The Blind Sage

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About The Blind Sage

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  1. It's certainly limited, but all lenses are not the same, it would be foolish to think so. This particular lens is particularly useful, since it allows you to make sense of the bigger picture of human development on a societal level and an individual level and an astoundingly clear way. Notice the word useful, meaning it's value is relative to how well you can apply it and make sense of things. He's pointed out its limitations plenty. When he uses the model he's not going to keep repeating it's limits each time he does it, that's on you to fill in the gaps and contemplate... I hope your your view of SD is not based on Leos videos alone, that series is just the tip of the iceberg. There are books on applying SD to geopolitics as well as the SD book itself. Not to mention, other developmental psychology models exist as well
  2. Ben Patrick had multiple knee surgeries and was told he would never be able to compete in his sport again (basketball) by his doctors. He took matters into his own hands and studied knee mechanics to rebuild his knee joints. Unfortunately, the natural sciences aren't the only fields riddled with dogma. Sports science stigmatized knee movements that involved knees moving over the toes. Several decades ago they found that such movements cause extra pressure in the knee joint. And although this is true, the consensus about it's implication was wrong. It was believed that it would erode the knee, but in fact it was the opposite. Safely doing such movements would cause adaptations that actually strengthened the knee joint. After discovering this, he's mastered knee health, explosiveness & longevity, helping a lot of people with knee issues (including me) regain their athleticism. Awesome bloke. Check out the full podcast on JRE: And also some valid limitations of his work from a sports scientist:
  3. You wont learn any proper techniques from Sadhguru online, you'd have to take an in-person program for that. Might as well use Sam Harris's app His books vary in quality. Some of them are bad, just rehashes of his talks on youtube. A few of them are pretty good, most notably "Karma, a yogis guide to crafting your destiny"
  4. Yes, he absolutely has. Yoga in the studios is not yoga lol...It's exercise. And not even effective exercise if you ask me. If you're looking for physical health I can't see studio yoga being better than lifting, pilates, mobility training, plyometrics, cardio etc. I guess it'd be ok for mobility but even then, if you're an athlete its such an inefficient way to train theres much better stuff today. It's got bastardized sprinkles of authentic stuff in there like a few minutes of nostril breathing, maybe some chanting, maybe one asana in the sequence is accurate but even then, asanas need enormous levels of attention to refine your energy system, they don't just work because you've assumed the posture. It's adulterated stage orange/green trash, it's got nothing to do with genuine spirituality and mysticism. It's just a facade. Also, you can't compare a meditation from an app to kriya yoga lol, they're of a completely different level of sophistication: Don't get me wrong, there are other organizations that offer potent kriya yoga, but none of them even come close to the level of impact Isha has imo. I've said it before and I'll say it again - Dismiss Sadhguru all you want, it wont ultimately wont matter, this work is about you, not him. But to dismiss the practices, you'd have to be a fool/ignorant.
  5. @Leo Gura FYI I think some of your best content has come through the blog. Some of those videos that you shot with the camera in your hands just speaking your mind was so raw and relatable, those videos really stuck with me.
  6. @-Rowan I did the JC stevens Kriya for about 6 months approximately 5/6 years ago. I stopped because I started getting some nasty side effects (emotional instability, heat flashes, etc), I was only open to try out Ishas Kriya yoga because of this so I learned Shambhavi through IE. After 5 years of Shambhavi I can say that I've gained much more enhanced consciousness from Shambhavi than I did from JC's Kriya. Not necessarily because it's better but because kriyas are like skills, you have to learn how to activate your prana which will take years and decades to refine. 6 months of Shambhavi was the turning point for me actually. That was when things started to click and the kriya felt much more potent. This was after 6 months of JC's kriya so perhaps it may take longer for others than if they only learned Shambhavi. The main kriya taught at Isha is through the Shoonya program- Shakti Chalana kriya (SCK for short). You'll likely need to travel to the Ashram for this. Shambhavi alone is great for people looking for a more pleasant life but SCK is when things start getting serious in terms of growth. There will be a synergistic effect between the practices. Improved mental clarity, focus and enhanced consciousness has definitely been there for me. Hope that helps
  7. There's definitely something fishy about Sadhgurus narratives but claiming he's an occult gangster based off an acid trip is wild my dude I'm just going to leave this here without context @Leo Gura you dirty devil πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  8. Thank you, your perspective is quite insightful
  9. @Buck Edwards Could you tell us which book that is? thanks : )
  10. fats%2C which we,reputation as omega-3 fats. @Schizophonia Why is nutrition so goddamn confusing 😭😭
  11. @Breakingthewall I don't know what you mean by lying 'on a spiritual level'. Can you please clarify on this point? His narratives are definitely shady tho, here's a video on this topic: I've watched this video a while ago so it's not fresh in my memory but I recall many points OP made in the video as generally twisting the narrative to put SG in a bad light so pls take the video with a grain of salt. Despite that, theres some good points he brought up that made me question SG integrity. In any case, the points I made on my previous post on this thread still stands - you'd be a fool to dismiss the Isha practices, they're amazing.
  12. Cool, I hope to be in that space someday