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Everything posted by tenta

  1. PUA is about social skills and body language, which doesn't attract women unless you have the right genetics (which will also influence your ability to do PUA game). You don't want a woman to only want your looks, but women don't perceive wanting someone because of looks the same way you would.
  2. Trump making the call in 2017 when Biden wasn't running is also just right wing propaganda, Trump has still not given the aid to Ukraine.
  3. What does a president being impeached mean when the senate will find him not guilty?
  4. It should be considered embarrassing how republicans all voted for trump in the house just because he's from the same political party as them.
  5. Are you sending tons of messages, or are you sending regular messages but she's not replying much at all? You are likely just the guy who isn't physically attractive enough to have sex with her so she isn't replying much or paying that much attention to you, women don't avoid dating men with bad personalities, but they do if they're genetically unattractive You also do need to avoid looking needy so try only texting her as much as she texts you or a bit more.
  6. 17:49 that's just typical stage orange delusion.
  7. Bernie is much more progressive and the best candidate
  8. Basically, it's the biggest stage right now
  9. Nationalism and other spiral dynamics stage orange/blue values are just too strong cards right now.
  10. I was saying your one vote doesn't influence the election.
  11. Waiting in line for 3 hours to vote didn't work out...
  12. Don't fall for the same illusion when making predictions (trump will win).
  13. It is, but it's not infinite love or whatever dogma you want to bring into spirituality, the universe is radically indifferent
  14. Nope, cause he's not censoring himself at least, the most toxic form of stage orange is a narcissist psychopath who tries to constantly have a fake front to them and tries to sound saterical while ignoring that people are dying due to the system they're supporting, and imply that they're inherently superior to others without directly saying it because they imply it's obvious along with their superior attitude Here's a good example of orange:
  15. I wouldn't say this belongs in society, politics, government section since it's about morality and the china thing is just an example
  16. Was just watching this, funny how a big anti-socialist talking point is that "if you're not a pure capitalist then you're illiterate" yet he isn't really able to answer a basic question "Just assassinate the guy" yep, anarcho capitalism disproven...
  17. Looks good, I'll watch it I recommend Pluto (you can read it for free online), and to the OP I guess you should read more diverse manga and get a good feel for it, good panel structure, good writing etc. before you start your own
  18. They don't have to be, a child is just closer to stage red and beige than stage blue