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Everything posted by tenta

  1. Now ask yourself how many people also put in hard work, have a high IQ, have high willpower and believe they can accomplish the goal - but don't Would you have achieved the same results if you were deformed? If you lost a leg? If you were severely depressed and had trouble getting out of bed every day? Also I am talking about more specific hierarchies not just making money in general
  2. What you're saying is an argument used to justify hierarchies, so, now I am saying that you could have those same traits that the people at the top, but not be at the top of the hierarchy, because it's not designed to be fair
  3. Other people can do that, but the policeman could get away with it because of the set hierarchy "This ability to perform the duties is constituted in personal power that is not derived from the hierarchy and is grounded in belief only to some extent (self worth)." Yes that is true, but it wouldn't work if you weren't at the top of the hierarchy, and you could have this but not climb the hierarchy
  4. Ofcourse, they're designed to be good for the top 10% or so and are designed for narcissists who aren't going to admit they won unfairly and try to keep the hierarchy Sure they don't give you as much power as they did in medieval times, but do they still do it to another extend, without a major change hierarchies will attract sociopaths because that's inherent to hierarchy as we know it If you stop respecting someone above you in the hierarchy will his orders stop having the same effect? No, you'll still be punished if you don't follow orders an play the role of someone who hasn't worked as hard as them and doesn't have as high of an IQ or whatever, it doesn't have to be respect it can be not wanting negative consequences
  5. And yet you aren't able to debunk the claim that everything is pre-determined, and if it isn't on a quantum level you still aren't able to use that to have free will
  6. And why would it? There is too much projection of human traits on AI
  7. So is everyone saying this or is this just feminist rhetoric? It's more nuanced than a lot of people saying "competition is sexism"
  8. Yeah reading during the retreat is not a bad idea
  9. Or you could be a family member of the CEO, and someone who is zealous about believing in the hierarchy and defending it at all cost to prove their own superiority AKA someone who is more likely to join/climb it for that reason, will be much more inclined to exploit those below them
  10. The fact that people who are high up the hierarchy are known for that instead of other qualities points to something, hard work of the people at the top of the hierarchy is much more highlighted so it reinforces the belief that hard work is what got them there when in reality there are others working hard and having the qualities they're highlighting
  11. If Trump was smarter he would be laughing about his chances, especially if he is somehow able to run in 2024, nationalism is unquestioned by people, so is their limited group identity and the idea that their family matters way more and that an immigrant just isn't working as hard as you because they didn't get into the US - when these things are so unquestioned (very strong cards for a politician to play as seen in the recent UK election) and when people value political group identity way more than things that would help them (free college, UBI, free medicare) then trump's chances are good Your conservative youtube viewer will see a video by the daily wire, saying that it's very unfair to billionaires to make them (indirectly) pay for medicare for all, and this could obviously not sit right with them, but they will easily brush it off as no big deal because political group zealotry is just more important when they've been indoctrinated into that from birth and invested a lot into it "So what if the stage blue and orange people don't question the things listed above, surely Bernie will just get more people voting for him because he's a better candidate than crooked hillary?" Well Biden is currently polling considerably above Bernie and has been for a long time, because the US isn't ready of a candidate as progressive as Bernie and there's a lot of knee-jerk reactions to him, if Biden is the nominee then things will play out like in the 2016 election and Trump will win against a centrist candidate as predicted by people who've successfully predicted previously elections
  12. It's surprisingly well done because of how other media try to conform but this movie doesn't, especially near the end which is the most surprising part of it and it was really good, clearly the movie of the year and what was needed in 2019
  13. Yang isn't flat out wrong, he is saying he wants to have his own version of it, but still it's just more centrism and compromise and this is why Bernie winning would be better
  14. Stage blue/orange, some of his videos were posted to the spiral dynamics stage blue megathread. Just someone who says what he believes his audience will predictably like It also smells of ego backlash
  15. The videos and titles are different after he took that psychedelic, it's leading to more dislikes because people who weren't previously viewers are watching the videos due to the titles
  16. So unless someone excludes people who celebrate Christmas at a different time of the year or don't celebrate it, they're not being inclusive towards you? That's not how it works, this just comes from a delusion of superiority that justifies that type of double standard "Merry Christmas" is clearly a non inclusive phrase, it's the opposite, and could also hint at dehumanizing the people it excludes, but the perception right wingers have is that people on the left want to "secularize society" instead... A saying that simply doesn't exclude people as if they deserve it, isn't preventing you from celebrating holidays
  17. Happy holidays is literally wishing you happy holidays, and he claims to be offended and doesn't see the hypocrisy.
  18. Nothing about what JP is saying is new or revolutionary, he is just defending previous beliefs from new beliefs, but to people agreeing with him it won't seem that way because they've already readied their mental gymnastics, so believing Jordan Peterson is revolutionary or very original isn't difficult, it's well self-serving There is no good argument here for why the hierarchies are based on competence, just believing the people at the top of the hierarchy (about their claims of being higher IQ than others etc.) and demonizing people who don't believe them (that he calls neo-marxists)
  19. The saying is tied to nationalism and stage blue. Trump is a bad representative of the values they claim to have, he only has to reflect willful ignorance or callousness to get elected
  20. A stage yellow movie will always push an exact solution? One of the reasons it's yellow is because it managed to be so popular by being non-conformist but not too much like that, so it appeals to audiences by finding that balance and so has become the highest earning comic book film, it's still not solid yellow tho. It's successful because it pushes a new perspective in contrast to other movie perspectives, like the story writer went meta.
  21. After watching the movie, it's stage yellow, and it exceeded my expectations, there is so so much conformity right now that the Joker movie was simply powerful breaks that, especially Joker's speech where he pointed out the self bias of thomas wayne and others. Sadly Joker didn't represent egolessness from what we see in the end of the movie. I'd like to see what happens to Bruce Wayne after this in a sequel.