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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Seems pineal calcification and kidney stones happen through the same methods. More of these chemicals than our body can safely process. Video has me skeptical - mercury is no longer in vaccines besides like 1 I think. Aluminum in some. Food being non-organic doesn't really imply it will be with the chemicals it is advising against consuming. and vice versa
  2. Gonna go ahead and just throw in some initial thoughts Would someone in turquoise resist the current state of Earth so much they feel the need to eliminate half of it? Is Thanos not projecting his ideal state of the world on everybody? i'd think a turquoise to be a lot more accepting of the current state of the world.
  3. I thought the memes were funny I just felt kind of overexposed to talk about the movie is all. I usually let things die down before I check it out.
  4. Didn't think much of superhero movies especially with all the Thanos memes. Gonna watch it now.
  5. If you don't want to pay for the booklist you can start here: I've no idea if this is what was on the list.
  6. @alankrillin Don't forget compassion to the ignorant and uncompassionate.
  7. You won't find a better purpose unless you look for one. Although the life purpose is more of a game. Something to do while you exist. It's optimizing your living to manifest desires.
  8. @pluto A vape pen might be easier to smoke out of
  9. Meditation while sitting was always difficult and painful. Scoliosis often contributes to pain with certain postures.
  10. It is just a word. But I am talking about what you are trying to express when you use it. I'm not talking about Peter Ralston. It was an introspective question. I know you didn't say that. Thats why I asked if you were because I have no idea. I was pointing out that talking about what highly conscious people do isn't too useful when you aren't there yet. Head isn't on right relative to what?
  11. Gaming seems like it is acting as a form of escapeism for you. You don't think of anything else when you are focused on a game. Perhaps replace that with meditation.
  12. @alankrillin Don't you think its time to sit back and walk away when you start trying to attack somebody? Surely calling him numnuts wasn't out of helpful intent. I see your passion for this topic, but be careful how you direct that.
  13. Hair follicles but yes. Plants do react. Just not in ways that we usually recognize/ways that don't appeal to our emotions. I'm not really here to play the game of relative morality. Just a cover up way of expressing what you approve or disapprove of but seemingly in a kinda absolute way. And I'm not here to try and get you to approve of my eating of meat. Are you highly conscious? Be careful in trying to compare yourself to something you are not. A highly conscious person also probably wouldn't be going on the internet preaching how eating meat is wrong. I'm not going to act like a highly conscious person until I get there where such desires will come naturally. Gotta embrace all parts of the process. You are correct. That is more akin to a fruitarian diet. Makes for a good way of plants to spread their seeds.
  14. Maybe I was too vague. I meant I value plants and animals equally.
  15. Yes. I'm more concerned with cleaning my diet up to be optimal for my health than trying to build one away from meat. I put animals and plants on the same level so killing either doesn't sound appealing. I am much in favor of seeing where lab meat goes though. Really the cycle of death giving birth to life is quite beautiful. Sure upon death presenting itself upon you will trigger instincts, I couldn't really blame any creature that tries to use me as a resource to sustain itself though.
  16. It's easy to dismiss drugs like psychedelics as fake hallucinatory experiences but the problem is your default state of being is no different. It's just most of life is configured in such a way where they have similarity in hallucinations to some degree. All experiences are legitimate and authentic. To determine what is and isn't useful for digging to see a more holistic outlook of reality requires contemplation and integration. Ego death taught me separation is a mental construction. But I didn't realize this until I found the concept of nonduality contemplated it and saw the link.
  17. Depends on you. I can handle friendships despite current or past romantic feelings. Can you?
  18. For God to know what it is it must manifest itself in every way possible.
  19. Consider the nervous system as a filter to interpreting the interactions with 'itself'. You see because the eyes can interpret light. You hear because the ears can interpret sound wave vibrations. And so on. There are probably an uncountable amount of factors that go into how these 'outside' factors interact with the body. But what if you were to change one? Does every human body operate on the same parameters? If you point to your perceived notion of red and someones sees it like your perceived notion of blue the label -> direct experience will be backwards compared to 'you' But are these interpretations actually what reality looks or sounds like? Well it is all relative. You are made out of the universe so the universe is producing your direct experience and interacting with itself. Every possible way of perceiving the universe is correct. Because every perception is still produced by itself. This also includes no perception of the universe. You could also call this a hallucination but really the duality between real and hallucination will collapse the more you try to distinguish them.
  20. You'd be better off asking at a place like stackoverflow or something.
  21. One advice I have gotten on this forum that I found really valuable is if you want to help people, then improve yourself and people will want to know how you got where you are. They'll be receptive by seeing the quality of your life. You don't need to give up on helping people altogether, but they have to want you to help them for you to be able to do so.
  22. OPs problem extends beyond negativity but seems to be more of the topic of 'over-sharing' getting told things he doesn't find interesting.
  23. I resonated hard with this on lsd. Still do even sober. Makes me feel like I am being opened up in a ethereal kind of way.