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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. This is pretty tame and 'grounded' so to speak than a lot of things I read. I think a lot of the 'woowoo' perception is when people use a lot of 'fluff' words to make it sound grandiose and not straight to the point. It tries to appeal to feeling over thinking.
  2. Yeah this is interesting. Its less about the identity of male or female as a label but more about characteristics we attribute to them. A trans-woman can be hot as fuck specifically because she has feminine characteristics. If the characteristics leaned too masculine it would be a turn-off. But yet when we learn of their true identity biological it causes a conflict in us. Why? Is it because we so desperately grasp to maintain our sexual identities?
  3. Moving out is probably your best compromise. But your wife also needs to understand what you are doing is going to benefit you both in the long run. Surely she knows of the long-term benefits instead of just constantly worrying on the short-term? She could use the time you are busy to work on herself. Sounds like she's torturing herself in her own head. Dependency is something that needs to be managed carefully.
  4. How do you deal with situations in which you are not given the luxury of doing what you want? A lot of my life is just sitting around doing nothing. As if I want to be lazy. This does not work in the real world. Often times the path to getting what you want is a path filled with doing what you don't want. And it's even harder when what you want to do dramatically changes all the time.
  5. Hahaha true. My ego got scared shitless from just a taste of dmt. Have yet to try it again. Takes some serious balls to handle these intense experiences. I thought conquering 1mg of lsd would prepare me for anything. Boy was I wrong. Can't begin to imagine 5-MeO
  6. God can certainly take the form of an entity, but that is not all that God is. When God speaks to you it is talking to itself. At the end of the day, the idea of an entity is just a distinction you are drawing. Also the body doesn't "have" a soul and is not separate from its materialistic form. The soul is the body. A piece of spirit aka consciousness Your sober state is just a chemical reaction too. These reactions derive from reality though. All equally as real
  7. @Bill W The underlying mechanisms behind addiction I'd speculate have a spectrum to them.
  8. Who are you trying to proving that to? Did you feel targeted despite me making no definitive claim about who or how many?
  9. Yes it's a means of escapism from boredom. I'm sure a lot of people here do it too.
  10. All in one single moment. Paradoxes run deep.
  11. @Angelo John Gage And yet it's so smart it can do that. From formless to form. Doesn't seem like yours and Leo's position conflict much. The only thing to be intelligent is all this. Everything it does is a measure of just how intelligent it is.
  12. So let's not evade how essential it is to fully experience something in every angle to transcend it. ?
  13. @Aakash Just another hitch in the road. It'll pass.
  14. Collective ghosts? What? Survival is dirty. Unfortunately we have not transcended the use of violence entirely. Probably won't for a long time. Good government and conscious politics are relative ideals not some absolute truth. But don't forget the necessity of progression when striving for these ideals. We will not transcend government without going through all the stages of government. Conscious politics and good government is much more needed right now than optional anarchy. At least if you don't wanna live in the wilderness. Your criticisms of it are fine and all but there is a big difference between practicality and a fantasy of what we want. Be strategic. Promoting conscious politics and good government in a way helps your ideals.
  15. Do what you want. But fixing your jaw is only fixing symptoms and not fixing the root of why it bothered you in the first place. You can either satisfy your current thinking patterns or change them. No choice is wrong here.
  16. What if it is reversed? Or the more paradoxical answer, they are both completely valid lenses and just represent different aspects of the same thing. The only thing to say one is more fucked than another is ego. Reality without our senses appears as nothing. Not sure if senses can be more or less accurate without comparing it to something you relatively judge as more accurate hence then it's about achieving a goal not about literal factualaccuracy.
  17. Every discussion is personal. It all starts with a agenda. You would not be preaching your politics if you didn't have one. Everyone must keep awareness of themselves though lest it get nowhere. Which is the point of pointing out many ego tactics. It's evident your continuous repetition of the same ideas isn't working yet your approach consists of inconsistencies in your willingness to engage in discussion. It also never adjusts itself to the audience. It really confuses me what your actual agenda is. Because any attempt to teach has failed.
  18. No. Just pointing out a common tactic to redirect the conversation away from one self.
  19. @Inliytened1 Wasn't meant to be negation just my own independent reply ?
  20. Who's the one that dictates this hierarchy? Itself? It all just is. Sure you could create levels of how conscious one is. But it's only good for determining where you want to be.
  21. What makes the sober experience any more real than the dmt experience? Nothing! ?
  22. @Norbert Lennartz You seem to conflate the relative and absolute a lot. Be careful with that. Seeing through the illusions of the relative doesn't mean such illusions aren't useful in the relative. We bring understanding of the absolute into the relative to improve the relative.