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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Does good on the topic of knowing.
  2. Definitely great animations. I've watched these on psychedelics many times and it never gets old.
  3. Watch it before you trip or on the come up then contemplate it while tripping.
  4. All those binaural beats, meditation, and chakra awakening music won't inherently do anything for you but it may be a pleasant sound that helps you focus and relax. I imagine it works similarly to mantras. Mantras aren't about the words themselves but the vibrations they create in your body. I would imagine the different frequencies are as close as possible to match the vibrations of certain mantras. Use it with meditation. I meditate with whatever meditation music I can find on YT as im going to sleep and its made for overall higher quality sleep and better more vivid dreaming for me. Helps me get 'deeper' in the meditation. They're just a focus aid, they won't actually get rid of anxieties, fears, or bad energy. Thats what the meditation is suppose to help you with when listening to those.
  5. I made a post about Spinoza: Usually ends up with the same general ideas being taught in their own way.
  6. The further you develop yourself the more you can start digging up the root of your desires and really follow how you want to live. As you raise your consciousness and have many realizations what you do to follow your desires will change as there has been radical recontextualizations. So ultimately they don't do those 'evil' things because they don't desire to. That is really all there is to it. Even your sense of 'good' and 'bad' ultimately form out of desire. Its sort of a mask for it. Equates to 'I approve' or 'I disapprove' (non-cognitivism) Imagine a painting. You can pinpoint all distinctive colors, images, and shapes, yet it is still one painting. Separation through distinction all comes in the way you perceive it. But that separation is illusory. Its only half the story.
  7. The answer to this varies in what you mean by that. Our experience from the ego perspective is always interpreting what is going on, and that can easily be changed as drugs have shown. Its like showing a thousand people the same symbol but you get hundreds of different answers on its meaning. Not only do people conceptualize their understanding of the world different due to different experiences, the body may also process the senses in different ways.
  8. If this was truly a good thing, we wouldn't even need a ban on plastics, people would just be not using plastic. But we probably still have many decades before people truly care.
  9. On the topic of drugs: It is a common assumption for people that the default state of the mind is the most correct state, but is that really true? The brain at default is no different than drugs. Its all chemicals that is being used to interpret information. By this all interpretations are equally valid if you don't ride on an appeal to popularity game. All drugs give you some bigger picture of reality itself. Some people get too caught up in one aspect and forget the previous. But if you build a bigger more holistic view, you can rise up above both. Remember that science is a model of the the reality we experience. Science measures patterns but there is no guarantee reality is following the patterns we measure or that it will continue to be consistent. So using science as the holy grail of describing reality will fall short and lock you into ideology. No model can fully encompass something infinite in its fundamental form. When you talk of the universe you are creating a separation here - how much of the universe there is we do not know. Consciousness expresses itself in every way possible which results in infinity. This is simply one story inside the infinite story. But hearing this from me and believing it is all bullshit. The whole point of meditation and self inquiry in this work is for you to directly experience it. To rise above the ideological confines of being 'human' and to realize you are everything. Psychedelics help people realize this faster which would take much longer without it. LSD showed me separation is an illusory concept. Salvia showed me how illusory perception is. DXM gave me a higher understanding of nothingness. These are all experiences that go alongside the sober experience. You are always tripping. Thats the whole point of a hallucination. Everything I am saying though is just words, concepts, and imagination that do not compare to the indescribable experiences. Believing in just words and concepts is how you get modern religion. So use your skepticism to delve deeper to question deeper. We can only offer intellectual understandings to point you where to look, but you must still look beyond the concepts.
  10. Crazy is just another box people put you in when your stance is radically different than theirs these days. Focus on your negative perception of being crazy as perceived by others.
  11. I did 500ug LSD with 200mg MDMA I got so caught up in the mindfuck of reality I got myself into a thought loop. Although the visuals were beyond amazing. Pure orgasmic shit. For a bit I felt infinite. Its a really fun combo more manageable in lower doses I imagine. But you should definitely be mindful. MDMA makes me follow thoughts with less filter and LSD influencing those thoughts more can cause issues if you can't stop yourself.
  12. All you've done here is express anger and deny what you don't like. If you never directly experienced what you were told LOA is then you turned it into dogma. This is why you've gotta do the work. Sounds like your ego is lashing out because it feels hurt.
  13. Sounds like this is all coming from an experience you had that you haven't fully accepted yet. 'mental gymnastics' 'common sense' this is all you just projecting your resistance to accepting the things you don't like. What the word 'love' points to when people talk about spirituality and love as spoken by your average person are very different ideas. In spirituality love and consciousness are one in the same. Love as seen by the ego (what you are describing) is something else. To embody what you are in the illusion entails unconditional love - loving what prevents and causes suffering. But see the ego rejects suffering when it is a critical part of this reality. Love is not something easy. People love to cherry pick one side to indulge the ego. If you want Truth then you simply can't do this.
  14. No. Virtual reality has a lot of problems to solve. 3D graphics still looks synthetic on top of that. A company did make a huge glove that can translate to simulating touch on your hands and resistance to the fingers. But its design is currently impractical. We'd be hitting Sword Art Online levels of VR for what you are describing. Directly manipulating brain waves to hallucinate.
  15. Sell for more than you buy. Thats all it comes down to. Knowing what to buy and when to sell is an analyst game that you ultimately gotta figure out. Follow news, market trends, potential etc
  16. @purerogue Are you even trying to look past the words themselves?
  17. "safest way" Other countries treat drugs more openly than the US. Its a huge liability to give info on how to obtain drugs
  18. ^ This. Why are you looking to avoid theory? They are both beneficial to you. Be patient to see results.
  19. When you feel that is God feeling. Emotions are not something to get rid of. It's something you master to get it to work with your desires.
  20. That is very specific compared to the term sex scandal.
  21. Psychologically underdeveloped can only be the case compared to something, in this case it would be compared to some goals. Right because to reach the goal of having a passion you can work on you need to be at a specific point. Comparing it to any arbitrary thing is just a goal-less initiative. Everybody can improve themselves for their goals, but not all of them will. For somebody to be interested in this problem already shows they have some drive to improve and thats something you can work on. Otherwise they wouldn't even be concerned with where they are at.
  22. The main benefit of psychedelics that help with awakening is to break you out of your typical thinking. Think outside of the box that you were raised into. When you break out of this it expands your horizons of what you think about and consider. Every thought has some place in infinity. But it may not necessarily help you get a bigger picture of it all but instead you just get locked into another subsection of it.
  23. Well what do you mean by sex scandal? Just because the general public sees it as immoral, a turquoise person isn't exactly on the same grounds of thinking as the general public.
  24. They definitely can be. I find that many were raised by a lot of toxic cultural norms. Men don't cry or show emotion, pussy should be glorified, not to mention constant dominance and assertion of how masculine you are and how into women and not gay you are etc I've had these kinds of men feel threatened by my presence because they can't 'trigger' me in the things that trigger them which I presume makes them feel weak and inferior and the ego doesn't like that.