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Everything posted by EternalForest

  1. Think of your highest possible goal for your life. How far away are you from achieving that?
  2. How is arguing and debating a trap?
  3. @Elton Thanks for sharing that. Some other questions she can ask based on those 5: Think back to any moments in your life where people bought you gifts. Did these things increase your love for them? What about giving gifts to others? Is that something you do out of obligation or deeper meaning? How much time do you find yourself wanting to spend with your loved ones? Can gifts, words of affirmation or acts of service truly replace quality time for you? How intimate do you find yourself in long term relationships vs. in person ones? -------------------------------------- There are also some great tests online you can take to find your love language.
  4. I usually have the best luck talking to people that are "on idle". Doesn't mean they can't be part of another group. Look for someone who's having a drink and relaxing, they're usually easy to chat up. Talk to em about something on the TV.
  5. @JonasVE12 Hey man, I can tell you put a lot of effort into your response so I don't want this to come off the wrong way, but just a bit of constructive criticism...It sounds like you're spending more time trying to sell him some pipe dream or blow smoke up his ass than genuinely trying to help him. Do you understand what it's like to be so deprived of love that the moment someone doesn't respond to your message you delete them out of frustration? Do you understand the pain of seeing someone that you've fallen in love with at first sight walk right in front of you with another guy? Do you understand how it feels to never have a genuine connection with 50% of the population? And I ask these questions not with the insinuations that any woman owes him or I anything. I ask this question because I don't think you understand the deep pain and scars that come from rejection over and over and over again. All this adds up, and it's not as simple as "there are millions of women on the street, so go start that joyful and connected conversation". He can't. He's unable to. He needs to learn how. And nothing in your post gave him any practical steps to get there. Thing is, even though what you're talking about may not seem like an ulterior motive, it is. Using picking up women as some tool for him to gain confidence to build his business. No, that's all backwards. He should build the business first, then worry about picking up women... He needs to sit in a room alone and deeply feel everything he's feeling, and let it out in any way he needs to. He needs to find a way to build the strength you need to make his goals happen, and along the way, look for someone to love. It doesn't have to be one or the other first. One does not have to come before the other. Choosing to build his business now is not avoidance as long as he's handling his emotions in a healthy way. Again, I do not intend for this response to be combative. Your intentions are good, but I think what you wrote feels like it could be some random blog article than genuine advice for this guy. And you might say, well why don't I write my own advice? The truth is, I can't. Because I'm going through the same issues. But I can tell you that when you're sitting in the face of years of rejection, you can't be this glowing ball of liberated love and surprise everyone with your charismatic ways. Not everyone is built that that. That isn't everyone's personality. I am a logical and introverted person, but also creative. I want to use my creativity to bring joy to people. That gives me purpose. I'm not good with people, and I'm not good at directly interacting in positive ways with other people, despite any good intentions I may have. But I know the things that I've created have impact. I can see it. By your logic, are my goals self serving? That I can't use my art to make people happy just because I don't have some buzzwords like "authenticity" "diligence" or "clarity"? So it won't be genuine? Maybe I don't have those things, in spades like some may. But guess what? I don't care. I follow my heart and live my highest truth, even if no one else loves me.
  6. You don't think anyone has ever met a friend or significant other through connecting with an employee? C'mon man.
  7. Drinking a glass of water or listening to some of my favorite high consciousness music tends to help. Any other tips from you guys? Feeling a bit low consciousness this morning and could use a few
  8. @Raptorsin7 It's not bad, but it's not what I need to feel better at the moment.
  9. @Raptorsin7 Hm, gotta be honest, while reading this, the whole concept of "nothing has any meaning" and "I give meaning to everything" and "no miracle means anything more than any other miracle" is giving me nihilistic vibes. Not working for me but I still appreciate it.
  10. @Raptorsin7 Okay so you're talking about the text in the main chapters, not the workbook?
  11. @Raptorsin7 What is that? I don't see a "wisdom" portion in the text I found.
  12. Does science rob us of the wonder in the world or does it add to it? I feel like there are certain, novel,paranormal things that science does try to explain away and make rational. But in other ways, such as the mysteries of the universe or in stuff like chemistry, I fee like science only adds to the wonder.
  13. @thisintegrated Spot on
  14. @Username I think you're spot on. INTJ fits him perfectly.
  15. @thisintegrated 100% agreed
  16. Thanks for sharing. This looks like a trip.
  17. With lyrics: Instrumental:
  18. @How to be wise Do you genuinely think ALL shows are a waste of time?
  19. I respect Leo a lot for adding these new subforums. I know a lot of people think all art is a waste of time or something but I have personally learned deeper lessons in some songs, shows and films than I have in any self help book. and having an entire philosophy section should bring about some great discussions! I'm very excited for the future of this forum.
  20. Throwing papers planes with friends. It's something fun I did after school every day that helped me develop creativity. We'd constantly try and make better and better planes. And watching them fly up to the sky was a rush that gives me chills even typing this.
  21. I wish I knew. Shame and guilt consume me every day. They won't be satisfied until I am nothing but a robot, incapable of joy, but I refuse to let them win.
  22. Stories. Whether in books, movies, shows, plays or even the ones we tell around the campfire. Stories are life.
  23. It's possible to excel in one area of life and lack in the others. Why else do you think famous artists struggled their entire lives, with their work only making money after they died?