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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. This is exactly my point. I'm trying to get some idea across to you and the perspective you are seeing it in is making it increasingly difficult to do so. If you can't match the perspective of the person talking then you will likely end up in a downspiral of confusion. Its like looking at the nondual paradigm from the materialist paradigm. Looking at a 1 sided window from the blind side. There is no right or wrong. No should or should not from the nondual perspective. But when I say you aren't looking at it from the right perspective I am trying to convey that to understand what they are trying to get across you may need a perspective shift.
  2. "How can i trust Leo" You don't. Thats why you have to do the work for yourself. To validate. "when he always contradicts himself?" They likely happen at surface level interpretations. Remember what he says is getting filtered through your lens.
  3. Your questions seems to be due to not looking at it from the right perspective. We're using language and so often times we use words to try and get a point across that may not make much sense from a nondual perspective.
  4. Will it? Maybe. Likely? Not without the contemplation component.
  5. Life is not static from what I see.
  6. I don't see this at all. Having such a reply doesn't inherently imply a lack of wondering just because it might not be directly expressed in the post. This seems to be an assumption of intent.
  7. How many times are you going to make a new thread about these problems? This is like the 5th time now. In which none of them truly expands on the problem more. You've been given a lot of advice but you hardly engage. Are you here to vent or get advice? If its advice, you need to apply it. Leo has many videos on improving self-pessimism.
  8. Infinity wouldn't be infinity if it excluded something. All is possible is not making a definite claim of something being present in our experience of reality though.
  9. Why would you assume you (the ego) can do whatever you want?
  10. The only thing separating you from infinity is perception. Can infinity be infinity without immortality present?
  11. DUDE This has happened to me several times. It really trips me out.
  12. Yes, from what I understand marriage is an expression of their love. But it seems to be a very culture-based practice. You can express love in a indefinite amount of ways. I often shrug aside culture to try and find my most authentic expression of such affection.
  13. You don't give people much to work on. You make these threads, give very vague and undetailed replies to them, then make a new thread to a very similar degree of the previous thread. If you are trying to seek advice and help you gotta engage in the discussion.
  14. Rationality is based on pattern based thinking with rules. Thats what "reason" seems to be at its core. And so rationality is conforming to reason or such rulesets. So as SoonHei put it, its entirely relative. The conclusions people come to here are actually using rationality to contemplate things. To say if the separating of things is something you artificially create the result must be that there is no actual separation. All is one. This is using rational thinking to come to such conclusions. A better application is to contemplate what rationality is and even reason down to its core.
  15. Existence/nonexistence is also a illusory duality. I want to go to vipassana or whatever but my nearest one is a couple of states away. I'm probably go in my early 20s as im just turning 20.
  16. Its a distinction between consciousness and its contents which such a distinction doesn't actually exist.
  17. You claim people abandoned reality yet you are comparing that to your own perception of reality. The thing about infinity is that all perspectives represent some facet of truth.
  18. unconscious behavior I would describe as behavior in which your mind just sort of "shuts off" so to speak or your awareness is extremely limited. Egotistical tendencies for example tend to be unconscious because they still separate themselves from everything else. Its like tunnel vision. But there are many facets to being "conscious" so you can be conscious in one thing but unconscious in another. Of course to call someone unconscious is a highly relative term. Unconscious people can be highly conscious compared to unconscious people of some higher degree.
  19. That looks really cool. Newcomers might prefer a linear guide though. Its not the preferred route as everybody has their own problems to work on and such needs to be adjusted but a lot of people operate in a linear fashion and can get overwhelmed by indecisiveness.
  20. You're already living the life of someone who is immortal. Its just currently not the experience you're currently aware of.
  21. So whats the problem? Thats what that one person thinks. They likely have something against you. Some agenda which is why they are saying those things. One person says you're ugly. Another says you're beautiful. Who do you believe? You could say it relies on perspective. If perspective varies that widely why try and appeal to humanity as a whole?
  22. I think the problem here is people get these terms mixed up. When people say I am conscious they usually equate it to self awareness or along those lines. When you say all is consciousness you are essentially referencing the most fundamental form of everything. Yes the brain probably creates your ability to think and be self aware and so on. But that brain is made out of consciousness you see. So its behavior and functionality is a direct extension of consciousness!
  23. Yep. +1 A lot of people who criticize this stuff hasn't actually put deep thought and effort into pursuing this stuff. So they see the very surface level. Its like a kneejerk interpretation without truly trying to figure out what the person means. Viewing nonduality through a materialistic lens is like trying to see the other side of a 1 sided window from the blind side. Prior to nonduality I was a very skeptical atheist. I pursued nonduality solely because I wanted to understand this perspective being shared and just under a year of following this path I have found great progress. Thats not dangerous in of itself. Psychedelic drugs can genuinely give you a lot of insight. For instance it was psychedelics that showed me I blindly followed my culture. Such as what was and wasn't proper attire for certain situations. Thats not based in fact thats a subjective opinion based in culture. A lot of our morality also derives from that. This is something you can rationalize even from a hard materialist perspective. It strips a lot of social programming and you can dig very deep into yourself. Its been stated many times to 1. Do your research before doing a drug. 2. Psychedelics can definitely give you delusional thoughts. This is why the integration period in sobriety is important. 3. Psychedelics aren't guaranteed to enlighten you. They simply just have a high capacity to do so. You can give advice after advice on how to do a drug safely but there will always be people who don't heed warnings. Which at that point I'm not going to blame Leo for it. Psychedelics for this kind of work has been used for centuries. Probably longer. If you shrug off psychedelics because its a drug then you are simply putting too much value into sobriety over altered states of consciousness. Neither is more accurate than the other
  24. To some degree yes. As far as aliens in a development stage equal or higher than us, that is unknown.
  25. This is what I do. You're technically 'contracted' for the work but its entire online. I work when I want as long as I want (Up to 20hrs/week)