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Everything posted by Stovo

  1. It's not surprising really. His followers think it would be a mistake because everyone would riot but I think they overestimate his level of support.
  2. My understanding is that time cannot exist because that would limit god. A limitless, infinite intelligence cannot be passing through time because that would suggest it is moving in a linear direction. If god is going somewhere then it cannot be infinite. However, something that is infinite must be forever changing. If it was static then it wouldn't be infinite as it would be stuck in one experience for all eternity.
  3. The Tories are tearing themselves apart due to their own selfishness and corruption. I'm hoping a Labour government will provide a solid middle-ground type of government that puts us back on track. Austerity must be stopped to prevent further decline in the country. I was a remain voter but I do think the costs of Brexit are overexaggerated due to bias. There are actually many long-term benefits of Brexit such as getting closer to the US and other Anglo-Saxon countries.
  4. The reason you feel this way is because the US is effectively an empire with east Asia and western Europe as it's colonies, amongst others. You would have thought the same about the British 100-200 years ago.
  5. Best to drink as little as possible, if at all. There are some studies that suggest that red wine in moderation can have positive health affects but this is far from certain.
  6. Suffering: I've had various instances in my own life where getting myself into a heightened state of consciousness has put me into a flow state where I was able to transcend suffering. A good example is completing a 5k run on a treadmill. If you keep thinking about it and wishing it to stop you will suffer a hell of a lot more than if you get into the present moment and surrender.
  7. @UnbornTao Yeah I agree. Cutting out meat requires special attention so your body maintains adequate nutrition & protein but few vegans are willing to put in the work.
  8. I do observe, however, that vegans, or those who eat little meat, tend to have significantly lower muscle mass than those who eat a lot of meat. Generally it's because they're deficient in protein, key nutrients and vitamins.
  9. Yeah unprocessed red meat is some of the best food on the planet. Fish is really good too.
  10. @StarStruck The crux of this issue is you're putting toxic stage green types in the same bucket as well developed women. You do not need to date naive stage blue 20 year olds to avoid toxic women. There's nothing sustainable about this because she will one day grow older and leave you. You either want a real relationship or not. I point you to your own advice.
  11. I didn't suggest he should date older, but nice strawman. He wouldn't be capable of that. These views are indeed immature, there's no getting away from that.
  12. She would have left the OP well before she hits 35. At some point she's going to want men, not boys.
  13. Currently dating a 35 yo girl. Best girl I've ever dated. Personality wise girls get better over time as they become more mature and learn. The Tate stuff is for incels and men with little experience or understanding of women and relationships.
  14. It does depend a lot on your genetics. I had a lot of bowel issues from eating too many vegetables, especially raw spinach, and kale. If you're a caucasian then the healthiest diet for you is going to be a lot of meat, fish, fruit, and berries because this is what your ancestors ate.
  15. I recently started doing park runs. They're free timed 5k runs every Saturday morning at various locations around the world Check if it's in your country here: Pretty fun community activity to get your fitness up. Anyone from any level can go, many people even walk the route.
  16. If you can still be happy with poor health then by definition it's not "completely contingent on good health". In which case we come full circle towards "suffering is imaginary".
  17. There are too many unproductive businesses because they weren't allowed to fail during Covid. There hasn't been a proper recession since 2009 and even that one was notable for the number of bailouts that occurred.
  18. Update: Andrew Tate loses the latest appeal and will remain in custody for another month at least.
  19. Glad you've realised he's more red than orange now
  20. Being angry at humans for not awakening is like shouting at a donkey for taking a shit. All living creatures are engaged in survival mode and only 1 in a million of the most intelligent creatures on the planet (humans) will ever snap out of that.
  21. If your pickup was obvious enough that a security guard caught you I'd say you were being creepy, possibly standing there and approaching everyone like a sales agent would. Maybe do it a bit more subtle, it should be casual.
  22. Update: A judge in Romania has described the "particular dangerousness" of Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan in terms of their ability to target women. He also pointed to what he called their "capacity and effort to exercise permanent psychological control over the victims… including by resorting to constant acts of violence".