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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Why die? You must be resisting something. You're already dead. And alive. You just come back full circle when you die for each moment is eternal.
  2. This thread will forever be an example of how to not handle these discussions.
  3. @Mikael89 Women are often a statistics game. With every women that does like your personality there are probably the same or more that don't. And that applies to everybody. Thats the beauty of differences in people. If anything fucked you, it was the location you reside in. Not your personality. Location can really hinder your chances.
  4. Interesting that you say that. I've always been fond with sleeping on the floor. I find I can sleep anywhere if im tired enough lol
  5. This is what sets being 'good' at something and being a 'master' at it apart.
  6. Enlightened people are not without ego. You can see past ego, but not get rid of it. Being Enlightened also does not mean you won't cause harm to others. Enlightenment doesn't entail much about behavior. You may come to all of these realizations leading to enlightenment but the application of them among people vary widely.
  7. I wouldn't say star sign is the direct cause of it. But it may give a hint into compatibility.
  8. That sounds so nice. It took 1000ug for my first nondual experience. I'm really hoping that gets cut down, because the intensity is just so absurd. @OP Yeah 2 weeks is good for a full tolerance reset. Psychedelics are good for foundation and occasion insights but I wouldn't make it a habit of relying on it for all of your insights.
  9. Ok we establish everything is an illusion created out of itself. Realizing that doesn't change you are in the illusion. And it feels real. The only point of realizing the Truth is to improve your life in the illusion. Real and illusion are one in the same. Trying to comprehend no limitation will just send your brain into a spiral because it is loaded with paradoxes. And it transcends any kind of mental label we could apply.
  10. First step, stop saying you are suffering from tinnitus. ?
  11. Right, in this kind of work you may find yourself rapidly switching perspectives. Humans by default perceive the dualistic side so less emphasis is made on that. Except using ego as a mechanism to understand our behaviors and change them. So you then begin to experience and integrate the nondual side of things. You see this portrayal of ego vs God because the 'ego' so to speak has a lot of mechanisms that prevent us from seeing the nondual. An invisible wall so to speak. But be wary to not shun the dualistic perspective. Both are equally correct and true. That is a big paradox in reality. To argue dualism vs nondualism is dualistic! Thats a big trap people get into when trying to explore the nondual side. But also be wary that nondual or dual will never fully encompass God, it transcends any label we could apply. Nondual is simply just another paradigm, another lens to view things.
  12. You could always say you are just trying to find yourself. Going on a retreat for soul seeking so to speak most can get behind. A time to figure out what you are, what you have, and what you want to do. To get away from the business of the world to have peace and quiet to work on yourself. You could also mention ever since you began this journey youve seen improvements to your well being. Most people are fine just hearing that you've found a way to become happier because behind all that dogma they do want you happy.
  13. Wasn't claiming it applied to you btw was a general statement. But surely you've seen, say, an expression of ego then people go "What? No ego here, just nonduality no self"
  14. @Joseph Maynor The further along we go on the path, the more sneaky the ego becomes. It gets more and more subtle. What an interesting mechanism it is.
  15. Correct, but don't be quick to use knowledge is an illusion to toss it aside. An illusion does wonders for navigating this illusion. We memorize and visualize then build abstract layers so you can give it to others. It's like sending an encrypted packet that people decode. Beautiful! Buddhism provides amazing tools, but only a handful will really get the full use out of the tools.
  16. Reality can be seen like one big open ended puzzle. LOA is just 'programming' your mind into focusing on one solution to solving the puzzle. The mind has everything it needs to be able to solve this puzzle, but can you as the conscious observer figure out how to steer this mind in the direction you want? The things you focus on is steering the mind. Focusing on all the things you don't want won't yield such good results for you. It doesn't mean you can manifest things out of thin air, but it does mean you will be able to find the solution to getting what you want.
  17. +1 to you guys. Solid advice. Be careful about creating these dualities between spiritual and non spiritual. The ego likes to label things and blame others for how they are when actually the problem is with you.
  18. I have a feeling they have deeper insights but can't present it. Baby steps.
  19. Science just chalks it up to chemical reactions in the brain producing hallucinations. Which they then conveniently ignore the hallucination of sobriety. Breaking this is where the fun really begins.
  20. Many scientists fundamentally agree its all energy, but you can't deny the fact that the materialist paradigm works to some degree. Look how far it has gotten us and its potential still hasn't been fully unlocked. Thats why they believe in it. Because it works! Yes, reality is much deeper than the materialism we perceive, but do appreciate the functionality of this paradigm. Being nondual doesn't mean ditching materialism. It means gaining a new lens to look through, to understand where materialism can't go. It is amazing that a model based on our perceivable reality works how it does.
  21. You could go back and forth on linguistics for days. Thats why these discussions break down so fast. The closer to 1st order you get the less 2nd order can comprehend it
  22. Windows Defender is all you need. You can build a sense for safe/unsafe websites that will keep you more protected than any antivirus software. Online is as real as reality is real. You aren't fully appreciating the benefits of long distance communication that can actually serve to further in person communication.
  23. Both are conceptual labels to try to point to something you can directly experience. Look at your hand. That is not a hand.
  24. <- SC clip of one I went to a few years back. Blew out my phone's mic lol I'm not into that kind of music anymore. I like bass, but a lot of my EDM interests are more melodic these days.
  25. You'll have a long time before you actually transcend suffering. It's a great tool because comfort keeps us stagnant and discomfort forces us to overcome. That drive to overcome can lead to a variety of new perspectives. Growth. Anybody who has transcended suffering has faced their fair share of it.