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Everything posted by tenta

  1. Don't live in the US but hope Bernie wins.
  2. https://www.redstate.com/alexparker/2020/02/05/what-sorcery-is-this-chris-pratt-announces-his-production-company-to-create-entertainment-as-one-nation-under-god-indivisible/ Yet if someone said "one race under god" nobody would believe it's inclusive.
  3. Yeah I know, you said that and I read it before seeing this.
  4. I'd say Minoru was stage orange, as he just wanted to make money by selling the thing.
  5. It could be an invalid result while it's not rigged. He isn't accusing with no evidence, what's the chance that the Iowa app is funded by Pete and Hillary's team building it while not even running basic tests? Look at 15:49 and also remember that Bernie got the most votes while Pete was declared the winner.
  6. Reminder that Bernie "literal multimillionaire capitalist book seller" Sanders wants: power abusers to earn 60K a year perpetuate female privilege legal immigration to remain difficult to raise your taxes, while you get no benefits unless you need to pay a big medicare bill or are going to college after his bill is implemented (unlike with UBI)
  7. They're going to get the money by taxing billionaries, and medicare for all would save money in the long run. It won't get much worse for them in the latter 4 years so that won't happen, but antifa and others would get more aggressive.
  8. Sorry, what do you want to say? Programming is currently largely stage orange and those doing it are just a cog in a larger machine, it's ironic that coding is the biggest NPC job within a company, and those doing it are usually only doing it for the money and are privileged but won't admit it.
  9. It's currently doing the opposite.
  10. Which psychedelics don't cause trips where you're being tortured?
  11. https://imgur.com/a/iMudDh3 Notice how much the latest video contradicts this
  12. See my first comment on the thread, they're not counting on one guy not voting, it would change the result if enough people didn't vote because of one vote not changing the election, but you don't have control over that and aren't changing the result with one vote
  13. Your one vote won't do anything to change the outcome of the election "but if every Bernie supporter didn't vote then he'd lose" But this isn't the case, they will vote, so why should someone vote?
  14. Notice how Jordan chose regular citizens as his lab rats that should stop climate change, not billionaires? I am now really convinced of Leo's "the leftist psyche is more mature, more evolved than the right wing one" after seeing that applause, it came out of nowhere so I thought for a second if I was watching some other video in another tab
  15. It depends, most of the time reporting it won't help at all so you'll have to deal with the bully yourself
  16. Not stage green, they're just attacking him based on something he either didn't say or said in a context they don't know about, Bernie is still easily the best candidate
  17. What kind of messages are you sending? Don't get discouraged
  18. This forum is a step down from Leo's videos
  19. The hierarchy is what is giving them power, so it's x causing y, not y causing x, you can have power which can help you get at the top of the hierarchy but most of the time the power they have is coming from the hierarchy and others believing in the hierarchy - having beliefs about how the hierarchy is valid To someone like Jordan Peterson there is only: the hierarchy which is just obviously allegedly going to put the hardest working, highest IQ, moral people at the top Ofc this will not be admitted because there are many mechanisms and mental gymnastics to make sure a hierarchy or a narcissist fantasy isn't shattered, such as punishing people who question or ignoring/banning criticism, or trying to keep the hierarchy clear but also a little subtle (if it's too blatant/clear the egos and devils at the bottom will leave and it will cause more controversy) why would it be easy for an ego to give up one of the things that people spend tons of money/effort on (like someone spending 500$ to become a moderator on an online forum).