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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. @Truth Addict I mean I'm not gonna lie what I think. Suicide not being wrong doesn't justify it either. @SgtPepper No such thing as unnatural.
  2. The opposite of these are also true. You don't. Its being eternally experienced. And its all part of the 'plan' really. In that regard one could also see suicide as a beautiful gift. There's nothing good logically for or against suicide when you take the absolute into account. You can really only make a decision based on relative standards and desires. I only live because I desire to live. You don't really have to go further than that.
  3. (Im not turq) From the absolute, no. The absolute eternally experiences suicide. This would be a better question asked from a pragmatic standpoint. From an absolute you could do anything and it be chill. I think he meant he's trying to ask somebody with such a POV not that his POV is that.
  4. I would say only consider it with major proposals or advancements. Something risky. A lot of people make risky moves they regret when they already knew it wouldn't work in their favor.
  5. How do you dictate better and worse? Through relative standards of course! This relativity is why you can't apply a better/worse across the board. For example seeing yourself as superior because you are higher up on a model you've aligned your standards to is automatically biased towards you. You are asking for people to behave and think like you. This is why spiral dynamics should only be used to understand and to grow yourself if the higher stages is where you want to be. No demonization or shame or superiority.
  6. Because they ingrained that delusion in their head due to their negative thought processes and they are so absorbed in it they believe it so much they make it true by doing everything that won't get them a girlfriend. Then just blame it on being out of their control to avoid taking responsibility. Its mental gymnastics at its finest. They don't know how to disconnect from the stories of the mind.
  7. It only works if you think it works. In science we try to find belief independent mechanisms so that we can apply it to everybody.
  8. The other listeners are you. You are listening to yourself. A "human" is also an imaginary construct. Of course that doesn't deny that relative perspective being experienced. there are no humans period from the absolute.
  9. Before you do things, ask yourself: Does this bring me closer to the goal I am striving for with this person? Now how many of your actions can you say you would answer yes with this?
  10. Do you desire to help others? Thats all you really need to help others. Your 'morals' so to speak are just reflections of your desires. Would you still want to let others suffer and not help them when you realize those people are you? Asking how to help people is an incredibly situational thing to answer.
  11. Stop seeing reality as either or. This is a duality that must collapse. I'm saying it is and isn't random simultaneously. Order and random point to the same thing! Randomness producing order. The absolute can do this. Do you grasp what being boundless means? Anything we try to say it is and is not is in actuality an error I already explained. It's the same debate of free will vs predetermined. The example is already right in front of you. What you see as order is also chaos and neither.
  12. Yes. When I experience order I also simultaneously experience disorder. They are two sides of the same coin. Depends on how you look at it. What could be total order in the working of infinite intelligence would be chaos from something that can't identify any pattern or order in it. We are not on the same page. To be infinitely intelligent also means to be non-intelligence simultaneously. And either or. To go deeper is to go beyond even the usefulness of words.
  13. To see it is not chaos and not random is limiting as well. Do you see the problem here? The second you try to describe what it is or even give any kind of word for it, you limit it because we can't comprehend it. It transcends such paradoxes. The words I try to point to is releasing rules as much as I can through language. To say it is all, some, and none of any descriptor is probably as close as you can get to describing boundless.
  14. That alone is putting a constraint on reality. For it to have no constraints would be for it to be all descriptors, some descriptors, and no descriptors. Simultaneously. Perhaps this portion of reality only reveals some descriptors to us. But really to apply any concept or to even try to speak of God is putting a constraint on it so it can't really be spoken about.
  15. Would it not be all of the above? All of these words you claim collapse in the source. It is simultaneously designed and random. Simultaneously ordered and chaotic. Why? Because it is BOUNDLESS.
  17. I like to see having kids as an end-game to life. When you've accomplished what you wanted in life, thats when you pass it on to an offspring. But personally at the age of 20 (im a male) I don't desire that end-game. Pressure is just upholding the status quo. Do what you feel like you want to do. Don't fall into the trap of normality. Its entirely OK to not have kids like all the other women. The important thing is you are true to your desires. Having a kid seems to be an insanely huge sacrifice. Are you prepared to make such a sacrifice? It'll be money, sleep, well-being, etc etc to care for one. It is pure devotion.
  18. This is exactly what I was getting at. Sure, live how you want. I just figured most people would rather be content regardless if they have those ever fleeting joys. Non dependence to be happy.
  19. YouTube or Soundcloud
  20. They are God as well. So wouldn't that just nullify it? 'Oweing' is an imaginary construct. No such thing in the absolute. And they'll have to deal with you being a crybaby with the next thing you want and don't get. If you are a crybaby when you can't get a woman that immediately shows you won't be a desireable partner.
  21. Then you get bored of it and move onto something else. Thats what materialistic possessions grant. Ever fleeting joy that you constantly have to chase. And when you do that so much you will find it no longer gives you joy at all. Sustained happiness will not be found externally.
  22. Do you think temporary dopamine rushes is the source of happiness?
  23. What does it mean to become directly conscious of something? In epistemology you come to the conclusion you can't know anything. So whats actually occurring here. Awareness?