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Posts posted by Shadowraix

  1. 2 hours ago, now is forever said:

    @Shadowraix what is there? you mean it’s the anti evil network? an anime network or what?

    i doubt that ? i thought it might be something else. but people there are surely extremely cute.

    do you think they eat hello kitty sausage?

    the diy section is cute.

    Anything goes there especially /b/ board. Ever heard of rekt threads?

    Threads all about seeing people get killed in the most brutal way possible.

  2. 1 hour ago, Mikael89 said:

    But maybe you can't grow/self develop without intimate relationships the same way as you can with intimate relationships. So maybe intimate relationships are a necessity, especially if you want to get become better at intimate relationships..

    A lot of the problems that occur in an intimate relationship aren't due to inexperience with intimate relationships but problems with your own perception of yourself and others. Intimate relationships can really highlight these problems, but don't seem necessary to acknowledging them.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    Or you learned things/grew personally from the catastrophe relationship which resulted in better relationships after it. Maybe you even self developed thanks to it.

    That is true but as I said

    4 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

    Learning from the mistakes of others is also a very valuable tool.

    Best to avoid reinventing the wheel if you can.

  4. This has been an ancient tradition in many cultures that range to symbolism to explain parts of you to some literal entity that guides you.

    I started thinking about this because in high school I got the nickname of "The Deer" which has stuck ever since and I made a joke it was my spirit animal.

    The universe can use many tactics to guide you through life and perhaps manifestation of animal-like entities could be one.

    Its history in many cultures makes it an interesting one to research.

  5. 31 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    It's ridiculous to say that pain and suffering will automatically follow from a intimate relationship (more pain than joy).

    I did not say this!

    I said "may" follow. Its a risk worth being aware of.

    34 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

    I highly doubt that you all were perfected enlightened humans when you had your first intimate relationship. So what would be so different with TheBeachBionic?

    My first intimate relationship was a catastrophe because I got into it before I was self developed enough to really handle one like I can now.

    Learning from the mistakes of others is also a very valuable tool.

  6. 4 hours ago, Mikael89 said:

    TheBeachBionic: You have not even tried to get a boyfriend. For example through Tinder, or some other dating site, or by going to a bar/nightclub etc.

    Do that first. And then you can come back and complain.

    All you who are giving her "advice": Try to convince her to try to get a boyfriend.

    Experience does make a great teacher - although the pain and suffering that may follow it won't be easy.

  7. 1 hour ago, Outer said:

    That you're so attached to wanting to be this...well it speaks much of you. You even assumed that my awareness is in this body.

    I'm not attached to wanting to be something. I realized I am everything. Dissolution of separation into total unity.

    I said your awareness is limited to a bodily experience. Not that it is in your body. I suppose I should add if you haven't practiced to expand it.


  8. 4 hours ago, Outer said:

    No you're not rocks, trees, grass, because they aren't conscious.

    The separation between you and rocks, trees, grass etc is a self created boundary that doesn't exist. 

    These things are a part of the whole that I am. I am you. I am Leo. I am the sky. I am God. Its all one.

    Just because your awareness is only currently this body does not imply thats all you are.

    Do the work and you'll become aware of this.

    4 hours ago, Outer said:

    It's no until you prove otherwise.

    Thats an assumption on your part.

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    We've found many creatures long thought to be extinct. Their existence is regardless of your belief. This is why the default position always goes to maybe.

  9. If you chase immortality to become God-like, you know whats happening right? Your sort of higher self (God) has dictated for you to follow that path. You are merely a puppet. Your future and past is already happening.

    Surrendering is the only option you really have. You can surrender to what you laid out for yourself or resist it and suffer.

    Whatever you do, God already knows. 

  10. Eating meat doesn't prevent this kind of work, but you will likely not enjoy eating meat the further you get into this work.

    You will realize that everything is you. Insects, animals, trees, grass, rocks etc etc etc

    Any classification to say killing anything is right/wrong is arbitrary. Just act on your true desires.

    As far as who can feel what, you are experiencing everything. You are only aware of a specific human experience, but that does not mean you are not experiencing it.

    The separation between living and non-living things. Does this exist or is this an illusory idea I am creating?


  11. You could call the spiritual path a conceptual tool to help grow in realizing these deep truths.

    But you're right, there is no right or wrong path. Its a big thing to accept for those who have had profound realizations. Im sure many who get into this work at first get frustrated because they see people suffering from a perspective they have broken out of. Accepting and loving what we don't like is a very big test.

    Gurus/monks always let those who seek their knowledge come to them instead of directly trying to spread it to others.