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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. Of course. The Kyballion acknowledges the imperfections of its analogies but it makes them to emphasize something while still acknowledging the paradox. God is much more than the earthworm which is what the "earthworm is far from God" statement is trying to say. That section of the book was talking about the "I am God" half truth because it gives a sense that the ego identity is all that God is. It can be a tricky egoic trap if you can't see past it ego identities.
  2. The Kyballion had a nice phrase to emphasize this: "God is in the earthworm but the earthworm is far from God"
  3. In high school I was a very nice guy. I helped everyone I could to avoid my own problems. Every girl that liked me things fell flat and they moved onto someone else. I was a little excessive at times being so lovestruck But yet when I stopped caring about getting a girlfriend, and pleasing other people I suddenly got a girlfriend of about 2 years now. It was really bizarre to see my growth push away woman who just wanted to use me as their emotional crutch and only attract people who genuinely wanted me around just for me and not solely as their therapist. Dysfunctional people attract dysfunctional people I guess?
  4. Enlightenment won't pull you out of the dream. You can't escape what you are. But it will eliminate all resistance to what is. That's been my progress. But really all of this is mental masturbation on what we theorize enlightenment to be. Instead of talking about it we should be doing the practices. Most of us here have no idea what it's like. But we crave to know what we are going after. Embrace the unknown.
  5. You won't destroy it. But you can certainly transcend it.
  6. This is the kind of corruption to teachings I was talking about. You do not understand what is being said and it will do you no good to take it on blind faith. This is why this is a path of self discovery. You'll have to go deeper if you actually wish to know.
  7. Getting over it is quite the game. Look into pogo stuck if you like games that are so difficult it makes people rage.
  8. @hamedsf This so much. The ego will corrupt any teaching when it starts identifying as everything. This kind of work goes against everything the ego wants and this is why we get so much resistance. You are much bigger than the ego whom is trying to identify as God. @ShaunDo you actually know what you are or are you just playing along in the mind? @Shaun Live for your sake too. This is ego backlash. Love yourself as much as you love those around you. Think about @Nahm words. Don't get caught up in all the ideas and concepts. If you have not truly experienced what Leo is teaching then you won't truly know what he means. Your ideas of it are self torture when it's not a actually it. Take responsibility and work on letting go. Just be. Suffering feels endless and hopeless, we resist it so much after all. But overcoming such hard times is exactly what makes us stronger and better. It's what makes us grow. We'd be completely different people if not for our struggles which teach us deep lessons about ourselves. Instead of escaping, listen. Listen deeply to what you are being told.
  9. I love running in circles too. When the concepts outlive their usefulness, lets drop them shall we?
  10. The hardest part is finding out what does and doesn't work haha this is where people debate for days on end.
  11. It would probably be a lot of green stuff relating to policies from people like Bernie and/or Yang. Green seems to be the next natural step.
  12. @Commodent Thanks a lot! I'll check it out.
  13. @Commodent Got any actual good resources on working with chakras? There's lots of conflicting stuff and I never know what to follow.
  14. No I'm saying if people take what Leo says and spins it off to use it to reinforce dualism and demonization tactics it's a reflection of theirs. If you've watched Leo's videos on the devil, morality, should statements etc you'd know he and many people here see past the trap of such things and merely use phrases like devilry as tools of understanding. I get your concern, so to those who don't get it, should be directed to the videos I mentioned. Leo is already moving way past such topics.
  15. Whether you use it or not to perpetuate dualism and/or demonization is just a reflection of your own state of consciousness. If your explanation works for you, go for it! This is all mental scaffolding anyway. Different strokes for different folks.
  16. @Conrad Beautifully said. To understand what Jesus was saying you must first realize it for yourself. ? Else it be corrupted. I can't begin to imagine how teachers can lead students through such a puzzle. Very tricky.
  17. Because it aids their survival and most people are always biased towards that yeah?
  18. This mechanism intrigues me. Like what exactly is going on that makes one person unable to keep themselves "together" and others totally fall apart? Is it resistance vs surrender? Getting too deep in your own head you believe everything? Lack of integration? My friends and I have seen people turn into an incomprehensible mess yet I came out fine doing incomprehensible doses. Its exactly why I struggle to recommend psychedelics to people.
  19. As far as the Buddha I don't think they really use the word God because for many people it implies the idea of a deity. Some separateness of creator and creation. Theism and atheism are half truths, awakening would involve reconciling the two. You either go so atheist you experience nothingness and realize that's God or become so theist you experience God and realize that's nothingness.
  20. All ideas until you actually see where the pointer is pointing to. You talk a lot about this stuff but based on my previous conversations with you, you admit you haven't had any direct realization of such ideas. So be careful here. Its just ideology in such instances.
  21. Its sad. If we switched it from a criminal problem to a health problem like places such as Portugal and Switzerland, this would be less of an issue I think based on their success. I think Yang is for this notion based on policies like:
  22. This desire to remove it is exactly why it won't go away. You are resisting this very desire which only reinforces it.
  23. I am talking about unconditional love, this is much more radical than your typical notions of love. This is a common trend you'll find in this work. When there is no ego calling the shots and you merge into oneness..there is only one thing to love. You.
  24. If it wasn't for love, torture wouldn't be here. Neither would you or form. Unconditional love. Our notions of conditional love is adapted for our survival. It is all an expression of itself. Similarly to how characters in a book are an expression of the author.