diet. I still wouldn't recommend a vegan diet for most people though.
  3. If you're taking the vitamins in reaction to a possible recent infection it's too late and this won't help. Better just to follow a healthy diet, scrap the supplements, exercise regularly, and spend plenty of time outdoors. I wouldn't worry about covid, the pandemic is over now.
  4. @Michael569 A lot of the research has their own agenda, especially when it comes from the WHO. It's convenient if red meat is deemed to be bad for you because then pasture land can be converted to more calorie dense grains, at the expense of nutrition. You only need to look at the nutritional content of red meat, and the knowledge that humans have eaten it for hundreds of thousands of years, to know it's really good for you. Seed oils are literally industrial oils that humans are not evolved to digest properly. Their increased use during the 20th century coincided with the worsening health of the western world. Saturated fats are not bad for you if you limit the portions, it's actually the seed oils that the foods are cooked in or added as an ingredient.
  5. I had a similar problem. Tried everything but it turns out certain vegetables like spinach were causing it. I now eat less vegetables and more fish, unprocessed meat, and liver. Problem solved.
  6. Just sounds like you have a cold, flu, or covid. Pretty normal and healthy to get sick occasionally.
  7. I think in the near future these tests will be commonplace but it's early days for now and the research isn't 100% accurate. They can be a useful guide though. Since you're very young and extremely low risk to ailments I'd wait another 10 years when the research will be much better.
  8. Exactly. Common trap that stage green fall into is they believe everyone else is immoral relative to them so they don't see through their own self bias.
  9. The evidence is in your own words. You clearly have your own strong self bias towards veganism and are not prepared to listen to alternative views or recognise the complexity of the situation.
  10. @Scholar You seem stuck in stage green thinking, you're not understanding the complexity of the situation. You also fail to realise that a vegan diet is not healthy for the majority, though can work for some. We need meat we just need to do it in an ethical and sustainable way.
  11. @Godishere if god's mind is in a million pieces then it's not nondual
  12. @kray It could also be possible that our changed diets have contributed to us being less fit, ie more nutritionless grains and less high nutritional red meat. I have 2 critiques of red meat studies, 1) they always group it with processed meats, and 2) they don't take into account that most people cook red meat with seed oils which are terrible for you.
  13. @Jannes The issue is the daily recommended amounts are not necessarily the optimum amounts for the best health possible. They're mostly just bare minimums. I'm not totally against wholegrains, I eat oats and rice regularly, the issue is when they become too big a portion of your diet that they start replacing nutritious foods like meat. That being said, we're all different and you should just eat whatever makes you personally feel best.
  14. I'm not entirely convinced the research on red meat is correct. Red meat has been a staple of human diets since the invention of fire, it doesn't make sense that it would be unhealthy when we're literally evolved to eat it.
  15. So basically Leo and all of you are just figments of my imagination. This is just me, the only sphere of consciousness that exists, trying to discover itself. All the writing here is my own consciousness writing back to me. Wild
  16. In the US you literally live in air conditioned houses and travel everywhere in air conditioned cars just to enter another building with air conditioning. By contrast, in Europe we don't have much air conditioning and we walk and cycle a lot more. That's why a heatwave of 30-40C in Europe is a big deal.
  17. Compare wholegrain nutrition Vs beef, salmon, or liver, then come back to me
  18. After a while of eating clean you don't actually crave junk food at all anymore but you need to totally eliminate processed foods & refined sugar. The first month or so will be hard then the rest of your life will be easy. I understand you may want to cheat by having a McDonald's, but just a single McDonald's meal could bring the addiction back. It's best to think of fast food as crack cocaine, if you're coming off crack you wouldn't say "oh if I just have it 20% of the time that's ok".
  19. Just listen to your body, see how you feel after eating certain foods, we are all different. Just be aware that grains tend to have low nutritional density Vs plants & meat so use them for filler calories once you've reached your nutritional requirements. Personally I eat oatmeal in the morning and a small carb portion with my dinner, and that's it for the day. I don't eat gluten because it causes bloating and flatulence for me, as does spinach weirdly.
  20. Imo it's better to get vitamin D naturally wherever possible. When the sun is highest in sky go outside in shorts & topless, lie down and do 5-20 minutes on both front & back. Length of time varies depend on how dark your skin is, darker means you need more time. Be careful not to burn, as a rule come out the sun before you go red. In the winter you can't get vitamin D from the sun, generally when the sun is lower than 40-50 degrees in the sky you cannot get vitamin D from the sun. Here you may want to supplement, but you could eat a lot of fish like salmon too which has vitamin D.
  21. I'm diving down the nutritional rabbit hole and it appears pretty much all vitamins & minerals can easily be obtained from diet, other than Vitamin D in winter. For reference I eat a balanced diet primarily of 7-8 portions of fruit & Veg per day, lots of fish, lots of meat, some milk, oats, rice, sweet potatoes, but I avoid wheat as gluten doesn't match well with me, no seed oils. Only exceptions are when I eat out it isn't always possible to stay this strict. I remember seeing one of Leo's videos years ago when he had all these food supplements, can this be healthy if I can just get them from my diet?
  22. It's theoretically possible to be a relatively healthy vegan but it's challenging. There are certain vitamins & minerals that are difficult to get from non animal sources like Vitamin B12, Vitamin D (winter), Omega 3, and Iron. Also vegans are likely going to have to eat more nutritionless grains to make up for the loss of meat calories which isn't healthy.
  23. I don't think this is as bad as most liberals think it is. 1) It helps Dems in elections as they can be the pro choice party which most Americans support. 2) It delegates responsibility to individual states. Dem states will maintain strong protections. Sure, Republican states will roll back rights but it's not gonna be a blanket ban in all those states (some yes). 3) People still have options to travel. I know it's not easy for everyone but the option is there. Some may even find a way to obtain the pills even in states where abortion is prohibited (most abortions are early stage). This is more a wake-up call for Dems rather than the end of the world.