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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. This ultimately comes down to intent by language against interpretation of language. I think most people know the literary definition is noble and I'm not going to deny having called feminism trash, but in that vagueness I mean its current political state is awful. People hate on radicals of every movement. (The radical side of feminism got labeled as feminazis ans that became a more definitive term to represent the section they are talking about which can help avoid the interpretation of generalizing) The current attention of the radicalism I think is due to figures like Anita Sarkeesian which uprises journalism and sometimes the start of whole YouTube channels around the criticism of the arguments being made. The attention grew and grew until it hit its peak. From what I have seen, its died down a lot. I don't see nearly as much content on say Anita as I used to or feminism in general.
  2. I'm glad to see this. Especially MDMA. I know its been considered/used for PTSD patients. My first time trying MDMA I was able to see my own trauma and behaviors influenced by it, that half the experience I was crying in joy having understood a great source of what I was doing that ended in a loop of suffering.
  3. I'm technically in a monogamous relationship, but I do hate the relationship label because it almost feels like the label is an invisible string making us feels obligated to stay a part of it and can introduce forms of ownership and what not. Having a specific set of people in your life in which you primarily go to for a lot of what you'd call basic human social and sexual needs isn't inherently bad. Feeling rushed and pressured to find someone to fill that role can definitely be damaging. It is difficult at times to find someone who isn't firm in how they do relationships and can recognize toxic behavior when pointed out to them. (Ex. People who flaunt willing to do destructive things if they are cheated on) I'd advise a thinking exercise of thinking about what relationships are with all of the cultural and expectation nonsense in there. My 2nd paragraph is roughly what I consider it, you might find a different answer. Humans are very dynamic and can adjust to various roles for mutual benefit. Just takes knowing what you want, what they want and coming to some form of agreement.
  4. Why not both? My mother went a very dark path with her drug use putting my and others life on the line due to it. I don't hate her or resent her. But I do acknowledge having her in my interpersonal life could be very destructive. Its like separating from an SO. You may find you need to move on from them to continue growing, but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to resent or hate them. Forgive, wish them happiness, and do what is right for your own self growth. Edit: Just saw the P.s but still my suggestion is for both if that is what seems to be for your best
  5. Pretty sure the sourcing thing is due to legal issues which can put somebody in hot water especially the owner for allowing such sourcing as that can get you charged for being an accomplice of distributing drugs or probably something along those lines. (Also somebody potentially suggesting an unreliable vendor) A lot of people in communities shorthand the name of some drug markets to communicate like maybe a "brand" of certain LSD blotter. One community im in references a specific vendor as 'memeboi' Ultimately anything more to sharing drug info usually is done in more 1 on 1 private conversations as the person hosting is not liable for what users communicate in private. But publicly asking for sourcing privately can still land the host in hot water. Its one of those out of sight out of mind ideas. If you can't see or expect it you can't be liable for it. In relating to drugs on this forum my understanding is discussions about the substance itself rather than how to obtain it. Of course you can talk about where they come from like certain shroom species and one can take it on their own initiative to figure out how to find it but saying the species isn't direct sourcing. At the end of the day this kind of stuff should be done privately not only for the website host safety but yours as well. As far as researching goes id look for some drug communities and do some googling.
  6. Much appreciated information! I think for now I will shoot for N-N-DMT as I am sure it has plenty to offer for my intents and in the meantime I will find a fairly priced vendor of pure 5-MeO.
  7. I don't think it really has to do with being 'informed' per se but making clear distinction between the literary word and the current political climate. Radicalists essentially hijacked the feminist movement to tilt the seesaw for power. And a political movement is only as good as its people and takes no note for literary definitions. So you can say they aren't feminists but such linguistics doesn't change the political climate.
  8. Female perspective, but yeah I get your criticism. There is a type of equalism and that is called egalitarianism.
  9. I really don't like lumping people into overarching labels, but I think it just has to do with neuroplasticity. The SJW label was for those who had good causes, but always executed it in a poor and forceful fashion. But it has since been used as some cop out to discredit in recent time. Mostly comes from not liking opposition and/or assumptions about the ideas and intentions of a person. But as you get older neuroplasticity goes down and you become less receptive to new ideas. Of course you can do various things to retain your receptiveness. Plenty of older people are very receptive to new ideas. I also think it has to be that millennials in a general sense has bought less and less into very rigid cultural norms like conservative christian life. Linkin Park - Numb reminds me a lot of that. I'm pretty sure the year start for Gen Z is 1993/1995 to 2014 or something like that. Millennials are starting to fully integrate into the workplace and political space while Gen Z are just beginning/exiting college and I do wonder how this plays out. We are one of the first groups to grow up with computer technology being very prominent in our lives so we from the get go have access to way more information growing up. But yes I do think in general millennials are going to be a part of a huge transition. As a gen Z myself I know I am going to see a lot of big names pass away in my time and with them gone it'll be interesting how all these big name innovation companies change how we live especially as millennials rise into power. I think there is definitely some sorting out to do still in finding a balance in how to improve the world. (Forcing people to speak in a certain way is definitely counter intuitive)
  10. The value of food is not objective. That is very surface level. For value you have to set some sort of goals which can be very relative to arbitrary. The value of food being higher is a matter of valuing biological needs and survival as higher. Valuing the remedy of the sensations that come with the lack of those things as higher.
  11. In this case, wouldn't evil just get redefined? And raising someone up to be green doesn't inherently mean they will be or stay green unless they wish to be.
  12. I thought roughly the same as Emerald. OP, ultimately it seems like what you are after is not internalizing the expectations placed on you by others. And this might be why MGTOW resonated with you. Any over arching qualities attributed to the labels 'men' and 'women' come from an extremely limited pool of either or out of billions. Plenty of sets of ideas have good ones, but do be wary to not take ALL of it on the basis of a few good ideas.
  13. Some of the comments throws my mind into somersaults haha
  14. Its probably because your mind still attaches the opposite of real to nonexistence. What is real anyway? Is it experience of reality? In that case saying everything isn't real is false. Your perception of it might be! Truth polarity. There is absolute truth in which you can say all is an illusion, and relative truth in which you can say this is very real to you and you shouldn't act as if it isn't. Keep your mind on the stars and your eyes to your feet. From a materialist standpoint everybody is fine with seeing themselves and their loved ones as nothing but a product of matter and chemical reactions, then eventually it was nothing but energy. This essentially breaks down the idea that people aren't actually people, does this make you sad too?
  15. Is that truly who you are or are you still acting based on how you were raised? A lot of kids become introverts due to their environment more than their inherent nature. Having a companion in life is nice and all, but you should be wary in living in such a way to where it becomes a necessity for you. Not having a companion shouldn't be a problem per se to an extent where you should change behavior. You know if it happens it happens, if not it doesn't. I find having the intent of befriending is a lot more helpful than seeing any girl as an intent of a potential mate because then you get caught up in beating yourself up. I met my girlfriend by engaging in a meme war. I talked to her and helped her out through any difficulties in life like I would any other person and soon enough she asked me out. (1 year into it now) On another note being quiet and introverted doesn't inherently imply you won't find a companion. I had a lot of social anxiety during high school and was VERY quiet and reserved to those I didn't know. Girls occasionally would become interested in me and try to actively engage in conversation with me. Even when I went to parties I was the same in being a listener until I got some alcohol. If alcohol loosens you up into being social then you do have a social side. When you're in those situations, be aware of how you act or think. When somebody says something, do you have any wonder or some way to relate that you think of. Do you hesitate a lot? Do you become self analytical with every action? Alcohol is big in taking away the side that causes self doubt so that you can act more on pure thought and desire I think. If you can become aware of why you act the way you do then you can possibly get to the root of it and change it up. I'm no guru or dating expert by any means and all of this comes from personal experience and what ive seen in those around me.
  16. It only seems that way because you are not at Turquoise. The amount of reprogramming that is done between Turquoise and Orange is dramatic. Someone who is a color below you probably has a very different whole perspective of the world and way of life than you do and to those above, those below seem very misguided and full of shortcomings. Gotta go to Turquoise to truly understand Turquoise perspective.
  17. All in moderation. Video game development is a career I have taken on out of passion (I feel we all have the drive to play God to access the universal intelligence) so it kind of goes hand in hand for me. A lot of modern games are irresponsibly addicting and loaded behind microtransactions, but I find many games that try to convey something to be extremely beneficial for the mind. Story based games is an interactive book. Puzzle games can be stimulating. RPGs are about exploring and satisfying that sense of wonder and 'newness' competitive games satisfy a desire to improve and get better. Video games can be an outlet for MANY innate desires to be expressed, but it becomes a problem when that becomes the only source of satisfying such desires.
  18. You can sum it down to being horny, but the term 'sexual energy' is better in the context of talking about how you feel and using your mind to utilize those feelings. I would call 'horny' as underplaying the importance of this energy.
  19. An idea and/or concept is only as good as those who practice it. Science can definitely be as ideological and dogmatic as religion.
  20. Saying love is just a chemical reaction seems to be a very materialist paradigm statement. The chemical reaction is just a tool for this manifestation of consciousness. Its an abstraction up for what things really are which is mind. And guess who that mind is? You. This whole mental creation is you. You created it. One of the core problems of morality is we often take on morality as if it can't be questioned. I'm still going through his rant on morality but as he stated in that morality doesn't derive from your social programming which is unconscious behavior. It derives from being conscious and acting through that. You must question morality and all values. Get to the root of your justification for every behavior.
  21. I think the whole point in saying brains do not exist is to say that all we observe are things interacting with each other. Reality interacting with itself. These techniques and what not are tools for certain interactions that ultimately satisfy you. Which in itself is an interaction.
  22. I know Portugal in particular decriminalized possession of drugs for personal use in small amounts. A lot of times Shamans provide drugs for such spiritual journeys in countries where it is illegal.
  23. This was a very useful video. Essentially the problem is I haven't done enough contemplation. The self doubt I am having is normal per se. To turn my skepticism inward and trying to sort out what I can and can't trust, but that is something where I haven't reached the light at the end of the tunnel yet.
  24. I grew up Christian then quickly transitioned into atheism and became a pretty hard skeptic slowly transitioning to that we can't know anything. I did find nonduality in the past year or so and I just had this deep "knowing" that this is the truth despite my critical approach to everything before. I had all these experiences that showed it to me. Yet I always have these questions of "How do I know I can trust this feeling, these writings and teachings?" Nonduality makes logical sense but that isn't inherently evident that it is the answer yet I feel this feeling of just wanting to accept it. If I accept it as truth then I come off as indoctrinated and ideological. Especially when trying to explain it to people. One person would say "The kyballion is about as correct as elmo being God" How do I know and trust a mind that constantly morphs data and hallucinates what I see? My mind could easily trick me into thinking I "know" the truth.
  25. Hope you enjoy SF! I got to explore it briefly for a few days for a game dev event with some friends. Was a lot of fun. (Unfortunately I live on the east coast)