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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. All about how you handle it not if you do or don't feel it.
  2. That would hurt my survival. Limiting is preferable.
  3. @Psychonaut Yeah but the depth of the insights go up. The more shallow ones drop in exchange for retaining the deeper ones.
  4. It's the content in technology more than the technology itself. Lower consciousness technology won't appeal to people trying to go higher. And the internet connects most of the world and more aren't high consciousness compared to lower. The user is the problem.
  5. Are insights from higher doses not available for you? It's a matter of how much you want to brute force the ego out of the way. The more strength the more likely it'll happen. I forgot to add, trip every 2 weeks instead of every week. Tolerance is expected to fully reset bi weekly. Micro dose is a bit different.
  6. I'm in a state where I've let go of a lot of the mental stuff and put more emphasis on the actual experience stuff. I'm not as dependent on the mental scaffolding so I don't put as much effort into it as people who dedicate their life to trying to communicate this stuff.
  7. I wasn't aware nondual consciousness eliminates the human experience?
  8. @Justincredible76 To me the lower doses are a lot better to vibe with friends and not be so in your head. But also consider the more conscious you are the more intense it'll be. These days I can go deep with half the dose I could before.
  9. @Arhattobe I use knowledge more loosely than you
  10. 1. There's no guarantee a problem will be solved 2. the higher doses is more likely to give more insights exponentially. One 3 tab trip is more insightful than 3 separate 1 tab trip which is additive. 3. If you've never done 3 tabs the intensity might be too much for you, be careful.
  11. Without a hierarchy how can you sort people based on creating value? No hierarchy is basically communism. We could go somewhere in between. Make the cons of each as manageable as possible but that requires collective thinking too.
  12. When/if it starts hurting his liver and by extension survival then it'll matter ?
  13. Whatever you want. It's not as straight forward as that to achieve it but the only thing differentiating you from drinking beer all day and trying to be president is desire.
  14. Perhaps that is due to your own use of language being more similar to his than mine.
  15. We are saying the same thing just differently. What you call untainted etc knowledge I call wisdom.
  16. Yep. The difference between knowledge and wisdom is knowing how to handle it. 5 meo can help the journey but you won't become enlightened through it exclusively.
  17. You already are tapping into it. How much it can be harnessed within an intellectual context is limited to how conscious you are.
  18. The process of becoming more godlike?
  19. Baby steps. Drugs force you to take whatever you are given. They are much more powerful. It's a sacrifice. Stick to the traditional stuff if you can't handle it yet.
  20. Why you think this confuses me lol how much experience do you have? Anyways, I used to trip bi weekly. I haven't had much desire after my major awakening. The radicalness of all of this shakes my ego to its core haha
  21. Yeah. Feels very emotionally numbing right now. Stuck in this limbo of not knowing what to do or feel. I know I'm gonna have to go through grieving. Deal with some dysfunctional family. Times like these makes me wish I was more developed. But that's my mind trying to escape.
  22. Download videos you want to keep. Can't trust platforms to stay around forever.
  23. You're right. This can work and Leo even mentions it in his yoga video. The key here is you must put 100% devotion in your worship. To the point you can look past your own ego. This often is unsuccessful though because people half ass it.