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About EternalForest

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  1. I disagree. I'd rather judge someone by their peak than their average.
  2. I'm not a liar. I sat there for a few minutes trying to get the best time I could. And the time I posted is legit.
  3. Yes and no. Most of the info I know about meditation is from Leo, so if you asked me this back in 2018 I would've said it's not BS because it seemed like he believed meditation could easily lead to Awakening back then. Over the years though, Leo's opinion has shifted to the point where normal meditation alone doesn't seem like it'll ever be enough to make a dent. Not to say you shouldn't do it at all, some is better than nothing but now it seems like unless you do regular meditation retreats or at least multiple hours a day minimum in combination with other methods it won't make enough of an impact. @Leo Gura Is this accurate?
  4. Vibes are good in general. Political arguments won't follow you everywhere you go, if you're worried about that. Basically, if you don't personally bring up politics, you'll never have to talk about it in your daily life. If you do, all I can say is, be careful! Democrats and Republicans are basically radicalized into cults now and its very difficult to have a reasonable debate about anything, especially with strangers.
  5. Ironically, this only happens to me in short lived relationships (a year or less). My long term relationships are pretty steady, with the occasional new project or hangout idea to shake things up every few months.
  6. Not true. Anime is still as great as its ever been. Demon Slayer (2019) is a generational anime, especially the Mugen Train film (2020). That's peak cinema! Plus My Hero Academia (2016), Cyberpunk Edgerunners (2022), not to mention the the 3rd and 4th seasons of Attack on Titan (2019 to 2023)
  7. Neon Genesis Evangelion
  8. You gotta be livin' up under a rock if you don't know my voice! SWAMP IZZO! I A M M U S I C! This brings me to enlightenment
  9. @Majed Is pickup the only method you're using to find a girlfriend?
  10. Keep it going! You're onto something profound here.
  11. First of all, LMFAO Secondly, I agree that Grok is where the real fun begins with AI chat. ChatGPT was like the PG, safe prototype. Grok is the uncensored, smarter and fully actualized model, and it's going to change everything.
  12. Friends are very important in my opinion. You need people to ground and support you when you're having issues and/or everyone else has abandoned you. You also don't even need 6 friends. One true friend is enough (or one true friend group), trust me. Edit: For the record, I have 3 true friends, and I consider this the greatest blessing in my life.
  13. My personal ranking of the arguments from the video, from least convincing to most convincing. Argument from Faith: | You could have faith in anything, doesn't make it true. Argument from Scripture: This is like saying your favorite movie is so good, it must've been inspired by God! Ontological argument: | Basically, the definition of a tautology. If God can exist, God can exist... Pretty bad. Pascal's Wager: | I used to believe this out of fear but honestly, if God was real, he probably wouldn't let Pascal's Wager believers into heaven because their belief needs to be genuine. Argument from Free Will: | Not without value but irrelevant to God’s existence. Moral argument:| Functionally good for the world (for those who believe it), unconvincing for argument's sake. Argument from Mystery: | So what happens when science can explain everything? Neoplatonic Proof: | Not convincing. Why does multiplicity require absolute unity as its source? Aristotle's argument: | Assumptions on assumptions. Why can't there be an infinite chain? Something From Nothing: | Feels more like another philosophical mind game you play with yourself than a strong proof of God in my opinion. Argument from Reason: | Despite some deeper layers assumes that the mind of God works the same as ours, which I highly doubt. Performative Contradiction of Naturalism: | Doesn't necessarily prove God, but should give any scientist or rationalist pause. Argument from Perennial Philosophy/Popularity/Success: I'm probably in the minority here, but I think there's some weight behind this, more than most. Among the billions of people who believed in God over the years, how likely is it they were all wrong? There has to be something deeper there. Causal Argument: | It's a bit esoteric with the way it describes the Human/God relationship. Not sure what the average person is supposed to make of it. Like Leo said, it's one big esoteric analogy for something more. Argument From Participation: | A more sophisticated causal argument, and I like this one better. The top down element is actually very insightful. Argument From the Big Bang: | Essentially, it's the cosmological argument with less steps, using the big bang as a stand-in. And while it’s not bad and it holds some weight SOMETHING caused the Big Bang, we have no way of being sure it was God. St. Augustine's Proof #1 & #2: | Good arguments for the idea that there is something ultimately more intelligent and good than humanity, and why its likely to be some sort of God. Cosmological argument: | Claiming everything has a cause, and therefore the universe has a cause? I can accept that. Claiming that cause is God? That’s a bit of a stretch. It's convincing on the surface, but it kind of jumps to assume God more than I'd like. Still one of the best. Argument from Consciousness: I completely agree with this. There is an entire spiritual realm that science has no way of properly exploring. Science can NOT properly explain consciousness because its too profound to fall into a box for study, and comes from something higher. Argument from Miracles: I disagree with Leo a bit on this one. Because even if one of these miracles was true, that’s stronger evidence for the existence of God than most of the previous arguments combined. Argument from Personal Experience: Once you correct for self deception in yourself and in others, this is indeed one of the best ways to know that God exists. Because you have experienced it for yourself. Personally, I won’t be 100% convinced of God until I have my own experience one day. Teleological and fine-tuning arguments/Information theory: | Now these are great in my opinion! (grouped together because they're basically all pointing to the same thing). Considering the complex code of DNA, how complex and perfectly nature operates and how the sun and moon are the perfect distance from the Earth to sustain life, what are the chances that the Earth was created so perfectly exactly the way we experience it without some divine intervention or help from a higher power? Very slim. Even after billions of years of evolution, it's practically a miracle.
  14. Dang I've never seen this guy before and he seems really solid. I'll be watching him throughout the week. Thanks for the share Daniel!!