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Everything posted by FredFred

  1. Once you know you've got a good therapist, do not resist opening up your mind before him. This is one of the only relationship that you'll have in your life that is only established to benefit you!
  2. I'm not sure I understand your question. Do you want an antipsychotic because you had a bad 5-MeO trip, or do you want to find papers on the antipsychotic benefits of 5-MeO?
  3. Hello! I'm currently reading the Six Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden and having a good time! Since the book is on Leo's booklist I figured I'd ask my question here, some of you might have read it already. It seems that for each of the six pillars there are sentence stems exercices to complete. 5/15 mins of exercices per pillar, times 6 pillars, two time a day eats up a lot of time... Sentence stem exercices, morning meditation, commuting and work at 7am don't go very well together... Is it simply better to master one pillar, then go on to the next? Or take one sentence stem from one pillar, another stem from another pillar, and so on to build the exercices this way? What's your thought on this?
  4. Didn't realize there was an entire section at the end of the book about a 31 week program that makes my question completely obsolete. @cetus or @Forestluv you can now lock this thread lol
  5. It may be one of the most repeated concepts in spirituality, yet I somehow don't think I get it? Of course I can pause for a second and see that I am aware of my experience. I can also be aware that I am aware. But it's not clear to me that I am only awareness. If all I am is awareness, how come it feels like I'm in control so much? I can move my hand, I can walk this way, run that way, say particular words in a particular order, etc. I just don't get it! There's also things I can't do, like make my mind stop, instantly get rid of my addictions, make emotions arise/dissolve at will, etc. But I don't know how this fits in all of that. Does this issue need an awakening experience to be resolved? Any help on this? Thanks!
  6. Like Rupert a lot, will do! My notebook I'm aware of a notebook, but I still don't get how the notebook is made out of awareness. Tbh I don't know anything, this is all belief and no experience for me at this point. More work to do for me
  7. Hope and help for your nerves by Claire Weekes. I used to have bad panic attacks, and this is the book that helped me the most!
  8. Where is all that water going to go?
  9. You did not microdose, you ate a random amount of mushroom of unknown potency and had a full on trip! It's okay, a full on trip is needed from time to time, but if you want to get into microdosing you'll need to be a lot more methodical in your approach. Buy a good mg. scale, get your chemicals in powder form or tabs from a trustable source, learn about volumetric dosing, etc. A microdose should barely be felt, almost placebo.
  10. Give any women 30mg 5-MeO and she'll have a non-dual experience, period. There's no difference between men and women... This post is completely absurd...
  11. @Kalki Avatar You are bragging living on astral plane and have a picture of Jesus with wings as your profile picture.
  12. What even is this? How does this relate to Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment and or Spirituality?
  13. There has been reports of great earth awakenings for multiples years, what is different with this one?
  14. This ain't no mmorpg my dude
  15. What would be the advantage of plugging LSD versus sublingual administration?
  16. That seems odd for you to say, would you elaborate on that?
  17. Hi! I'm reading the Lectures on The Ten Oxherding Pictures right now and the term "working on a koan" is often used, as in : "You will achieve nothing if you work on your koan only when you happen to think of it." What does it mean to work on a koan? Thanks!
  18. Some of you might have seen the price of the book go up a notch in the past year, going from about 100USD to more than 800USD. I'm really interested in getting a copy of this book myself, but not at that price tag... I've been looking around the internet for a website that may be offering a e-book version of it, but got no luck finding such place. I was wondering if some of you guys did?
  19. I realized recently that I never learned how to appreciate the process of personal development, and that's a problem. I am very demanding of myself, I want to get somewhere where I am not right now, and I get demotivated when progress doesn't go as fast as I want it too. Are there any ressources, books, videos that helped you learn how to appreciate the process of personal development? Or that helped you learn how to appreciate the process of anything in particular?
  20. So celebrating progress and achievements, as little as they are, would be the best way to embody that understanding?
  21. @John Iverson If you are very good at self-restraint, than yes, that could work! For me the thing is : I liked weed, a lot. The euphoria I got from the high is simply incredible. Dopamine spikes in your brain like nothing you've ever done. I tried using it once in a while, but the temptation was sometimes too great and I just had to smoke. If it works for you thought, then go ahead
  22. In my personal experience, no. I've been diagnosed with ADD when I was 18. I've used cannabis almost daily between my 20th and 22nd year. Cannabis is a wonderful substance, I've grown a lot using it, but it sure hasn't helped my ADD. For me, the condition worsened when I smoked. I quit smoking altogether at the beginning of this summer. I still have cravings sometimes, especially when I'm stressed or bored, not cool.