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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. The best answer you'll get in this thread. Notice the duality the thread title assumes.
  2. What separates you from emptiness, form, void, God etc? Nothing? Then it's all one. Don't be afraid of paradoxes. It's a feature not a bug. What isn't God? Is a better question.
  3. Death is a bit of a paradox. The experience of dying is as real as whatever is being experienced right now. But yet to say I am dying hinges on some form of separation. Separation isn't wrong. It just isn't total. For separation we must first have oneness to even separate. Within the nondual paradigm it is just consciousness changing form. Just consciousness experiencing itself. The perspective you talk about is one everybody knows, nothing new. This work is not about removing that perspective but transcending it. To be outside of the box so we can see the bigger picture.
  4. @Psychonaut I've candy flipped once with some friends. 200mg+500ug. It was by far one of the most amazing experiences ever. I had a thought loop which was a little scary but I do think it has incredible potential. For me I can feel a consciousness transition when I am more open to insights which is hard for me to get on acid by itself. Candy flipping did it with ease. The visuals are downright orgasmic too. Put some music on and become the music. The biggest advice for candy flipping I can give is make sure the acid is more powerful than the mdma. My friends didn't enjoy it because they felt like the drugs were like a cat fight in their head for control. Their acid doses were much lower than mine. 200mg+200ug I think. 100mg+200ug would have probably been much better for them. On mdma after effects, it is using your serotonin so of course you will probably feel down until it is fully replenished but it's not always that way. The first handful of rolls can be amazing. My first roll was so amazing that I had a week long afterglow where I felt so much happier than I usually was. What I felt and what I realized on my roll was so vivid in memory it would make me cry in happiness during that week. I've only rolled like 3 times, 2 being by itself so I can't confirm how many rolls it will take me to experience the negative comedowns but I suspect it'll happen eventually.
  5. Yes. Randomness produces design, design produces randomness. Something produces nothing, nothing produces something. Which part of the circle you align with well depends where you put the magnifying glass if you haven't dropped the glass itself.
  6. Randomness is in of itself intelligent. Randomness and design are paradoxically intertwined. Two sides of the same coin. Everything happens for a reason is simultaneously true and false. The key here which makes it a security blanket or not is if you cling to one side and have not integrated both.
  7. My first time was alone and it went great. That's not to say there aren't risks though. You won't have anybody to talk yourself out of anything. I'm in a boat too where doing it with people really alters the experience. The best thing I can recommend to you is really know yourself, do some observance. I'm typically a very calm and collected person who can work with my own mind well. I often see those who are more anxious, worrying, get lost in themselves etc etc to be more likely to need some assistance.
  8. Try it and find out some substances end up showing you one facet and another shows you another. What you end up realizing depends on you. NN DMT is very powerful I'm sure it'll be an insightful one regardless.
  9. It's a model with some amount of accuracy. You decide if it's one worth using. They're tools. Use them when the case fits. Do you believe in a hammer or do you just use it? No point in bickering about if a model is true or not. Nobody can take your experience away from you. No map can fully describe all of this anyway.
  10. You should not be having psychoactive effects from lsd for multiple days. Even on those high of doses. Have personally confirmed up to 1500ug
  11. Awareness. I recognize how I feel, take a breathe and let it go. You have to be honest with yourself about what your ego is doing.
  12. That's fine. I'm just saying the problem lies within you and not the substance in which you shame its promotion of.
  13. About as dangerous as driving a car yet we all promote that just fine. You don't go straight onto the highway. You start in the driveway or parking lot. The people who end up worse off typically end up that way due to misuse of the substance despite guidelines, precautions etc plastered everywhere. We always say to not go 100mph on most highways but yet people do it anyway and crash. There's a reason you need to take a driving test to even get your permit at least in the US. You don't go out driving without proper research. The people make it many times more dangerous than the substance is inherently.
  14. Asking somebody for their pov isn't equivalent to feeling like they owe you an explanation. A teacher-student relationship often involves the dynamic of wanting to fully understand a teachers pov when they express an opinion about something. Every forum post ever made is unnecessary depending how you look at it. ?
  15. God is a concept but God is not is the best way I can make my point to you. We become philosophers the second we try and put direct realization into words. Do you not get tired of how indirect that is? When talking about it, it feels like im beating around the bush. That's what these mental models do compared to direct realization.
  16. Really doesn't matter how you label all of this. Direct realization is not dependent on any of it. It comes prior. In the long run, you won't benefit asking such questions that do nothing but to build more mental models that will just drive you in circles. You gotta let go of them at some point. Call it what Nahm said, call it what infinity said, call it what Leo says. Call it a truth, call it a lie. What's behind those things are far more important than trying to achieve the holy grail mental model of God.
  17. I find it interesting how these perceptions of specific drugs occur when there are many experience reports you can sift through as well as Google for research on any medicinal effects regarding it. Browsing websites like erowid might help you out a lot. But yes mdma has incredible value for personal development. It makes processing emotions, even painful ones, much better. It can help connect with them, find emotional roots, and resolve longstanding issues. It's what makes it so good for say those with ptsd. There is a neurotoxicity regarding how frequent you dose and how much you do. Every 3 months is the general rule of thumb. Treat it as if you have a limited number of mdma trips in your life.
  18. Realizing you are God can be done on most traditional Psychedelics. The distinction between lsd and the likes of nn/5meo dmt is their insights on realizing this can be deeper per trip due to their sheer intensity. For me it was a combo of lsd and dxm. Personally I think it's best to let go of any ideas that psychedelic A will give you this and instead just let go of expectations and see where it takes you. Take the substance for the substance so to speak.
  19. NSFW warning for those who care about the video. The message of the video is opening chakras by external means opens up for an entity to control you, make you do things you would have never done, be destructive etc. Makes a lot of claims with whacky clips, mentions of a reptilian lord.. Follow direct experience. Who knows what he did to invite what he describes as an entity. It's a vague video you can't draw any conclusion about.
  20. This seems to be more distinction mind games. We can all be considered NPCs depending on what perspective you take. It's not really useful though.
  21. @Angelite There is no problem with claiming you are God unless you have a perceived separation between you and God ? many people have misinterpreted the you are God statements. The details of the chair are irrelevant to the point I am trying to make. Who is the one that is controlling? You are still making your claims on a sense of separation. You seem stuck on this egoic identification. Yes God is the creator of creation and is simultaneously creation itself. The case in point I am making is there is nothing but God. God is all there is. To say something isn't God is hinging on flimsy dualism. Yes this means God has deluded itself to not knowing itself to experience itself. Yes I am presenting beliefs, beliefs that point to actual insights. Unfortunately language is extremely limited. These can be realized with or without psychedelics. Anyways I've beaten to death about any kind of perspective I can contribute to this thread, so this will be my final post. (feel free to give your reply ill still read it) Hope if anything this was a good discussion for you.
  22. @ardacigin Most definitely not always just temporary. Be careful to not generalize all of psychedelic use under one umbrella. By permanent I mean after such a profound experience, the insight does not fade. It doesn't not depend on memory of the experience. I barely remember the experience because it's been so long. That increase happened before I got into consciousness work. The only thing Leo did was describe it in some way the intellectual mind can digest. You don't have much psychedelic experience, yeah? I remember you inquiring about it before. I would be careful about drawing conclusions about Psychedelics so hastily. @TheAvatarState Yes exactly ?
  23. Yes, this is why psychedelic experiences almost always have to be followed up on. They can result in a permanent increase of consciousness depending on how profound it is, happened to me, but the increase is nowhere close to the levels that was experienced on the substance. Psychedelics in a way lay the groundwork of what is to come if you keep moving forward. It can be a catalyst for one to put in the work.
  24. My life is radically different because of my psychedelic usage. It was the catalyst out of the chains of rationalism and atheism. I had a great deal of consciousness expansion just from one experience. After that I became motivated to work on myself, eat and be healthier. I can handle rough experiences, calm myself down and go out of my comfort zone much easier. I can empathize with people better even if they do something I don't like. My love reaches further, I am more social and confident. Probably many other things I can't think of right now. My life is many degrees better because of my past usage. And I can maintain this without drug use. It's been 2 years as I haven't felt any need to do them. Yes and no. When you lift your hand that is me lifting your hand. You are still perceiving me as a separate being which is another notion of separation. If you maintain that the answer is no. If you dissolve that though, the answer is yes. When the ego dissolves, you and reality = same thing. The boundary between you and God become no more. Watch how your perception shifts with these words. Chair > Room > House > Country > Planet > Galaxy > Universe > Reality Do you see the games of the mind here? You can break down a house into many separate things but then unify it under house. You can also unify you and me under planet or above. Whatever we do, the universe is doing that. Under the universe unity, we are one and whatever you do I do and vice versa. Take that as high as you go and that's what people here describe God. Separation is a construction out of oneness. A lot of this work is about deconstruction. Separation still has a part in all of this. Paradoxically oneness includes separation and is why we can see it, but to not be trapped by it, you gotta see the bigger picture too.
  25. Micro dosing I haven't tried but have heard benefits by many. I wouldn't recommend it as a crutch forever, but could definitely be handy when you need it to keep working until you don't.