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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. @Nahm Mental scaffolding. It's all a tool. It's a veil yet it's not. It's dual yet it's not. Using illusion to see past illusion incredibly works.
  2. Even if you help one person grow, that is progress. You gotta account for the big long term picture. Society has gotten more conscious and will continue to. This content will provide access to high conscious material for those who discover it.
  3. Not at all. This seems like average finger movement speed. You good dude?
  4. Be careful with this. She may be wrong about porn addiction, but that doesn't mean everything she says is bullshit. Judge each message independently.
  5. Of course you don't need it. How did Leo find his life purpose without the existence of it? Work on this, first. You are 15. There is no rush to find your life purpose. I'm 20 and the amount of growth and change I have had in the past 5 years has been radical. You are still developing even physically. It would do you good to spend your time now just focusing on things that interest you and growing yourself in all facets of your being. Emotionally, mentally, spiritually etc. Your life purpose will come after you truly discover yourself and what you want in life. Baby steps. The life purpose course could help you, but is nowhere near mandatory.
  6. You seem to be really hung up on this monetization thing.
  7. @Aakash The funny thing about the concept of atoms is nobody has ever seen an atom. Its just an abstract concept that works to some degree haha yet they demand proof for other things.
  8. The truth of marriage is in the people not the marriage itself. Spirituality is much deeper than that. red pill and mgtow may have some half-truths but they are incredibly one-sided. A lot of people seem to use it as a coping mechanism for their own trauma. We are just tipping the seesaw back and forth until we transcend and reconcile both sides.
  9. I meant when critiquing the Big Bang and many scientific ideas I like to get a very nuanced understanding. Many science minded people will throw away your entire argument if you don't stick to the T on what the theory actually states haha. A lot of people misunderstand Big Bang Theory and Evolution Theory I'll give it a watch soon though and see if there is anything I could add to it. Based on the first few minutes it looks like a well-crafted video though so kudos to that. Tackling problems with the theories themselves is a good way to get science minded people thinking deeper.
  10. I used to argue with people a lot on Facebook. I still do to some extent when it's about trying to make people aware of when they are causing suffering unnecessarily or when they demonize something and can't see beyond their ego perspective. It really highlights my roots in green and resistant towards those who inflict suffering but proclaim righteousness. I've calmed down a lot though. Awareness is still the key answer here. I step back and ask "Did this convey what I want it to?" "Was my approach productive to my goal?" "Did I understand where they come from?" "What is my ego doing here?" and so on. This kind of stepping back would change my approach from a direct forcing one to a more gentler one. Sometimes you won't reach consensus and to accept that I just breathe, let go, and do something else. Your intent is everything. Shift your intent to giving information than trying to prove your stance as correct. Mutual understanding of perspectives even if there is no stance change is great. It plants your ideas as seeds which may bloom as they grow. That was a big benefit of all my arguing. Later on I understand the other side of those I argued with and could adapt it into my life. Big picture thinking instead of little. Hope this helps. ?
  11. Life is a journey the entire way. Things will backfire on you if you push yourself too hard. You won't be ready for everything in a single day. Strategic escapism does not imply staying imprisoned. Its another part of the process of breaking out. ? To come back and try again. Perhaps you've forgotten what it is like to be new at life or something in general? Sometimes a break is all you need and to come back tomorrow. This is even more vital for healing processes. Losing a battle doesn't mean you lost the war so to speak.
  12. It's probably good at times to step away from the forums and Leo to find yourself instead of just hanging around. Reality is a teacher. Go find your vision and see if it aligns with the actions here, if not don't chain yourself. Be free.
  13. Escaping from a lion trying to eat you is probably healthy. ? But seriously this work is often about the internel state and improving on it especially when you can't fix the external. Escapeism of the internel won't do you any good. You are stuck experiencing it. You have a little more leeway with the external from the ego perspective. And yeah you could chop it up to the internel is the core problem, but baby steps. Don't need to rush growth in a single day. If you aren't ready, try again when you are. Tl;dr: Escapism is good to help you prepare no need to rush.
  14. Science is good for surface level stuff. Its very good at recognizing patterns to and putting puzzles together. But it can't seem to dig into the deep metaphysical level of reality. Many scientists are still driven and unaware of their usual survival mechanisms (dualism) It does do a good job at building mental models to describe the most fundamental ways we can interact with reality. Science works from one end of the paradox while we are working on the other.
  15. What enlightenment is varies between the individual. You can say the same word and mean different things. Be careful about claiming ignorance on others just because they don't use a word the same way you do.
  16. @carlowillo Before I watch this, this video doesn't presume the Big Bang means the creation of everything right? It only describes the expansions of a singularity from already existing matter. (Its a common misconception and when critiquing something I like to at least fully understand what I am critiquing)
  17. What is the thing doing the demonizing? The ego! Letting go and transcending the ego involves letting go of demonization itself. To demonize it and try to suppress it will only reinforce its ability to control your life. By practicing understanding and awareness can you intercept the motives of the ego and let such motives dissolve. Yes. The key is to be conscious about it though. Its not about what you do per se (although a highly conscious person likely wouldn't do some things in a lot of situations) but it is your intent behind it that shows your spiritual growth.
  18. Pleasure is an amazing survival mechanic. We gravitate towards what pleasures us. Causes us to be addicted to survival.
  19. You went from one end of the paradox to the other. Resist what is and itll be a bad time. Give it time and you'll come to accept and embrace it. It's what you make of it.
  20. Take a movie and lay out all of its frames. We move from one moment to the next and it looks like a movie. Of course all moments exist simiultaneously with no separation. The fps of the movie is infinity.
  21. What kind of life do you really want to craft? Nobody here is going to advise you to follow up on killing people because that ultimately derives from not being conscious they are you.
  22. We are natural poylgamists and monogamists. Polyamory is fantastic if you can drop your egoic walls and be happy for the other person even if it doesn't benefit you - but it is often done so from somebody who feels needy for sex. Seeking externally for pleasure. Polyamory is a lot more than just sex and variety. Thats the least of it. A highly developed person would not feel like they need to run around and try all the flavors. Monogamy does not just derive from intent of scarcity just like polyamory does not just derive from intent of abundance. Monogamy can also be just simply being content. I am polyamorous in the sense I recognize the capacity to deeply love multiple people at the same time, but I am perfectly content in my monogamous relationship. And deeply investing your life with one person can be an incredible experience where its not just about you anymore - but rather you and your partner work together as a cohesive unit. Becoming one. Embracing polyamory and not monogamy will just leave you short, one hand empty. Both have their amazing benefits when practiced with genuine loving intent. Both can have consequences when practiced with shallow desires like sex. Reconcile these opposites together.
  23. I've quoted phrases from this book many times. It was one of the first books I read in regards to understanding reality. It is based on hermetic philosophy which you'll find aligns with a lot of what Leo teaches here. I hope it can help give you guys some insights on your path. Such information originates from ancient Egypt and Greece. Here is the book if you'd like to buy it for support: Here is a free online resource of the book: Alternative pdf: The book is pretty short with around 50 pages, but it is packed with insights. The wording can be a little cryptic, especially to someone new to this kind of work, but it is a very profound resource nonetheless. I hope people here can get use out of this. ? For a brief introduction here are the 7 principles of hermetic philosophy with a short descriptor: Summaries gathered from:
  24. "God is in the earthworm yet the earthworm is far from God." - The Kyballion
  25. I don't quite get why you need to ask this? Quora is just a website you ask questions and get answers. Diverse amount of people on there. I guess the advantage is you get some great answers and disadvantage is you get some not-so-great ones? Take each reply for what it is and if/how you can reconcile that in your life. Not everybody there will be as personally developed.