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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Not really. My knowledge is all around comp sci so as long as computers/programming is around its not a problem. I do freelance work for anything programming related. Obviously there was bound to be a point for me to want to explore how games work. I don't like greedy companies either. And that depends what your self discipline is geared towards. Feel free to assume that about me. Video games can fall off the face of the Earth and I wouldn't have a single worry about my career. I'm not so naive to focus on only one part of programming. Creating games is fun for me because it helps me work with my imagination. Everything I have made has either been 100% free or for teaching use. Aight this kind of strawmanning is where I am out of here. I said for addiction to form, not after it forms. Good discussion,
  2. I don't know Leo's understanding but I have only gotten one nudge towards this idea through the aid of psychedelics. In which everything was spinning and I was seeing buddha-like imagery in my eyes and my body echoed that existence itself was the purpose of it all. Take that for what you will. Not much of an arguing point.
  3. Its one thing to understand something, its another to have it shifted into your direct awareness. I understand all is one, but it takes a bit more effort to just be ever present aware of that in everything you do.
  4. Probably because you got addicted to them. Remember these are all potential pros and cons. Doesn't guarantee either will happen to you. You can also derive thousands of hours of bonding time with others. This ends up a priority/goal issue. If you grinded away on League all by yourself then you surely missed a huge part of the gaming experience. I think thats a generalization on your part to back your point. Over 50% of gamers in the entire world are addicted? Lets see a study on that.
  5. Self-discipline, nuff said. Just because something is designed to be addictive doesn't mean it will be. For something to become addictive you must indulge in it enough to develop. I used to study a lot about addictive game design because I program games myself. I enjoy creating more than I do playing. Very loaded words with a lot of hidden meaning you'd have to break down. Won't bother here. If enlightenment is the path you pursue. You're concerned about efficiency, and thats fine. Thats a goal related point. Moderation is also a very goal oriented word. I'd call it usage of something in which it doesn't conflict with your goals and/or priorities.
  6. I could easily call that a tactic to make yourself seem correct. I don't care who sees me as wrong or right. I'm simply just sharing what I think. If you want to make this some wrong/right superiority complex game then ill hop out because im not about that. My point was that you can't generalize that kind of stuff across the board. Addiction is a possibility to literally any (if not then most) activity. Vital to what? Again you have to make your goal clear here. Comparing it to breathing makes it seem like you are saying it is vital to just keeping the body functioning for even a short period of time. Its not. You seem to be doing a lot of projecting on your preference of how to live life. We are talking about HIGH consciousness being vital.
  7. Wouldn't call that as necessary as breathing. Without air the body will cease to function very quickly. You can be low conscious and live to your 60s+ High consciousness will definitely enhance the experience and length of it but that isn't a much of a necessity as air. I'm not looking for anything. I simply just understand the relativity of it all. Something being better all depends on the goal you have set. If there is no goal to make progress towards better/worse don't mean anything. You obviously have your own goals on how to live life, but be wary to not try and apply that as the goals of everyone else.
  8. Not sure I get this. How am I making myself come to agreement? Everything ive said is beyond how I live, I just iterated on relativity. I guess if you are trying to live as long as possible.
  9. I have never stated how I live life at all. Video games have a very minimal presence in my life. I am trying to say that you can't live life incorrectly because there is no correct/incorrect way of living to begin with. At the end of the day you live how you want to. Its far too easy of a trap to be highly conscious then sit on a high horse looking lowly on the lower consciousness people as if they are living life incorrectly. From an absolute perspective yes its purpose is to just exist. But from this relative perspective purpose and meaning must be projected and so there is no correct way to go about it. The only correct way is the way you do go about it. Reality is never as it shouldn't be.
  10. I would define cheating as breaking a mutual agreement that establishes the formation of a relationship. If you want to change the agreement, then a mutual agreement to change it must be made.
  11. @alankrillin There is so much here that its a pain to reply to it all. You can do those in moderation. But we are talking about video games and not drugs. I did say moderation in everything but I meant that as in everything you do. Not that literally anything in moderation will work out just fine for you. Often times the moderation amount is so low its impractical. Too much of anything can result in a negative impact. One example. One. That does not mean that is the case for everyone. To us that basically makes it meaningless and you just do whatever you want basically. I'm not clueless, you are just interpreting what I am saying from an entirely different perspective. If thats the path you chose then good for you. There's no correct or incorrect path to live. There is no should or should not. Depends on the game which my language usage did signal. I said many, not all. I also said they are better in a way. In a way. So yeah of course it depends what perspective you take on it. I did not say this at all. I was referring to benefits that aid in fine motor control and learning which are far more than dopamine receptors. Not relevant here.
  12. @Emerald I always enjoy reading your thoughts. Thank you for your perspectives.
  13. Never saw the Japanese version but the Ring 1 & 2 were great. I also recommend Grave Encounters 1 & 2 if you like seeing actual demonic creatures and what not. Babadook, Oculus and Satanic are all good psychological horror movies as well.
  14. I've experienced these kind of states before and its really interesting. Meditation aside ill watch Leo late in the night then sleep creeps in but whats interesting is you can enter this half awake half asleep state. I've actually been able to dream in this state while being able to wake back up if I chose to.
  15. For me whenever I had a problem with perceptions, I simply acknowledge when I am doing it, then stop doing it. I quieten down my mind. I can't project anything if I am not thinking about it. After that the repetition gets programmed in and you find it effortless.
  16. "There is absolute truth and relative truth, beware of half truths" - The Kyballion
  17. Yes, bingo. I was referring to the moderation point. The purpose of life is whatever you make it. Purpose is a projection onto things, not an inherent quality of anything. Don't confuse spirituality as some correct path to living life. There is no correct or incorrect path. Just the path you desire to follow. Games were highly stigmatized just a decade or 2 ago. I'd argue they are better than TV in a way because many are very brain stimulating. Playing them can often require way more effort than just sitting on a couch and watching. Especially VR games which can help in the fitness department. As I said there is no inherent purpose. For purpose to exist you must project it. So what makes your purpose more true than caterpillar's purpose? Absolutely nothing.
  18. Correct, it is. The bigger point I think thats being made here is if humans have some past that gravitate towards polyamory. This would hint as some genetic gravitation towards this method of forming bonds.
  19. Helped me see past the labels of good and evil. As well as solve my internal dilemma with moral relativism in the process. Its helped me connect with my root desires where my sense of morality derived from and surrender reality. The amount of happiness I feel because of that I used to only feel on some kind of drug.
  20. At the end of the day we all do things because we desire to do them. You could call a purpose or goal your desire to get somewhere. There is no reason to do anything, but there is no reason to not do anything.
  21. Interesting way to see it. Given the use of psychedelics in many cultures it seems that nonduality is everywhere just being expressed in different ways, but viewing a nondual perspective from a dual perspective is like looking at one sided glass from the blind side. And so modern society can tend to screw up many interpretations. Given that hermetic philosophy was also around in Greece it would make sense for the Greek Gods to be personification for your usual people to relate to.
  22. Nailed it. You are displaying conditional love. We are talking about true unconditional love here. The fact the universe accepts itself regardless of all the suffering in it just shows its true display of loving unconditionally. No matter what happens the love is ever present. You can become aware of this infinite universal love or be blind to it.
  23. Why do you keep saying this? You're the one coming here for advice. Try engaging in the discussion a little more instead of giving one liner replies then starting new threads over the same issues. We can only give you pointers on how we solved a lot of our issues. Its up to you to see if those work and/or figure out the solution for yourself. You don't have to blindly believe anything that is said here. Go out there and verify it for yourself.
  24. Anything goes there especially /b/ board. Ever heard of rekt threads? Threads all about seeing people get killed in the most brutal way possible.