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Everything posted by EternalForest

  1. Just my personal experience here, the people who call you "toxic" or "narcissistic" are ironically the biggest "toxic people" and "narcissists" there are! You're just not going to be compatible with everyone, but people like to call you toxic when you're just wrong for each other. There are people out there that will bring the worst out of you, and it's not your fault or their fault. It is what it is. Spend time with the people that make you feel good and bring the best out of you, and avoid the people that don't.
  2. It's arbitrary. Do you weep at night for the animals killed for your dinner? (I ask this as a meat eater myself)
  3. Take a walk
  4. This is also very true and something I should have acknowledged, thank you
  5. @charlie cho Yes, but learning for learning's sake can become redundant. There's nothing wrong with enjoying it, but I also don't agree that being neutral on it is going to lead to any less of a quality life. Imagine being a musician and all of your songs revolve around the topic of loving music? Or only giving speeches about the power of a great speech? I think back to my high school days and view it as the biggest waste of time in my life. When thinking back, high school held no meaningful moments or epiphanies for me. Everything valuable about my time there came from the friends I made, places I went, and life experiences I had. My reading and writing level is fundamentally the same as it was when I was in 9th grade, same with my math abilities, especially the stuff I've actually had to use in real life. The most important things I know weren't taught in school.
  6. @PepperBlossoms Acknowledge the fact they probably feel the same way about your beliefs and agree to disagree. You can debate them if you want but don't attack their beliefs. That will actually make them less likely to drop their dogmas. You can get along with people without agreeing with them politically or spiritually. I disagree with a lot of my friends on some pretty fundamental things but that doesn't stop us from doing the things that we do click on.
  7. This really hit me for some reason. I'm sorry about that, I hope you can stick around and get more value from the forum.
  8. It's a difficult question for me because the thing I love most about life is creativity but the greatest creative works include suffering. So do I love suffering by proxy? I don't want to love it, but I sometimes think that it's a big part of what makes life interesting. Again, I don't want to have this mindset, but I can't lie to myself either.
  9. You're on the money! Combining Logic and Emotion properly is also something called "The Wise Mind" as opposed to the purely "Emotional Mind" or the "Logical Mind". It takes a while to practice and the tricky part is that it completely varies depending on situation, so it takes wisdom to feel it out. Btw, I'm really enjoying all of your posts lately, I like your vibe!
  10. Nothing wrong with doing both. A relationship is a give and take, you offload onto them and they offload onto you. That's what venting is for.
  11. I enjoy a good balance of novelty and comfort. Too much comfort and I feel like I'm not growing or creating new experiences. Too much novelty and I start to lose touch with myself.
  12. Not knowing where to start or somehow feeling like I'm doing something wrong.
  13. I think people need incentive to learn. What is your reason for trying to learn anything other than what it can do for you? Not to say this in a selfish way, but if you really think about it, why would you learn things that are pointless to you? How does it serve you? People without a natural love of learning still learn things naturally all the time, but it's what they want to learn based on what they've been exposed to or what they're naturally interested in. If they love cars, they learn more about them all the time. If they love animals, they want to spend more time with them, watching and observing them. Someone who is into insects probably isn't going to spend every weekend at the car show, however. Not to say it's limited to just this, since they may learn something just because someone they love or respect is into it, but even this is incentive.
  14. Personally? Privacy reasons. Not everyone wants to expose the most private parts of themselves to others, physically or otherwise.
  15. @UNZARI You should work for yourself. Obviously don't just quit your job right away but as long as you have a job you'll always be under someone's thumb. See Leo's video How to Escape Wage Slavery and make a long term plan
  16. One step at a time
  17. Sounds like a communication issue more than anything. Have you guys ever sat down and planned out when you cook and when he sleeps? Maybe if you're on different sleep schedules, cook some stuff during the day and heat it up in the microwave at night?
  18. I can't help since I'm in the same boat, just wanted to say I'm surprised no women have responded yet to give some tips from their POV.
  19. Recovering from being a hermit due to COVID and getting independence and autonomy.
  20. Kind of ironic how a video called "How to Stop Judging Yourself" spawned a thread full of people judging each other lol
  21. @Rilles just like you, I have many criticisms of modern Leo and But he was humble enough to create a dedicated thread where you can express any issues that you have with him. (You can find it on his page if you look at his topics). After leaving a comment there, I feel a lot more comfortable being around here, and it also makes me comfortable to know that I can always go back there and post more if more issues arise. Now, I'm not sure how much he keeps up with all the critiques in that thread, but I suggest you post there and then participate in the forum as you feel comfortable. Because at the end of the day, this is Leo's community. There are plenty of more controversial ideas and posts I would like to make but they go against the forum rules. So I don't post them. It is what it is. However, I get enough value out of this forum in other ways that I still occasionally post / stick around. The last thing I'll say is that I do agree with you that Leo's content is not what it used to be. But there are reasons for that, and it's not the psychedelics. He's going through a lot of health issues right now and if you go on his blog you can see how debilitating it has been for him. Once he gets all those issues resolved, I have faith that the content will go back to what it used to be. But also, Leo has changed as a person, and it's a person that I no longer resonate with in the same way. One day, I hope I'll resonate with him again like I used to. Until then, I just rewatch the 2016 to 2018 content. There are still plenty of nuggets in there.
  22. So in the latest episode on free will, Leo said that God gives us free will to eat junk food, and we have to suffer the consequences. But the problem is that we don't choose the consequences, God does. Why can't we choose to either: A. Eat junk food with no negative Health consequences, or B. Have the free will to choose negative health consequences for eating junk food. I don't see how we have free will if this choice is out of our control
  23. And spoiler alert, after S3E7, Hank's toxic Stage Orange softened and by the end I believe he was actually becoming somewhat Stage Green. If he never got into what he did in S3E7, who knows if he ever would have.
  24. @Danioover9000 What shocked me about Breaking Bad was how much of Walter I saw in myself. I was rooting for him because I myself have a repressed sense of pride. I also felt wronged by society around me and believe I deserve better yet I could never gather up the courage to take the risks necessary for a better life. So when he did take the risks he took, it felt liberating. Breaking Bad is almost a case study of Spiral Dynamics stage suppression.