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Everything posted by tenta

  1. The fact that you have 5000 posts on a self-improvement forum
  2. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, but that you should have realistic expectations
  3. catch 22 You can't do that, or it's gonna take a good amount of luck and be difficult, because the bad parts of capitalism are there in the first place
  4. Women have it easier in dating and dominate over men in the majority of academics... And that is a black and white question
  5. Just watched this video, then went on this thread, Sweden is failing at stage green and bringing bad, in reality there are either 2 genders or none, we shouldn't make up more and make life shit for others
  6. Not even that, it's for the lucky and genetically gifted entrepreneurs If he doesn't want to contradict himself, because capitalism also failed and brought suffering (even more times than false marxism) then it's just as bad
  7. Green builds on top of orange, and experiencing how unfair orange is, is what causes green
  8. His arguments against marxism are awful, it boils down to "it's already been tried and didn't work, so ur an idiot" or "marxism brings suffering while capitalism brings freedom, ergo capitalism is the last step in evolution somehow" while also saying that anyone in stalin's position, period, would be a mass murderer somehow
  9. I do understand they are bringing fourth new genders, when in reality either there are 2 main genders or there are none, and it's leading to bad consequences TYT hate on people and have been exposed as irrational many times But if the intention is to make people feel more free by bringing more genders, then it can obviously be miss-guided stage green
  10. So how should stage orange be removed on a bigger-than-personal level?
  11. Well idk, stage orange doesn't look like it will be stopped, you can be more evolved than a privileged stage orange person - but they'll keep abusing their privilege and you'll be stuck wishing for the situation to be different
  12. Because you're looking at stage blue (or just a variation of orange, or failed, low stage green), confusing it for green The young turks, sweden and their unscientific "non-binary" gender nonsense isn't real green "Speaking of hypocrisy; why are green people always complaining about the world being messed up, but then the orange ones have got to fix it with actual businesses and economical impact? Is stage green really just an annoying highschool cheerleader, while orange is the football team? " A better analogy would be that stage green is the guy complaining he lost a race because he was born without legs, trying to fight for equality, while stage orange is the guy screaming off the top of his lungs "no, no, everything is your fault, you filthy incel, the world is perfectly just and I earned to win this race" Also, green builds on top of orange as leo said
  13. If suffering is an illusion, that must mean consciousness is also an illusion, right?
  14. So you close yourself off completely from that paradigm, just covering your ears because it offends you
  15. You'll have to force yourself to meditate, re-connect with nature etc. I'll be doing this to control my ADD and lack of motivation
  16. Is this stage blue? Or maybe somewhat misguided stage green?
  17. It's a mind blowing insight to realize just how much bullshit there is, so many things that look like no-brainers but are overlooked Honestly it's pretty difficult to spot my own alleged bullshit, where is it? What logical error am I making when choosing what to believe? I don't see it, but I haven't looked extremely far either
  18. I hate how they must have 10/10 motivation and no severe mental problems, while I am the opposite, while also being passionate
  19. "Channeling: direct downloads from infinite intelligence" How can this be possible?
  20. Rogan will be confused by a look at 5MEO-DMT from a non-materialist view, you can tell that by the last time he talked about it
  21. Green is not prevalent at all, like the comment above said, that is just a dream
  22. Genetic human engineering seems more important than the past
  23. Gary Vaynerchuk is a great example of stage orange