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Everything posted by FredFred

  1. @rounder Thank you for you response I think you're right, I could be more committed to the LP I'm heading in. I don't think it's because it's not a good LP though, it's simply because I'm afraid of the changes that will happen in my life if I follow this LP. Or is it? I'll have to reflect on that!
  2. Hi! I've done a lot of progress during the Life Purpose Course, but something caught my attention a few episodes ago. I'm currently at the beginning of the Life Purpose Exercices (episodes 57-58). My answers are typically converging between 2 or 3 subjects. How do I know that these 2-3 subjects are really authentic? For all that I know, I could be coming back to those simply because I'm uninspired about finding new ones. There could be thousands of interesting domains of study out there that I don't even know about. How do I make sure my answers are really authentic to me? Am I going through the exercices too fast? Have I skipped a step? How have you guys dealt with this kind of uncertainty towards the progress you've made? It's fucking with my mind...
  3. That's also one of my concerns. I think money plays a huge role here. I'm not sure if everyone feels like I do or it's because I have had some traumas in the past, but I feel like I'm really scared of not having enough money to fill out my basic needs. Sure I could start a business in the domain I love, but what if I don't succeed? I just re-watched the Failure is Good video. I understand that failure isn't a bad thing. But how do you make ends meet? If I'm constantly failing at the beginning of my career how will I pay my rent? How will I eat? Isn't this a bit utopia-like?
  4. You really like 2-3 words answers don't you? Just in your post history there's 5 of them : Keep it up! This forum needs more of your high-quality content On another note, I'm really intrigued about akashic records, I would really like to learn more about them!
  5. #10 - What if sex IS the problem in the relationship? Imagine marrying yourself to your partner only to discover that you two are completely incompatible sex-wise. #9 The idea that you can't evaluate your feelings before you put a ring on your partner's finger is utterly stupid. #8 Reasonable argument. #7 Condoms, hormone pills, IUD, fertility awareness, vasectomy, tubal ligation. We're not in medieval times anymore, contraception works. #6 This issue isn't connected to sex outside of marriage at all. #5 Reasonable argument. #4 That statistic is bullshit, the argument is invalid. #3 He's talking as if only men wants to have sex. Did he know women wants to have sex too? This issue is not black or white. #2 I'm not sure what to think about this. #1 Reasonable argument. Overall, I understand why someone would want to not have sex before marriage. Most of the points this guy talked about were bullshit, but there was also a couple of reasonable one. Basically, be mindful of your actions. Don't be a mindless chimp running around.
  6. @Leo Gura Do you still trip on 5-MeO regularly? What's are the trips like after using the substance a whole lot of time?
  7. This is what I came up with after really thinking about the problem. I'm still young, I haven't tried much things in my life. Yet I always feel that pressure on me, the world pushing me towards finding something QUICK before time runs out. These are just artificial constraints after all, nevertheless very difficult to back-out from.
  8. This is kind of what my experiences with 4-AcO-DMT also looks like. There's always parts where I absolutely regret taking the substance, and right after I'm completely blown away by the joy and the sense of freedom it gives me. Thank you for the report
  9. I've never been in the same situation as you, so I can't really give you advices unfortunately. But I like your story a lot, so I'm bumping the thread to give you more visibility. I only wish you the best
  10. Notice for anyone wanting to buy 5-MeO Oxalate : having a high precision mg scale is IMPERATIVE. The oxalate form seems to have a much higher molecular weight. While 30 mg of HCL will fit nicely beside a coin, 30 mg of oxalate only looks like a 5-10 grains of sand...
  11. Interesting insight from reddit that got posted today :
  12. I've always been fascinated by lucid dreaming. I managed to become lucid 2 times in my entire life, but the dreams weren't stable so I woke up. On the lucid dreaming subreddit, some people claim to use the techniques for personal development. Having direct access to your subconscious can't really be a bad thing after all. Things that could be discussed in the video : What is lucid dreaming How it can be used for personal development Lucid dreaming 101 - how to get your first lucid dream Doctors HATE HIM - lucid dream so fast you can't even SLEEP! Etc. I'm aware mastering lucid dreams are something very challenging. Feel free to comment below if the subject interest you!
  13. Wow those are quite high dosages
  14. @Arthur Just for my personnal knowledge, do you remember what where the quantities that you've taken in mg? What's a small dose, a medium dose and a heavy dose for you?
  15. This is quite THE post. Thank you for the time you invested in this
  16. As said earlier it's entirely up to you! Let's say you're doing Vipassana meditation. The "goal" of this meditation is to enter a state of deep concentration and mindfulness. Over the years Buddhist monks and such found that, for the majority of people, the ideal posture was sitting upright. That doesn't mean this position will please everybody. If you find that the best way for yourself to enter that state is on a bench, go ahead
  17. What is this? I have been with my girlfriend for 4 years now, here's a list of the things I didn't have when I met her : A car Normal clothing A job An apartment Degrees Hobbies beside video games Ex-girlfriends Being extroverted I'm not sure what kind of expectations you have here, but let go of those. You don't need anything special to please a girl, there's no absolute best way to make a girl fall in love with you.
  18. This thread is pure gold Here's two I liked so far :
  19. I think any age is good to start meditating! More and more schools are teaching students to meditate from kindergarten. Hey @Ampresus , how are you doing? Tell me more about what made you start your meditation practice
  20. Very interesting! The general population seems to be slowly getting more and more open towards therapeutic usage of psychedelics substances. I think western culture is hoping on the right tracks. I'd love to see where we'll be in another 20 years.
  21. @kieranperez I heard that in the buddhist scriptures they recommend keeping the tongue glued to the palate. I've never personally tried it myself since I don't have this problem, but some says it help with keeping saliva out of the throat.
  22. I use a simple meditation timer called Meditativo. No social interactions, no unnecessary distractions. Here's a link to the app : Appart of that, a nice zafu and a towel for my feet. I like to keep it simple
  23. Hello! The 5-MeO experience in this community often gets compared with actual Enlightenment, or at least from my point of view. Enlightenment here referring as being enlightened. Will someone taking a high dose of 5-MeO get a somewhat similar experience as an enlightened being would have? Or am I completely off-track?