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    9th Circle of Hell
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  1. @Colin 4hours of MKULTRA brain-rewiring video, no thanks. I'm about to go hunt , prepping my rifle and tools, enjoy your little meditation session.
  2. @Colin You're quite stupid for someone who obviously follows Leo's teachings to the letter. Everything is conciousness according to him so there is no difference between my dry cock and your left eye, both are made out of conciousness, they are literally the same!
  3. @Colin Labelling humanoids as sheeps/rats/monkeys is racism towards the entire human specie.
  4. Good humanoid! Purchase more books! You might escape this maze if you buy my book at $19.99 10% discount if you buy it directly from our website! You need more knowledge! Remember? Knowledge=Power!
  5. @Colin Have fun doing '' spiritual '' techniques while i'm plowing my GF and enjoying a nice sunset with her afterwards. Hopefully you are docile enough to not react aggressively to my superiority. Oh and by the way i'm working on AI super algorithms which a super fun and entertaining project for our company. Have fun being stuck in your mind labelling yourself as a rat trying to escape yourself by shooting frog venom up your ass.
  6. Breath in, breath out. Do this for ~30 minutes a day to feel better about your pathetic life and maybe one day you will attain some sort of mystical state where you will have permanent joy and bliss! You may even get an altered state of consciousness and access private secret knowledge! Woo! This is what modern day spirituality is about, a total hack. Tyler's quote ; " In a catastrophic emergency you're taking giant panic breaths , suddenly you become euphoric , docile , you accept your fate. Calm as Hindu cows! How to break free? Unplug from this ''spiritual'' crap, go outside and do whatever the fuck you want to do! Stop being so sterile and respectable and '' clean '' , this is all BS. You're a dirty ape that requires daily showering & feeding itself just to keep itself alive. You can't force spirituality by meditating, I've meet kids who are more spiritual than Zen masters who practiced the most advanced techniques out there. All those techniques keep you chained, break free! If Leo is authentic then he should read this with an open-mind and see that he's just deceiving himself.
  7. There's nothing '' fair '' about life, there will always be losers and there will always be winners, this is how the entire structure of reality is built. Otherwise there would be no contrast between the winner and the loser, this can be observed in every facet of life, not everyone can get into personal development and pull themselves up by their bootstrap and achieve success, attract a mate, live a healthy long live and be happy and maybe even achieve enlightenment, only a select few lucky bastards can do that. Let's tackle this issue from the root ground level, nature. 1. The animal kingdom Lions are literally given the power over poor Zebras, tons and tons of Zebras get hunted and killed every day to satisfy the hunger of roaring Lions. All Zebras can do is run, hide in packs and hope they don't get singled out. Take note that this model is only between two animals only, the very same thing is happening but on a much larger scale, on ground and in the waters. 2. Human societies All humans are slightly different, they love to put on the air/facade that society is fair but with a little bit of investigation any blind man can quickly see that there's really little difference between us and the animals above. The structure of society cannot function without , murderers , thieves , injustices , the rich and the poor , and everything in between. If you're fucked in life it's pretty much boils down to a terrible streak of bad luck, bad genes, bad upbringing , bad environment and bad connections, maybe even bad health. No amount of reading, working out , learning , meditating will help you become a normal high functioning human, and you will never fix those problems because society NEEDS them, we need both the terrorists and the cops , we need the journalists and the profilers at the FBI , it all balances out in the end. It's a vicious cycle that Leo decides to partake in, which makes him a Devil, a sinner. Just by being alive you are automatically contributing to the suffering of others. Here's a gallery of examples ; Tourists who are worried about living in the moment and enjoying the best foods/sights reality can offer while the poor lady can barely afford to eat a meal a day, she may get a mere coin so the tourists don't feel to bad about themselves. A poor broken man who spent his entire life being a good person to just end up homeless and totally rejected one day. The lady next to him is a militant feminist who fights for women's freedoms and ignores to see the pain right in front of him. Soldier who got his entire face disfigured because he was fighting for the freedom of his country. His wife divorces him because she can't stand looking at his ugly face everyday and he kills himself by shooting himself in the head. Born with terrible genetics and low IQ this man has to suffer internally knowing he will never lead a life of happiness and joy. To conclude, realize that you are a devil and start contemplating on how you could stop being one. Remember to take Leo's advice with a grain of salt, he's in the business of trying to fix everyone but this is not possible, there will NEVER be utopia on earth.
  8. @Serotoninluv That's also a story. Sleep tight NPC.
  9. @Serotoninluv Which NPC are you? NPC029390294013947383?
  10. @Serotoninluv This is the superset of all possible sets, so the truth. It is the story about all other possible stories reduced to the lowest common denominator. Every other stories are built upon this foundation. This thread literally exposed the truth. Without those main drivers there would be no stories ever. Here's a list of the main drivers in a human being ; 1. Food 2. Shelter 3. Intelligence/Information { for survival } 4. Sex 5. Being apart of a group/culture/identity formation { Competition, fame , uniqueness , talent } 6. Seeking spiritual experiences/ Seeking experiences ( traveling , meeting people , reading books , giving value to paintings or to music ) Those drivers are the ROOT cause of all the problems, suffering and misery in the world. Without those drivers there would be no stories, there would be no NPC's roaming around building red/green/yellow businesses and trying to improve the world. You are all NPC's. But at least you're on so you're in the right path towards becoming a True Self. Here's a rare image image of NPC's gathering together for amusement.
  11. @Serotoninluv This is what we tell NPC's so that they can go on with their daily-NPC lives. You really thought you had control? We are the one in charge.
  12. @Serotoninluv Typical NPC reply, what are you going to do now, close this thread because i consciously tickled your neuro-typical nervous system to act in a certain way? Without me you wouldn't have even written that reply. Every reply in this thread is just NPC's reacting to a change in the homeostasis of this community. This is the thread that exposed the truth of all truths. This is the Map of all Maps. I am Outside of this, below, do you see it Mr. NPC?
  13. @ajasatya To not be an NPC. Too bad you will remain an NPC, LEO is just the main NPC of this { GROUP } , there's another NPC behind him controlling his every move. That NPC is controlled by a real-player-character like me. I have free will, i can actually freely make choices using a secret formula that NPC's can't comprehend, i am outside of causality.
  14. @ajasatya Your answer was pre-determined by a long chain of previous events made by other NPC's, who got programmed by Real-Player-Characters like me.
  15. @Mikael89 You're just another NPC, there's literally no-one inside of you, you just happened to bump into leo's content and now you're into whatever crap hes re-packaging. Go meditate some more NPC.