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Everything posted by Shadowraix

  1. She probably already had a predisposition for schizophrenia. Some substances can accelerate the development of such conditions, but it won't actually cause them. I remember watching about a guy who had his development of schizophrenia accelerated by having a gun pointed to his head. There are many triggers for it. Whether you can safely integrate insights from psychedelics or you get lost in them is largely dependent on you. Some people overestimate their own capabilities and traumatize themselves by doing it too much. To minimize risk this is why you start small and work up.
  2. You can be grateful and point out problems. :^) be careful about using the word troll to be dismissive. Some people come off as trolls but actually have genuine intentions.
  3. I find there to be a very big distinction in this word consciousness when referred to the mind-body model and the metaphysical model use of it. While metaphysical consciousness represents all of mind-body consciousness this doesn't quite work backwards because there must be duality, a distinction when working with the body, else how do you distinguish body from oneness?
  4. Yeah, I don't think the focus is if we need milk, but can we drink milk with no negative impact and how much can we drink? All the marketing that we need it to be healthy was a bunch of bs from what I know. Those who are lactose-intolerant can't consume our own milk beyond a certain age, but afaik tolerant people can through the same lactase enzyme mutation. I would love to know what actually started such a mutation. Surely people didn't just drink milk and get sick until it happened lol
  5. This is a very personal issue because you know yourself best. There is a risk to psychedelics but they are very much in a minority. Are you aware of how many risks you take in your day to day life? If you are below 18 don't take them. Wait until your early 20s at least. That'll help you. Do you get triggered and or upset at things easy or would you say you are quite capable of dealing with intense things? Your ability to surrender is a big thing here. Getting really high is a good benchmark I think since it's duration is way lower.
  6. I don't think throwing around maps of coral so willy nilly does it justice.
  7. I feel a desire to do so. There is no why. Its just there and so I satisfy it.
  8. We need to be careful about this kind of reasoning because something not being directly made for something doesn't necessarily translate to negative impact. @theking00 Start here: The dose makes the poison. The findings of milk in particular (Which is what makes dairy, well dairy) are a bit of a mixed bag. Now we have done studies on specific ingredients in milk that points to potential risks, but the big question would be how much of it do you have to consume for it to be dangerous. Drinking one soda won't hurt you, but every day definitely will. Keyhole's reply on the linked thread is good too about differing bodies. It hasn't been too long in human history that we mutated to be lactose-tolerant our entire lives.
  9. Where and what does duality emerge from? There's no need or right or wrongness.
  10. Why? Whats stopping you? Reality and life has many facets. A big key here is being observant to how you think. Remember a lot of this work is about *deconstruction* than construction.
  11. Yeah this confuses me. Coral is unmapped territory so how do you actually map it and come to unanimous agreement of the map? It would require a lot of careful thought and variable crossing to map coral in a way to really show a pattern of human growth. Turquoise level thinking is only just really starting to emerge into being known by the masses.
  12. It sounds like your notion of talent isn't very nuanced. A talent especially in rate over baseline often needs to be carefully nurtured to maximize its potential. Not all talent potentials are the same either. Some go much further than others. A talent doesn't necessarily mean environment can't hold it back from maximizing. If I had a talent to play piano id never know unless I was given the opportunity to grow it. It must be exercised to show its rate. Baseline talent often only takes you so far. Rarely does it bring you next to the finish line.
  13. It does nothing special though? (Compared to other available forum software) At least not to users interacting with it. Discourse functions and feels way better than this forum. This forum isn't even optimal for mobile use as seen by this thread. Far from the best imo feels like it was made in 2005 when phpbb was the best thing out there. This isn't a bash on you but feedback so you can improve the user experience. As far as discourse goes the open source importer scripts make a great starting point. There's also this: There's a ton of people who will help or even import for you for free. There are plenty of alternatives than something like Ip.Board/Invision that also gives you the freedom to host your forum anywhere you want. Knowing how to code is an incredibly useful skill and will save you a lot of hassle, and money. don't know about you but I always design my projects to be clean and have a lot of flexibility so I won't struggle with a larger scale. People convert/import their forums all the time with more data than this forum. Its why discourse has importer scripts. If you are having issues, that is a sign of bad design imo.
  14. @Leo Gura Could move to better forum software and migrate all posts with a script. I'm a fan of discourse. @Mikael89 I'm on android and have it. I have to do the solution posted above.
  15. @Leo Gura hmm yes I see. I think the confusion stems that raising consciousness and getting access to Siddhis breaks things I *thought* were limits. Healing people, walking on water. How far can it go without releasing humanness?
  16. Sorry for the double quote, but what about Siddhis? If such things are true then wouldn't many limits be self imposed?
  17. The model is useful inside the story. That video was to help you see past the model, to not be constrained by it. Doing so does not necessarily make it useless though. You must know a tool and how to use it before you can do so effectively. @Natasha Funny that you mention the pain thing because even before this work like when I started high school I discovered by trying to perceive pain as just a sensation rather than something negative my pain tolerance skyrockets. But back then I also had moments of an existential crisis because I would ask myself "who am I" and focus on the I and couldn't locate it. Its quite scary when you don't understand whats going on. Funny how early parts of life can foreshadow where you are now when looking back.
  18. I don't think talent is so black and white. Not only does it affect your baseline but also the rate. And they aren't necessarily constrained to each other. Combine this with how much effort someone puts into increasing their consciousness, you can see a dynamic that results in a variety of outputs.
  19. Mdma is a glorious experience. There is nothing but love for everything. It's so careless and free. It fully connects you with emotion. It helped me heal from trauma. My *theory* of enlightenment involving total acceptance to what is, means a skyrocket in happiness. It's good to contemplate what is happiness. Are you ever unhappy if there is no resistance?
  20. Yeah this is where alcohol is great for growth. Nice points. I try to do this whenever I drink with friends or family.
  21. Of course. It is not a matter of if you are deluded, it is how much.
  22. Went ahead and played this game and the one I mentioned. The most reaction it got out of me was mild stuff like "I should of got that" "Wooow" "This game is gonna be the death of me (joke)" "Nooo!" Not really yelling but definitely discontent. I usually took a break after 30 mins tho. I didn't come out with long lasting anger. I can say I did better than Markiplier with pogo stuck ?
  23. I don't think you are quite understanding me. In fact I am pointing to oneness too. The perceived separation of the earthworm and other or the perceived separation of ego when it claims "I am God" is the very trap the phrase is pointing out. That's what I mean when I say God is more than the earthworm. To not exclude, to not create separation between say the earthworm and the dirt. Of course nonduality includes separation but one step at a time. The phrase was not addressing this aspect. Other parts do.