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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. @Zakee hinnant Stop resisting. Just be however you are.
  2. You are not more or less God when the body dies. You don't change what you are. There's no running away because you're already experiencing everything. God is incomplete without the very life you are living now. You have no choice but to take the 'good' with the 'bad' its all you!
  3. Does your body function the exact same as everyone elses? If I trust my body more than studies than my body would dictate you to be wrong. My desire to build intimate deep bonds with women doesn't really synchronize with my desire to fuck them. I can want one and not the other and vice versa. (Although both can occur, but is rather annoying) So perhaps as I mentioned before relying on just our own direct experiences may not be telling the whole story here. It seems to go deeper than just masturbation itself.
  4. I see you're probably just trying to redefine the model to fit direct experience to make a point but should also make sure to remember gravity isn't just pointing down. The current model states its multi directional as anything of a large mass seems to pull things to its center.
  5. As far as I know, you just have to eat more truffles than you do mushrooms. If you're trying to avoid appalling tastes, this may be awful for you.
  6. @SoonHei This is about where I was getting at. The absolute is not bounded by our problems at comprehension of paradox.
  7. Both of these are really bad analogies. The first one doesn't acknowledge the huge pleasure gap between masturbation and sex. And that Masturbating if anything would give incentive you to go out and fuck due to that. and that you don't need to be horny to want to go out and socialize. Again, basing it off your direct experience only will give you a skewed perspective. You should especially know this with current drug controversy. A person who can't moderate drug use does not accurately represent those who can. The 2nd one doesn't acknowledge that cocaine gives a dopamine rush 2.5x greater than sex. Switch cocaine to caffeine and everybody is down with it. You have a bad experience with masturbation, but explain those such as me who never felt like how you were describing despite almost daily masturbation. Horniness only makes me want to talk to women with the intent to fuck and then when I do fuck them I don't want anything to do with them after. I would actually masturbate before going out and socializing as an aid to keep my intents out of the gutter. Or rather just make it easier to manage. Are you sure you aren't using masturbation as a scapegoat for your own dysfunctional mind?
  8. No they just would do it and not understand what they are doing until later in life. My school system didn't have sex ed until freshman year. I discovered touching my dick feels good on my own having no idea what it was pretty early. And I can at least say for me being horny was something I had to manage simply because I did not want to mix my intention of building relationships with others with my desire to fuck. Horniness makes me want to think in an incredibly shallow manner. Have you had sex before? Leaps and bounds different. And wanting to know what sex is like is more than enough reason to talk to girls for someone going through puberty. What you describe is a result of chronic masturbation. You're a bad apple. Look at the good apples before you jump to conclusions. Can you imagine if society was formed based on the direct experiences of one person? Sexual frustration is not something you'd want either.
  9. Because of how true it is. Its a the more you do it the better you get at it thing.
  10. Thats because it transcends the duality of random-pattern Random just means we aren't capable of detecting a pattern. Patterns are in concept though. Random and beautiful design are one in the same.
  11. You very well may be correct for this particular universe. Infinity would have to include such a scenario or else it wouldn't be infinite. But infinity must also include the exact opposite of that! 1 + -1 = 0
  12. I don't know if that is the case. The absolute has no preference over devils and non-devils, truth and bullshit, ego or no ego, good or bad. Infinity would be a better answer to this. Somewhere in infinity you DO have such power, just not in this part of it.
  13. What is a dream anyway? And what is real anyway?
  14. The biggest mindfuck is its not doing anything at all. For comprehension sake dreams are just the best analogy. The 'dream machine' is not bound to only do one particular thing. It is not mechanical and has no limitations.
  15. Free-will and predetermined are the same thing. Collapse the duality. It is both at once. A good use of the duality would be to see free-will as the state of not knowing and predetermination as the state of knowing.
  16. The only thing that can feel hurt is the ego. An imaginary thing.
  17. The map is not the territory Our entire model of reality is imagination as a means of navigating and understanding the world. Funny how that works
  18. He seems too involved in concepts. He clings to them and so his perspective has a rigid filter he can't quite change very well.
  19. Just another path to enlightenment. Leo mentioned in his yoga video pure devotion and worship is one route to it. And I think Christianity was very much about this route. But it doesn't seem to be effective because we'll you need an insane amount of devotion and that can lead to ideology.
  20. Absolutely nothing different.
  21. There's no single correct way for life to be. If it is that way then its suppose to. To fight it is fighting the very thing that created the body. What is bad? Why would anything be bad? Why would God think of a part of itself as an abomination?
  22. Direct experience is all illusory but that doesn't mean much when the relative perspective is experiencing the illusion. Real and illusion become one in the same. You could call science the attempt to create pointers at direct experience. Observe an experience. Figure out how to experience it again. The pointers serve as an effective way to communicate direct experiences. Imagination kicks in more to help you take all these direct experiences and mix and match them until you get something that does what you want it to do. As long as science continues to point to direct experience it will forever be useful. I'd say the materialistic perspective in science isn't a bad one to have, but it puts rules ontop of the imagination restricting what one is willing to experiment with. How many people deny healing crystals as pseudo science for having no evidence without trying it themselves?
  23. Sounds like you are just feeling stimulated. Psychedelics are very stimulating drugs. Just flow with it. No need to avoid it.
  24. Good reminder. I applaud the exploration. Especially makes for some great stories haha
  25. I can't speak for enlightenment but I can say my journey has allowed me to be content and happy way more. To the point where it takes some major event to bring my emotional state down and even then I handle it incredibly well compared to how I used to. And I know it only gets better from here