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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Enlightenment is just a radical recontextualization of everything around you. Self inquiry, meditation, yoga etc All good tools to make these realizations click.
  2. Who said these beliefs are held by OP? OP is trying to ask a specific question from a specific perspective and you definitely are not on the same page.
  3. Build a spaceship. I told you what you need to do. Do you know how to do it?
  4. Yet the act of blaming is something you don't choose either. Those are thoughts in of themselves.
  5. You did it therefore it was the right decision. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' only what you do and don't do. Losing friends won't kill you. You will/can learn and move on. The regret comes from your attachment to them. Embrace the cold and aloneness don't try to prevent it.
  6. You just described focus Try a different explanation.
  7. I'd like to do that solely but my current life won't make it easy if I don't have the financials to make the time for it. When it comes to clean food I have 0 idea of what to do. I've been told what nutrients to go for what to avoid but I don't really have any idea of what actual foods follow such rules. I grew up in a fucked up poor household. I have no experience with having a "proper" life that works with what my body wants.
  8. Depends how you look at it. God did create what the author considers evil.
  9. I think you are thinking of equality/inequality a bit differently.
  10. I do and it repeats itself constantly to the point I can't do anything productive. Literally. It only occurs when I actually try to do something productive. And its consistent. Doesn't seem to be about standing but about where my attention is directed. The standing up and walking away is attention diversion. No. At least not recently. Thats a sacrifice I can't work around right now. Same thing for the eye stuff.
  11. This is mainly to share an experience and see if anybody else can relate. So I wouldn't say my current progress of actualization is as optimal as it can be but I do do a lot of contemplation if anything and it has been a major help to improving my life. But as of late I've noticed a major difference in how I dream. The first weird occurrence was i'd listen to Leo's videos before bed and fall asleep. I'd enter this half awake half asleep state where i can hear Leo but im not consciously processing anything. But at the same time I was experiencing dreams. I'd eventually snap back fully awake after 30 mins to an hour though. I haven't done that in a little bit, but the next occurrence was I had 2 lucid dreams in the same night. I just suddenly was able to realize this is different from my usual reality and I even gained a limited form of control. In the past few days I have discovered my dreaming becoming more vivid and real feeling. The realness feeling is what actually gets me questioning on if it is reality or not and if I can discover any out of the ordinary things I can realize its a dream. My last dream I didn't pick up any signs so I was afraid to start trying to mess around with the experience but thinking back there were some pretty clear signs. It seems no coincidence that I am experiencing this as I have been trying to raise my awareness. Lucid dreaming has been by far and extraordinary experience.
  12. Not at all. I've only become interested in it when I experienced it for the first time. I will bookmark that book suggestion for when I can read it.
  13. Prepare to be horrified but all are sorely lacking. Most of my development is through contemplation. But I know I am starting to peak out how far that can take me. Sleep schedule is whenever I wake up and feel tired. Diet is whatever. Sandwiches, fast food etc I used to get good exercise through some gymnastic related stuff but have since slacked. Meditation is far and few between. I don't have a particularly great financial situation which makes fixing some things a bigger challenge. No car doesn't help either. Perspective changes has fixed a lot of my problems so maybe I am a bit too reliant on that method.
  14. You can tell and even demonstrate to a child to not touch a hot stove but they'll do it anyway and only learn when they experience it. Once you tell them what you experienced, tell them how they can experience it. The burden of proof part of an argument seems to be of a solely debate for the sake of debate nature and doesn't seem to display any true interest in what has no proof. If you were interested in validating/invalidating the existence of ghosts surely you'd go out and try to experience it yourself than debate online trying to get other people to prove their experiences to you. Truth is found. You can tell them where to find it all you want, but they gotta desire to do it.
  15. Love. Something I definitely need to get more in tune with.
  16. Thanks for the replies!@PsiloPutty I haven't tried that and will definitely try to next time. Lucid dreaming is some mind fuckery exciting shit Intriguing. I am definitely feeling like I am getting to a point where I can start working on where I am being compelled to go. Plenty of work to go but its exciting!
  17. Not to derail but to be real with you guys it was just intellectual understanding and the commentator thing, the separation of "I" and the body and thoughts just deeply sunk into my awareness as I typed that. Funny how that happens.
  18. I'm just a commentator of what this biological being is doing and wants. There is desire there to find truth. To follow the desires is about all I can do.
  19. Personally I stopped changing my intent to change people's minds. As someone who used to be a very rigid materialist atheist, it takes a certain level of personal development to be receptive to this stuff. That initial barrier becomes one of the hardest walls to help people cross over. I reply to them not to change their minds but to provide information. Especially in online discussions this goal becomes far less heated to non existent tension and even when they still deny you and call you a lunatic you know you did your job. You introduced a core idea or concept that points to your discoveries and gave them knowledge. And at that point its up to them to figure the rest out for themselves. Plant the seed, and let them water the plant if they wish. Not getting into this kind of work isn't a bad or wrong thing. Direct experience is by far one of the best teachers for this kind of stuff.
  20. One of the reasons that clicked with me is relating to Leo's "10 things you want you don't know you want" video in which one of them he stated you want the world to feel new and magical again like when you are a child. As you grow older your state of consciousness can start feeling dull and boring and drugs being able to spice things up, providing something different, can be a huge attraction for people to try them. And you can also see how this can become escapeism to avoid a lot of things regarding the usual state. From avoiding emotions, just wanting to feel different, etc and thats where you can build the unhealthy relationships. But it does look like such changes when done with careful consideration, can be great tools to improve your usual state of consciousness rather than trying to get rid of it altogether.
  21. You can definitely discover a greater image of the puzzle than what you traditionally thought was possible.
  22. This helped me a lot. I have my own desires of how I want the world to be and I can surely advocate for them and reality's present state may or may not align with what I want. At the end of the day my desires can give me something to strive for, to participate in the story but the outcome was inevitable and so I must always accept the result. Its my only choice. Good bad right wrong bleh its all just what you do and don't like/desire/want and that is relative so I can't really hold anybody to my standards as some authority.
  23. Exactly. This is where the mind fuckery begins for me. What is real? Like if real is all I experience and all I experience is illusion then real = illusion. Illusion is as real as real gets.
  24. I had not seriously looked into the word transrational. Makes a whole lot of sense. From what I am grabbing there are some people who make a very fine distinction between us as supposed humans and the divine. and thus thinking it is devine is deception of satan. Which I mean you can assert just about anything is satan deceiving at that point.