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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. @themovement You seem to have a thing for consistently mentioning MGTOW despite it already being discussed and your threads being locked. To keep it short - Feminism and MGTOW principles on paper have half truths which will benefit you greatly if you reconcile them together - but the communities of both just spur shit with each other because they have things they can't move on from. Even the name of the videos 'Gender Wars' shows just how divisive this problem is and that is exactly a core piece of the problem. They often cling to such identities and demonize the opposite. People get it, its not entirely fair for either side. But fighting for the side that only benefits your survival is just another egoic mechanism at work. Overcome and transcend.
  2. Leo's replies often directly answer the question and don't provide a lot of nuance and/or background at least unless it is a video he is making. This is why sometimes you just gotta inquire more. Seems you came here with an idea already in your head and ran with it. I wonder why? Is asking for elaboration needy? Are you demonizing that? Reflect on the motive and intention behind your replies and whether it was necessary/productive to the conversation.
  3. @Templesign It is beyond the realm of logic. It is infinitely more complex and incomprehensible than logic. Yet it is still there and you can experience it. Reality is nonlinear and paradoxes run wild. Let go of limiting yourself to your own sense of logic and expand beyond it. All this theory is just mental scaffolding meant to help you point to where you need to look. It never will accurately describe all of this.
  4. Interesting to think about. Say I hold back on saying something. That is inauthentic. But I think what I wanted to say would have hurt them deeply. And being consciously aware they are me and wishing to not cause them pain where it isn't necessary - I hold back. This desire for them is authentic. So this turns into inauthenticity for the sake of some other authenticity. Every time you are inauthentic its for the sake of some authentic desire.
  5. Do you think these are pretty safe to do alone/with someone not experienced in them? I live in a very rural area without a car so it becomes difficult to find workshops for it.
  6. haha I meant what is usually controlled by the conscious mind. Sort of like being a backseat driver. I've had some afterglow experiences back when I experimented with dissociatives where I could choose to consciously control my body or just sit back like it was on autopilot like "I" as an observer was just on for the ride. This might hint to me that the observer usually is very deeply involved with the story the body creates.
  7. @Leo Gura Does this mean the body is more driven by the subconscious than the conscious observer?
  8. Some people cling to standards as if it is law. But standards have their use, they provide an interface for multiple people to collaborate or communicate. In programming grammar is vital. Nobody can interpret you unless they are following the same standards. In programming we follow computer standards. Once one learns the standard then can you let loose of many strict rules because people can use the standard itself as a way to fill in the gaps. Grammar itself is not the problem. It's being ideological about it and making it a limitation.
  9. They no longer bother me as much if I put my awareness into letting go. And letting what is be. There is use of activism but misplaced activism can be counter productive
  10. When you sober up you enter back into a dualistic mindset. Without the memory of it you can't begin to embody the ever fleeting insights. The impact of memory and it's feelings can almost "simulate" the experience again. These are great reminders of the experience of nondual consciousness. Of what is being worked towards. Profound experiences that are forgotten might not have as much impact if it is not followed up on. Memory is a great example of how theory and practice can come together.
  11. My girlfriend of 2 years has a lot of insecurity and self-image issues rooted from her childhood. I try to help her but the pain for her often becomes too overwhelming for her to process it and it often gets projected onto me. I've dabbled in this Breathwork lightly. Do you think this could help her process her own problems?
  12. You can create a distinction if you'd like, but there really is none. What is it that is experiencing everything? Some animals see things we can't see. At the end of the day this is all experience at its core. One person experiencing what another isn't doesn't invalidate the experience. Reality vs fantasy is creating some distinction between self and other. Between one experience and the next.
  13. Nailed it. Has everything to do with creation. We create in our minds effortlessly then manipulate reality to display our creation. Our ability to create is finite for we are a finite form, and the more finite we add the more our power to create as a society increases. As if we work as one cohesive unit. Creativity relies on imagination. Our ability to mix and match until it becomes something entirely unique. God creates life which ultimately desires to play God. To realize it's true nature.
  14. What he means is actually remembering the experience. Lots of people smoke dmt and don't even remember the experience. If you do then yeah getting bombarded can make it a bit overwhelming. @Nahm This doesn't seem helpful to someone in the dual. Remembering the experience is what helps one grasp the nondual. To experience the deconstructed sense of self. All this theory won't help without the experience to back it.
  15. Do you ever see something and it immediately brings out an emotional reaction in you without thought. Do you remember getting scared without thought? Or any kind of thoughtless reaction? This is what I think many animal minds are like. No internel dialogue but there still is feeling and reactions to such. They experience directly with no thought barriers. Universal consciousness is all inclusive. Every life you see is a testament to its power.
  16. Yeah. Salvia is in a similar boat. The only major exception is dissociatives that I can think of for hallucinogenic substances. Really hard to remember experiences but very magical and packed with many insights but I don't recommend them for health reasons.
  17. @Umar_uk Did you not just project your own biases and ideals It's hard to have a conversation when you can't give your own perspective of the world and interactions. The way you are using Leo's wisdom is not how I would apply it. Saying one thing doesn't make the opposite false. This work is all about emphasis. You can make any bit of information sound awful when applied where it was never meant to be. What you get out of Leo and what I get out of Leo are incredibly different. I look where the information can be applied beneficially then look on the opposite end for where it doesn't apply. Do you not do this
  18. Usually because people don't wield such wisdom with care. Letting yourself go from the chains of morality can be destructive if not wielded with wisdom. He is trying to craft a highly conscious society/influence. Why are you bothered? Seems to be a two-way street. People here like to keep the forums clean and high-quality. Remember this forum is not about free speech but it is catered to a very specific goal. I understand you need to let off energy, but is doing so on the forums really the best course of action for you? We aren't your enemies.
  19. You can remember them. Some trips can be so profound they stick with you immediately and change you. Others can provide insights that would need to be reflected on and integrated into your practices to understand and embody. I had an ego death experience that was very profound in the trip, but I came right back to my ego self sobering up not thinking much of it. It wasn't until a specific drug combo I had such a powerful awakening that was so profound it stuck with me and changed me forever. Consciousness has been way up ever since that trip. DMT can have memory issues when smoking it but plenty of people remember it. But that is a very short experience. 30 mins and is very intense on the body and visually. Ayahuasca (Brewed DMT), Shrooms, LSD and so on last hours. Smoking DMT, you don't think really, you are taken on a ride. Most other psychedelics give you enough conscious control to really take it in.
  20. Let it sit and boil for longer than that. This path is still new and fresh for you. Invest in it longer before making such a commitment.
  21. @Umar_uk You seem to run yourself into an endless chain of nondual thought that kind of strays pretty far away from the core question being asked. Not everything requires you to always go in-depth on the nondual foundations to make your point. Might save you some writing time and redundancy.
  22. You are right, but how you respond to such an occurrence happening from ignorance is definitely something that can be rewired. Instead of leaving attraction to direct experience, we create mental constructs about it and have break-downs if our identity and actions don't align.
  23. @Leo Gura Was discussing politics and I thought of something that really struck with me. This idea of individual vs collective thinking has really resonated with me as of late. I see a lot of conflicts arise from thinking of either side. Stage orange is very individual, stage green is very collective. And balancing and understanding both sides is nearing stage yellow territory yeah? I started thinking about how anyone who opposes the policies of say Bernie Sanders are a lot of the time advocating for more individual perspectives. They likely have a lot of orange traits. Bernie is introducing more collective thinking. Constraining the min and max of capitalism. The green are largely gonna be for him since they have a greater emphasis on collective and it provides a bigger sense of balance. (Although the green might want to take it too far collective) Then I started thinking of capitalism vs communism which has this same individual vs collective idea. (What I mean is paper communism if humans weren't so corrupt.) This duality between individual and collective seems to be a huge source of conflict between people who can't find balance between the two. Do you think this is a big part of it?
  24. @Galyna Consider you suffer because you resist and wish to get out of the very state you are in. Practice awareness when you suffer and let it go. Accept it for what it is. This seems to be another phase of your spiritual journey. It's not all happiness and rainbows. There's a lot to work through. Let go of all notions of being infinite, it's just a concept. You are suppose to be what you are right now.
  25. Liking to make yourself suffer isn't suffering. That's pleasure. Actual suffering you can't enjoy because by its very nature suffering is something unpleasant and the ego avoids that at all costs to maximize survival. And a conscious person will think of the collective instead of just individual. Even people who harm others a conscious person will not demonize, but it doesn't mean they'll let them willy nilly inflict on others. Such is the sandbox of reality. You can say everything is perfect but that is all inclusive. Including the conflict between those that inflict and prevent suffering. Including the desire to reduce it. What wins is perfect.