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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. The only answer is because you desire to. That's it. You can come up with whatever justifications you want but it dissolves into desire. You can pursue enlightenment for whatever purpose but as you go forward that purpose evolves and changes for something bigger. So to me it doesn't matter what your initial reasoning is because it will undoubtedly not be the same by the end of it. In this kind of work there's plenty of warnings of what's to come. But they do fall on deaf ears because you don't truly know the implications until you experience it.
  2. Grudges and revenge is just ego fulfillment. Realize your brother is you. Realize your brother doesn't know any better. He's living life going off experience just like you are from your relative perspective. You are causing your own suffering by holding grudges which does nothing for you.
  3. Have you seen Leo's video on perception? Should clear a lot of this up. But at the end of the day all this conceptual stuff only takes you so far. Do you talk from concept or direct experience?
  4. Correct. Liquid water molecules aren't as tightly packed together as solid water molecules. That basically sums it up.
  5. Take a video and all the frames in it. Spread them all out. All of those are happening simultaneously. That's what's actually happening. Nonduality is just realizing separation is perception. They only contain flaws and contradictions because you are too caught in concept and imagination in it all. Words are just pointers and in this work language breaks down so you must truly seek out what they are trying to say through direct experience. Look at your hand. That's not a hand. Hand is just a part of the model you built for reality. Concept and imagination. What you are seeing is actual with no concept applied. Everything is you and you are infinite. Everything and nothing. From the absolute you experience everything at once.
  6. I always thought Katharine Hayhoe with the Global Weirding channel did a phenomenal job explaining climate change.
  7. I was having a conversation about a specific game series and how it would be cool if they had a game that included all of the experiences. Due to the small size of the company I agreed it would take a while and said I could dream. They then told me to dream realistically. It got me thinking. What is being realistic? Is it just a self limiting belief? The most likely occurrence? Reality isn't guaranteed to always be consistent or predictable. And thinking from the absolute I see that literally everything is possible and is occurring. Yet I think from the relative and think I can't make a big video game in a day but yet I am provided a counter thought that that isn't a guaranteed impossibility. Where do you draw a line in dreaming about what could happen (literally anything) and being 'realistic'
  8. It's all you. All one. So from the absolute you are experiencing everything. Every moment is just perpetually happening at all times. Experiencing everything comes from expanding beyond the current awareness. Remember that the real you bypasses anything that you might think doesn't work. Because all that exists is it.
  9. People often seem to use thinking realistically as plausible/implausible scenarios than actually trying to put it into practice. As if anything that doesn't fit within their realm of plausible is deemed unrealistic.
  10. Use spiral dynamics to understand and improve. You can do what you want but criticizing everything you see probably won't do you good. If you want to engage in such discussions then try focusing the goal of the discussion for you. I find a much more healthy approach is focus on spreading information instead of changing minds. Give them your knowledge then just accept their acceptance or denial of it. They now know your perspective and if they do grow as a person it will be a vital growing tool. Encourage them to question what you say because it means they are thinking about it. This is essentially how I nudge people in the right direction. They tend to be more receptive when I am not directly attacking their views they clutch to. Plant the seed and let them cultivate it.
  11. I meant you aren't interested in the post because of its length given you said nobody would read it. I'd call it blatant shit posting.
  12. If you aren't interested in the length of the post then why are you even posting on it? Leave it be and let people who actually want to read it and contribute post.
  13. Sure, if you want it to be. When you look past the ego and see the meaninglessness in everything you might feel more inclined to take it less seriously and just have fun. Kind of like solving a puzzle. Its just a way to kill time.
  14. In what context is spiritual being used here? At least to me spiritual is everything actual so everything is spiritual whether thats psychology, genetics, or biology. What such concepts point to anyway.
  15. Can't stress this enough. 14-18 is a major point in your own growth and everything feels like the world is ending at the time. You'll then mature then realize how absurd you were. Its a very emotionally driven point in your life, feeling more than thinking. This improves as you age. Remember that to the present moment you live in, the past and future do not exist. You only hate the present because you are resisting it. Accept it in its entirety.
  16. Rhythm games have done a lot of good to train how well I can work with my body. It really proved to me how well you can get good at something if you just do it over and over. Anything with a good story that can make me cry is an A+ in my book. Beautiful storytelling motivates me to want to do great things in my life.
  17. The body does use the lighting around you for your own clock. So if your area isn't completely shut off from the outside lighting I'd say waking up early so most of your time is spent in daylight would yield more awake and alertness. I prefer the quietness of night but I do notice waking up early improving my experience being awake.
  18. Your life is starting to gravitate away from the average person so you will definitely get a lot of backlash about that, but remember to center back in with yourself. With your own self acceptance. They can have their thoughts on you. But the map is not the territory. They are stuck in their own perspective while you have expanded yours. I would of laughed at this kind of stuff even just a year or 2 ago. Understand their outlook. Think of a kid calling you stupid over eating healthy. They don't know any better and you understand that. Or maybe they are reacting to some kind of problem in themselves that you display (lack of fulfillment, healthiness etc) could be a lot of things. First come to terms with their opposing view and accept that and also accept your own path which continues based on your desires and not anyone elses. Don't let that ego grab hold and get upset by other thoughts. If you want to try and reason with them then tell your mom you are happy and that you need to follow your path. You have to be the one that learns. She surely doesn't want to be taking away that happiness does she? Understand, love, and accept those who do not agree or don't understand. If they are meant to grow to the lengths you have they will.
  19. Follow which one you resonate with best! Personally I really like the poly no label kind of form of dating. But that does get complicated when you connect to their social network. In my perspective I had realized that my capability to love people isn't restricted to a singular person and what I do with one person doesn't make what I do with another any less meaningful. Of course there is still jealousy and desire towards exclusivity out of a feeling of specialness that occurs but you work it out. Its a very free flow rule-less style kind of like how having friends is. But while that works best with my desires it may not for you. If you are curious about the more poly style of dating, give it a try! Experimentation is how you'll find whats best for you
  20. I think OP is referring to material success beyond the essentials. Ya got it. Material success just becomes a goal, its a game you play. Play it! Have fun!
  21. ^ This link I find to be a very good breakdown on how to define respect because those in society definitely do not adhere to any specific definitions and its largely relative to them. The tl;dr is that there are mainly two big forms of it. The acknowledgment of what is being said or the obedience to align with their view. And likewise disrespect is the shrugging off or disobedience to their view, but it all comes to a single thing - following or not following their expectation of how you should behave. A projection of what they want onto you. Very interesting to think about. Shunned for breaking their mold of you. And yet you find that adhering to everyone's form of respect isn't practical yet you are shunned for disrespecting someone. I've seen the word respect thrown around in a very manipulative way due to society's high regard for the word. I think a lot of questioning about the meaning and value of this word would be beneficial because it definitely can be vague at times.
  22. While Reddit does have that problem its a tradeoff because the upvote system helps you find content which its helped me find content I wanted to look at many times. Its a very situational thing. Less of a problem on posts that are around for good fun and not any serious discussion.
  23. Having a grand realization about reality doesn't necessarily mean you are personally developed. Depends what you mean by woke. Looks more like he is just trying to process that he feels like he lived a lie for so long.