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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Just. Do. It. Stop bullshitting and making up excuses for your lack of action. It's like telling somebody to clean their room. You can say whatever but you just have to do it. You've built a habit you have to break. But you've also got to stop shrugging it aside or excusing it.
  2. Bingo. Lots of social programming 'Give me a baby until age 7 and I'll show you the man' is a phrase said in reference for the first 7 years of life being the foundation programming.
  3. Try to focus less on how you would express that to yourself and think more about how the minds of those around you think. They likely haven't done much personal development so look into their behaviors and culture. What acts are considered what varies by person. Since nobody is ever on the same level, there is no universal solution to this. You can say be caring, considerate etc but that is all vague and can be applied in a million different ways.
  4. I remember watching a video on programming the subconscious and the guy in it mentioned a quote that was something like "Give me a child until age 7 and I will show you the man' Because the subconscious builds its program mostly within the first 7 years of life. It learns through repetition. We sort of work like neural network AIs. With this knowledge you can build habits and program yourself to follow your authentic desires.
  5. Its about seeing it all as an integral whole. That everything has its place instead of resisting things that hasn't progressed to where you are now. Society will progress higher or die trying, but it can't do so instantly. Its a transition.
  6. You are starting to notice the problems with stage green, you work towards yellow.
  7. I don't think they are necessarily turning off pain at will but they are reprogramming the perception of it. Think of like the sensation of having your back scratched. You could probably experience that and be ok with it for hours. The difference between that and pain? How the sensations are interpreted.
  8. A lot of delusion comes from the XY problem: Somebody may ask: "How do I make money?" Thinking it will be a solution to their happiness but in actuality it won't truly make them happy. But they proposed their own solution instead of getting to the root of what they want. They want to be happy and making money isn't a suitable solution to that. We are always running away from the roots of our desires and covering it up with bullshit.
  9. I find it interesting that you label it as 'betrayal' and you also paint it as if your own body is attacking you. You are painting yourself as a victim of yourself. You're gonna have to stop this if you want to get anywhere. You can't keep victimizing yourself when things don't go your way.
  10. Not at all. You just simply have not realized this truth. You still operate under conditional love, but that conditional love derives from unconditional love. When you realize unconditional love you will realize this as the word 'love' as Leo said previously.
  11. See now you are projecting what you as an ego would do onto God. You harbor resistance and negativity to suffering and that is what makes this hard for you to accept. God unconditionally loves itself. God IS sadism. God IS suffering, God IS murder, God IS rape, God IS pleasure, God IS luck, God IS happiness, God IS laughter, God IS EVERYTHING. This is what it means to be infinite, to be everything possible. To experience everything possible. You are no better than a murderer. Suffering isn't wrong and isn't bad. That is a projection onto reality. When somebody dies it is equivalent to somebody dying in a book yet see we have this detachment that lets us enjoy such stories, but we are no different to God. Loving isn't easy, but at the end of the day all that you hate and reject is you and you either come to terms with that or run away in denial. Nobody said the implications of oneness were all rainbows and unicorns, thats just half of the story. Infinity cannot be infinity if it cherry picks.God (You) will know what it is like to be infinite and you will experience all the suffering that could possibly be imagined and beyond. Watch this and let it sink in:
  12. How could consciousness unconditionally love if it did not love the parts of itself that expressed struggle and suffering? With infinite suffering comes infinite pleasure and everything in between and outside it. It unconditionally loves ALL of it. What you are thinking of is conditional love. But see infinity could not happen if God expressed conditional love, it would be rejecting a part of itself.
  13. You said it is not an illusion the proceeded to describe an illusion. That perception of separation is the illusion. Separation only exists if you perceive it. Its like taking a painting and only looking at a small box inside the painting then calling that something separate. It doesn't change the oneness of the painting. So the self = everything. Identifying as a small subset of itself isn't a true representation of it.
  14. Where you get upset shows exactly where you need to heal. You give people people the power over you you don't want them to have. You see, you are in control of your actions, and thats what gives you the power to choose what has power over you. They present you fantasies that aren't reality. 'I'm going to fuck your mom' Yeah he can say that but is he gonna? That would be rape and he would go to prison, so safe to say no. The key here is when you get upset you gotta catch yourself before you respond, think it out. Don't just follow your emotions like a lost dog.
  15. @How to be wise You may be some edge case, I have no idea but he says this because people get in way over their heads thinking they have it all figured out until they realize they didn't and it repeats all over again.
  16. This is a leap you are making in resistance to ignorance. You can't force growth. Ignorance is only a bad thing that must be changed if you want it to be that - or you could see ignorance as appropriately serving its purpose in infinity.
  17. "The Principle of Gender (see Lesson I. and other lessons to follow) is manifested on all planes of life, material mental and spiritual. But, as we have said before, "Gender" does not mean "Sex" sex is merely a material manifestation of gender. "Gender" means "relating to generation or creation." And whenever anything is generated or created, on any plane, the Principle of Gender must be manifested. And this is true even in the creation of Universes. Now do not jump to the conclusion that we are teaching that there is a male and female God, or Creator. That idea is merely a distortion of the ancient teachings on the subject. The true teaching is that THE ALL, in itself, is above Gender, as it is above every other Law, including those of Time and Space. It is the Law, from which the Laws proceed, and it is not subject to them. But when THE ALL manifests on the plane of generation or creation, then it acts according to Law and Principle, for it is moving on a lower plane of Being. And consequently it manifests the Principle of Gender, in its Masculine and Feminine aspects, on the Mental Plane, of course. This idea may seem startling to some of you who hear it for the first time, but you have all really passively accepted it in your everyday conceptions. You speak of the Fatherhood of God, and the Motherhood of Nature--of God, the Divine Father, and Nature the Universal Mother-- and have thus instinctively acknowledged the Principle of Gender in the Universe. Is this not so? But, the Hermetic teaching does not imply a real duality--THE ALL is ONE--the Two Aspects are merely aspects of manifestation. The teaching is that The Masculine Principle manifested by THE ALL stands, in a way, apart from the actual mental creation of the Universe. It projects its Will toward the Feminine Principle (which may be called "Nature") whereupon the latter begins the actual work of the evolution of the Universe, from simple "centers of activity" on to man, and then on and on still higher, all according to well-established and firmly enforced Laws of Nature. If you prefer the old figures of thought, you may think of the Masculine Principle as GOD, the Father, and of the Feminine Principle as NATURE, the Universal Mother, from whose womb all things have been born. This is more than a mere poetic figure of speech-- it is an idea of the actual process of the creation of the Universe. But always remember, that THE ALL is but One, and that in its Infinite Mind the Universe is generated, created and exists." ~ The Kyballion Hopefully this excerpt will clear it up for you.
  18. And its good to point out that escaping suffering through enlightenment isn't actually preventing things from occurring to you that you won't like. You just learn to embrace and accept that hardship instead of running away from it. It no longer is perceived as suffering.
  19. If you see somebody that looks all beat up would you care despite you not owning that person? Care and ownership doesn't have to go hand in hand. It sounds more like you are trying to justify jealousy and attachment. Ownership is a survival mechanism because what you control is what is predictable. Why would you want ownership? It sounds like a desperate attempt at not losing control so you can have your way and resist. You are too involved with the ego. Seems like you haven't thought this through enough.
  20. Pretty much this. The opposite to humble is arrogant. When you become arrogant you tend to close yourself off from the world intellectually which stunts growth. But do be careful about fighting arrogance with arrogance.
  21. This seems to be really related to herd mentality.
  22. Its not a matter of what you can do pre/post enlightenment its more you realize what you are already doing.
  23. Personally I always find 500ug my sweet spot but only go that far if you have experience with that kind of intensity. I've always seemed to have a higher resistance to psychedelics as well. 500ug for me is where the fractal geometry really kicks in and I find a great balance in being in my head and still being able to talk.