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Everything posted by Stovo

  1. @Johnny Galt Exactly. It is wise to listen to the scientists and experts in regards to vaccines, this is why only idiots are anti-vaxxers in the face of overwhelming scientific consensus. You are simply cherry-picking the minority of scientists that fit your narrative.
  2. @diamondpenguin Not to take anything away from you, but be very careful. You could be deceiving yourself. Spiral dynamics is not a black and white thing where you can pinpoint an exact day where you entered a new stage.
  3. @Bob Seeker Blockchain is going to be one of the big disrupters in the next few years, not many people have the skills to programme on blockchains, and demand for programmers will go through the roof.
  4. @Bob Seeker I won't be able to advise on that, because it's not a field I know much about, but have you considered blockchain programming skills? You might need to research which languages are useful.
  5. It's just so hard to say because it all depends on you, your preferences, and what your natural strengths are. I'd suggest something you at least have a little bit of passion and enjoyment in, otherwise you're more likely to quit.
  6. Thanks for the advice everyone. Good discussion here. I guess escaping wage slavery is one possible method to achieving happiness, but it is not a requirement and we all have different passions and circumstances.
  7. @gettoefl Sweet, I'm in Southampton at the moment but looking to move to London soon!
  8. @DieFree Honestly, I think all stages below yellow try to make sure you act like them. Look at all the moralising that stage green does. Many stage green people literally think you're a piece of shit if you eat meat, contribute to climate change, don't wear a mask, etc.
  9. @DieFree Society pulls you back to the status quo, so if you go to stage blue/red countries there is a risk of you regressing on the spiral. I'd suggest staying in a stage green location because that's the best you can get really. If you reach stage yellow, remember your society will try and regress you back to green. The ideal location for an aspiring stage yellow person is a stage yellow location, but these don't really exist in any meaningful way at the moment. Once you've fully integrated stage yellow, you could then head to blue/red locations and help them move to orange/blue.
  10. I doubt it. You seem pretty closed off to the possibility that the "misinformation" you speak of is actually misinformation and harmful. Why waste time convincing you otherwise?
  11. @machinegun Obviously I don't know Leo personally, but I've watched hundreds of hours of his videos and interacted with him on this forum. There is absolutely no way he is at stage orange or below. I'd put him at stage yellow or turquoise.
  12. @machinegun Cities tend to be at higher stages than the countryside. London has some of the highest levels of stage green in the country.
  13. And yet you feel you are capable of understanding it?
  14. Yes, that's what I was wondering. If you develop highly valued skills that companies want and will pay you well for them, and you enjoy the work then is it still wage slavery? Or is it still wage slavery because you must turn up for work at certain hours, follow your boss's orders, and comply with certain rules? Or maybe it's a relative notion? From one extreme you have someone picking crops in a field for very little money, to another extreme, somebody has enough capital to be financially free and able to pursue their passions on their own terms. Then you have everything inbetween.
  15. @Synnergy Are you a libertarian? If so then censoring will trigger you. You underestimate how easily a forum can descend into chaos without moderation and rules. If all the rules and moderation were canceled tomorrow then this forum will cease to be a place of actualization, and will quickly become a toxic mess. I really don't think conservatism is banned as such. The core basis of conservatism is low taxes, low regulation, small government, less welfare, and so on. I'm sure you'd have no issues discussing these issues, and as a liberal, I can certainly see some pros in some conservative beliefs.
  16. The videos look like wind to me. I couldn't confirm nor deny if telekinesis is possible, however.
  17. This is an interesting point. So my position is that I do have enough capital to leave my job, I'd probably be able to survive for several years on zero income in fact. But I wouldn't be able to survive forever. To what extent am I a wage slave in this scenario?
  18. @mandyjw That's a great perspective, thank you. Yes, there are many business owners that end up working for under minimum wage. They become a slave to their business, without even having employee rights.
  19. I've spent significant time in China and dated many Chinese women, so I have a better understanding of their culture than most westerners. The Chinese are a practical people, and they question their government more than it might first appear. When I spoke to people there they had a range of different political positions, much like the west. But as a whole they do have great respect for authority and the government is popular. What government wouldn't be popular after 40 years nonstop economic growth and development? The main political divide is between 1) the ultra nationalists. These are most similar to fundamental christians in the US. They are stage blue. 2) the political apathetic. These people generally go about their lives without discussing or getting involved in politics. They're comfortable with their government and understand the practicalities, but they find some of the more controlling aspects like internet censorship to be frustrating. These people are stage orange, and most similar to moderate Republicans and moderate Democrats. China has nothing similar to the more left wing Democrats, because that's stage green and very few people in China are at that level. Those who do reach stage green typically leave the country, because they feel alienated in their own country and find they resonate with many liberals in western countries. It's relatively easy for them to leave too, because most of the ones who reach stage green are very well educated and have studied abroad. So that's China in a nutshell. I have great respect for them though, they're a very hard working people. Lots of discipline and well educated. I don't like living there because their government is overly controlling for my liking, but I understand the necessity of it relative to their level of development and culture.
  20. Sounds like he's stuck in rationality and materialism, I know the types. They seem open minded at first, but they're only open to ideas that are grounded in rationality and materialism. If I were you I would accept him for how he is, but gently guide him towards spirituality. Don't force anything on him, and don't expect him to change because most likely he will not. Don't waste your time in any debates.
  21. Vaccines are only one way to control cases, the other is to put in restrictions and lockdowns. As countries reach high levels of vaccination they are removing restrictions, which is why cases are increasing in some countries. However, the link between cases, hospitalisations, and death are greatly reduced in higher vaccinated populations. For example, check out the data for my country (the UK). We are at similar case levels to early 2021, but we're seeing less than 100 deaths per day on average, as opposed to over 1,000 deaths per day in early 2021.
  22. @WaterDroplet--00 My dad is similar. I keep my distance, even if it's your parents it doesn't serve you to spend too much time with them. What they are doing is ignorant and selfish.
  23. @Radu97 My father is also toxic in various ways. I haven't cut him completely from my life, but I keep my distance. Recently I messaged him just to see how he is doing. Got into the subject of me having had a covid vaccine, and he completely flew off the handle. Bombarded me with conspiracy videos, and talked about how I won't ever understand the "freedom" he had in his day. Said he's sickened that I've put poison in my body. Anyway, the point is my father doesn't seem to be quite as bad as your mother, yet I still keep a big distance because I know spending too long around him would fill my life with negativity. I would advise keeping a distance, if you are able to support yourself financially. You don't have to remove her entirely from your life, just keep the communication to a minimum and on your terms.
  24. For a community supposedly aimed at self development and awakening, I'm shocked at the ignorance and stupidity in this thread. The evidence is there that 1) the pandemic is real, and 2) that vaccines are safe and effective. If you believe otherwise then I'm afraid you're a complete moron (sorry). Try reading some research papers, or journals. I know it's a lot more mentally challenging than getting your facts from social media, but you might gain some insights.