The Blind Sage

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Everything posted by The Blind Sage

  1. I struggle with the same issue, nothing really worked until I went to a vipassana retreat. The weeks that followed afterwards I was eating my food without watching anything and have never enjoyed it more. Of course it didn't last though, but hopefully it will stick as i keep progressing....
  2. I've just read 'Inner Engineering' by Sadhguru in which he touches upon the different kinds of Yogas. First of all he mentions that you need a guru to guide you in the path of kriya as it is a path that emphasizes on the mastery of your body energies and its mechanics, hence you need someone to show you as opposed to gnana yoga for example. Second of all he mentions that you need to be initiated into the kriya, otherwise they will not 'work' when you practice and may take you many lives to get 'liberated'. He specifically mentions not to learn it from a book as we do here on Although Sadhguru is the real deal Gurus are renowned for being biased towards their traditions. I've been seeing tangible results with kriya and will continue as its the best tool I have so far but I'd like to know if it's viable for awakening.
  3. You spend a lot of time writing these replies. Know that it really does help. Thank you Nahm.
  4. I deliberately chose not to post it there because this goes beyond the scope of Kriya. Its a poor title in hindsight. This topic is relevant to all the forms of laya yoga including kundalini yoga as well as any type of yoga that is trypically taught with initiation. I will link this topic there.
  5. If this is true then there are plenty of energy practitioners capable of initiation. Check this out- My kundalini is not hyper but it definitely isnt dormant either so I guess I'm fine without one.
  6. Makes sense Agreed, it is the best tool we have so far. But at the same time, if there is a better way of doing things we should not sit idle.
  7. By this logic we should just forget all about doing the practices Of course there's nothing you can 'do' to awaken. You misunderstand what I'm asking
  8. Modalities such as reiki seem to balance it out just fine in my experience. Not that I would like to have them of course, the issue is just if it will awaken you or if we're better off doing one of the advanced courses from the Isha foundation. If it does awaken you, the negative side effects are without doubt worth every bit of suffering.
  9. @Salvijus Thanks for the info, I'll check it out @Salvijus I understand what you mean. I learned Kriya from the books in the book list. I would like to visit Sadhguru's ashram someday and test it out for myself, just curious to know peoples experiences and opinions.
  10. @Leo Gura Do you know of any individuals that have awakened through Kriya without being initiatiated or handheld by someone else?
  11. @fryingLotus Can you link us the retreat website?
  12. Here's Sadhguru's perspective: @LoveandPurpose @Esoteric @abrakamowse @lmfao
  13. @abrakamowse Might as well post it, just give a viewer discretion warning
  14. I haven't watched it yet but here's the full documentary:
  15. @Leo Gura you mentioned the healing properties of DPT. Do you reckon it can cure Martin Balls sleeping issues?
  16. I dont really understand how he fits in the spiral. Seems like he was a new age stage green hippie before. Is it even possible to descend down the spiral???
  17. @Cepzeu Actual fucking legend <3 <3
  18. @winterknight You seem like a pretty well read individual. Have you purchased Leo's book list? If so, any books in particular that impressed your woke perspective?
  19. @electroBeam Check your pm brah
  20. @Leo Gura There's this chick in Sydney that activates kundalini through some sort of transmission. Muscle contractions and vibrations are common and cathartic for releasing emotions (verified through direct experience). Do the healing vibrating experiences you speak of look anything like this? (video is a little unclear soz)