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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. @Gabriel Antonio If it's too metaphysical for you sounds like a hint to get more metaphysical. Something you're avoiding?
  2. Not much else to say. Only direct experience can point further. Leo's videos "Radical Implications of Oneness" "How to stop moralizing" and "Why evil does not exist" Are good pointers. Lack of demonization doesn't mean you have to support their actions. It's just looking past your own preferences. You've got a ways to go if you are still wishing death on others.
  3. I'm not saying to go into a relationship with a manipulative person - just to be clear on that. I'm talking about the sort of universal love and acceptance. The dissolving of good/bad to just is. The removal of demonization for love and understanding. To demonize those people is to demonize a part of yourself. You get caught up in concepts with truth vs lie. Collapse this. See the universe for what it is. Light and dark point to the same thing. Its all you. Reality unconditionally loves itself yet the ego flaunts as if it knows better and rejects the things it doesn't like. Funny, that is.
  4. It gets tricky. When a connection is still forming between two people a lot of times its nonverbal. Assumptions and worries get made which is how you got the jealousy dilemma. It'll be good to verbally tell her your intentions and how you feel. So that she won't be able to make the same conclusions. The more 'official' so to speak you guys are with each other the more secure you both will feel especially when hanging around others. When a connection is forming, there's a huge air of chance and unknown and if it doesn't get cultivated enough or stalls on for too long one may give up. I wouldn't tone down your friendships, just try to be clear about your intents.
  5. By productive I mean it will hinder your growth. Loving easy to love things is the easy part. But can you love the hard to love things? Still, you walk around my question. Why do you demonize them? To not accept their place in reality and accept them shows where your love can grow. Do they really deserve to die? Or is that you resisting that which you do not like?
  6. I mean nobody is advocating that psychedelics is for everybody and there is always cautions to do your research. Its not "necessary" but most people don't realize why they should even meditate until some drug induced experience. This also applied to me. Its an incredibly powerful tool for building a foundation. And that initial transition is always the most difficult part.
  7. There's no distinction between the two. They collapse into 1.
  8. Why the statement that manipulative people deserve to die? This sounds like demonization of them and that's not really productive.
  9. Working at home and on my own time, I found hanging out with people who had jobs much easier. You can always work around their schedule. You can work 40 hours/week and still have time to hang out if you really want to. Work on being content with being alone. A lot of growth allows me to be content and isolated for many months as well as I can be social and outgoing very frequently. Your introversion or extroversion may influence your default state, but that doesn't mean it can't change. Excuses! Go out there and meet people. You can even start looking online through Facebook. Many of my friends originating from me just trying to befriend them online. Thats how I got my current girlfriend of 1 year+ even. Build a routine! You can meet people anywhere! Having a good morning routine is good as well. Go out and walk, stretch! It'll make things more lively. Is your work really hindering you or is it you don't want to go the extra mile just to socialize?
  10. I'd say most religions are just methods people have used to reach enlightenment. Although, Buddhism I would also say stays closer to its roots than others such as Christianity in terms of how people practice it. Given that Buddhism offers a path to enlightenment and lots of growth, there will be a lot of overlap. Buddhism has a lot to learn off of, many people share teachings from Buddhist monks here. Just focus on verifying what is being said and following the conceptual pointers instead of worrying about the origins of the teaching. This opens you up to learn from all religions and all practices.
  11. What is not God? This question helps clarify.
  12. The Dao does not mean a person. It is in reference to consciousness. That which cannot be named. To be unbounded is to not be bounded by what you declare as "impossible" The problem here is you are trying to limit The Dao by your own rationalization. The second you try to assign a label or describe it you stray away from what it truly is. Theory will only help you so much but in the end you can't ever fully comprehend it.
  13. Uhm, this feels like a correlation is not causation situation. It can strengthen your immune system by constricting and dilating your blood vessels, but it won't just stop you from getting sick. You likely already had a strong immune system to begin with.
  14. Thats the thing, there is no point! You simply don't need a point. Your 'purpose' is embedded directly in your existence. Death doesn't help anything. You'll just end up right back where you started. You can't escape the eternal present. It sounds like you've done very little to build mental fortitude. The only thing making your life bad is you. The only thing inflicting suffering is you. You choose to do all of this then complain why you are doing it. Getting a job to get out there and experience might be good for you. When you think negatively about something, do you ever stop and ask yourself why you dislike it? Why are you resisting when you could just radically accept and be happy? Meditation and self inquiry are great, but you also have to go out and experience to find yourself. Meet people, learn form them. Direct experience is the best teacher and you'll learn more through seeing with your own eyes than just reading from the internet.
  15. Bingo. Basically there is no necessity to conform to the status quo anymore. You can be you. I listen to what people have to say, but not because I really care about them having a positive opinion about me. Its more that their opinion may offer a perspective that is genuinely beneficial to me. Ultimate you set your path in life. Use the opinions of others to learn and grow not to treat as law to fit in.
  16. Because you'd simply end up right back where you starting. Experiencing this very life and everything. There is both something and nothing. And neither and each of those. The Dao transcends both of these labels.
  17. @AstralProjection Reason just reinforces beliefs.
  18. Masculine is very much outward and feminine is very much inward. Many men also repress their feminine side. So you could argue that men who don't act overly masculine are likely more comfortable with themselves. You can find examples of "fragile masculinity" everywhere.
  19. If it is, it probably doesn't work in the way it is usually described.
  20. Until you don't enjoy it. Good to be aware that you are attempting to force two dynamic beings under something static. Could you do all that and not get married? To stay despite having full freedom of an out vs using consequences as a bar to keep you from bailing. The former does seen more genuine.
  21. Certainly. But I think there is a part of ourselves we can learn from them to help that transcendent process.
  22. I suppose I would look at other animals for the closest answer to that. Thought, just seems to be an experience narrating feelings. This is why you must get to the root of each thought to grasp what feelings it is talking about.
  23. I always like to reference back to Leo's video "10 things you want you don't know you want" Wanting to be a benevolent force in the world, for example. By using the concept of ego to recognize your own thought patterns of a self you learn to become aware of them. Such awareness opens up avenues to intercept and react in ways better suited to such a desire. Understanding of the absolute is wonderful, but things still feel very real inside this story. The kyballion has a wonderful quote: "Keep your mind ever on the Star, but let your eyes watch over your footsteps, lest you fall into the mire by reason of your upward gaze. Remember the Divine Paradox, that while the Universe is not, still it is. Remember ever the Two Poles of Truth—the Absolute and the Relative. Beware of Half‑Truths"
  24. All concepts but such concepts can be utilized in a way to live a life in alignment with root desires.
  25. Don't be so quick to jump the gun on that. Look what is actually being said. Its making a statement on your own confidence/certainty. There's no room for uncertainty in marriage. You gotta stick with it all the way. Uncertainty will nag at you with 'what ifs'