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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Understanding is a tool with its limitations. A need to understand will hinder you when you hit the walls of its limitation.
  2. Go out and research all the other methods including other types of Eastern yoga. Psychedelics are easy to explain because drugs have been studied for a long time. Meditation and yoga? Less so. But clinging to a need to understand to take it seriously will be your downfall. Reality is beyond all comprehension. Yeah you don't have hundreds of years but you'll never achieve your goal sitting there indecisively. Do your own research and come to your own conclusion. Failure is still learning.
  3. You'd be surprised how much you can rewire your own brain. It's possible when you dissolve self and other.
  4. Look, you aren't going to figure it out until you investigate for yourself. What we say won't properly translate if you haven't experienced what is being said. They are dangling pointers at that point. And because of this the mind will constantly find counter points to anything that is said. The moment we try to put it into words and especially under the restraints of rationality it's not it and often just continues to deviate away. You got a long road ahead. And it's a mindfuckery one.
  5. Whats the purpose of this thread? All you've done is make a comparison on how people compare their perceptions of how developed they are with other perceptions of how developed they are.
  6. In terms of financial success, our capitalistic society depends on the pyramid. So everybody has the chance to be on top but we need people on the bottom.
  7. You should be afraid. I smoked dmt, no breakthrough but I could very quickly tell how "real" it got. It can shatter your whole world. It is life changing. You already know this. And it is why you are scared. You gotta conquer that fear.
  8. Question your standards. What makes something a waste of time? If you love chess then likely the feeling could be coming from procrastination. Which has its own issues to tackle. Something can only be a waste of time if you deem it so. So the question stands, what do you want to do in life and how would chess go against that?
  9. People associate alcohol to bring fun, laid back etc etc. You won't seem fun to people who think like that. Also people like being on the same "level" since alcohol reduces boundaries. Going to a pub looking for people to socialize with who aren't looking to just drink might give slim results vs other places that serve more purposes than just to serve alcohol. Even a restaurant with a bar is better. My friends and I drink socially just because it's fun. Go figure since alcohol gives a dopamine boost and reduces your filter. But it's not a frequent thing. I have one friend who doesn't drink since he can't handle alcohols burn. It's chill. He gets a kick seeing me drunk. Lmao Yeah lots of people use drugs as a means of escapism. I did that with dxm a bit but it didn't take me long to get that sorted. But I'd say the legalization is more about it being fucked that people are going to jail for just consuming a drug. I don't support drugs for escapism but more power to them if they want to.
  10. This just sounds like mental gymnastics to justify moving on. Leo may be talking about the same thing but he is trying to communicate a deeper level of understanding that transcends any words. Have you actually experienced these deep levels of understanding infinity though? It almost seems like people love to back to back watch Leo's videos to get all that juicy mental scaffolding then hardly put time into locating/experiencing it. If it's continuously being communicated then perhaps the rabbit hole of this topic goes deeper than we thought.
  11. Thanks for the laugh ?
  12. Sounds like you are trying to resolve a paradox that doesn't need to be resolved.
  13. Realizing you are God in your true nature as in looking at the whole you instead of this self identified body as well as that same God creating everything out of itself with unconditional love is probably one of the first realizations I had in this journey. See Leo's video "why people seem crazy" it simply is because what is being said doesn't match your thinking pattern. Is he deluded? Investigate! That's the whole point of all this shit. Investigate your direct experience and find out for yourself! I mean yeah it's plausible certain techniques can give us a look higher up instead of going down further. I mean you are made out of the same stuff as God. You are only viewing yourself. The ability to see your true nature just displays the amount of possibilities it creates. All of this isn't really new in terms of what Leo has talked about.
  14. Mental scaffolding people, mental scaffolding. The mental scaffolding is not it
  15. Beliefs do seem influenced by repetition which is a good portion of how we function.
  16. @tsuki Beliefs are more like a mechanism like the ego.
  17. As someone who is 20, I feel your struggles. Do you see what you are doing now as a means to reaching your life purpose? Your passion? Are you doing this to run away from poorhood or because you want to pursue what makes you happy? Being scared of being poor can create a lot of neurotic behaviors. But even if you don't enjoy it and the money paves way towards your passion, that could benefit you in the long run, because then the money becomes less about fear and more about being used as a tool to achieve a goal.
  18. Depends how you die. Another half-truth. I wouldn't say consciousness transitions to a new body after death for it is already experiencing all bodies. Death brings forth the "experience" (for lack of a better word) of no human experience. Which it is also always experiencing. What is it like to be a rock? Or a part of the sky? Or the ground? Death doesn't mean you cease to exist. You are always being!
  19. Its not entirely inaccurate. "There is absolute truth and relative truth, beware of half-truths" - The Kyballion What he speaks of is a half-truth. It seems definite the ego will cease to be and perception of human experience also ceases. If there is no human experience what is being perceived? Nothing! What was there before birth? You already exist as God. All there is is God! Collapse the duality between living and non-living and what do you see? Consciousness is eternal and experiences all. I'd say heaven and hell are more about states of being than it is a place of the afterlife. Heaven is more about aligning yourself to God to reach total peace, nirvana. Being more conscious. Hell is more being less conscious and self inflicting suffering. Heaven and Hell is both God.
  20. I would question this exclusion to influences. Why is that? Even if I am being influenced by entire psychology decided that no? Does this issue go deeper than conscious thought? Ask yourself: What is free will to someone who doesn't know the future and what is it to someone who does? Also we gotta ask, from which perspective is this being considered? You'll get different answers depending on that.
  21. Yes. You just lose the identification of "breathing" to it. Instead you solely directly experience where the pointer was pointing.
  22. You go back into the no concept mode but yet choice is still occurring there even if the mind is not presenting thought about it. It's not an issue. Breathing occurs even if the mind is not thinking about it.