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Everything posted by tenta

  1. Excess of stage green, triggering orange: https://incels.me/threads/reminder-that-studycel-retard-moroncel.33521/ While it's in excess, it's good to have empathy for people who aren't straight-A students and rid yourself of stage orange programming, once you strip yourself of delusions like "everything is your fault" and "just world fallacy" then you will be stage green
  2. Genuine stage green, exposing a false notion of stage green (veganism claims to be about empathy but has 0 empathy for non-vegans)
  3. I went for 20+ minutes, 3 times, and nothing actually happened other than me getting in a different emotional state I know I should go for 30+ minutes but I didn't get any results similar to what I expected, so I stopped... was I doing something wrong? I think I followed all the instructions properly, but I didn't close my eyes Maybe my breathing wasn't deep enough? Now when I re-watched the video, leo's chest really moved while doing the technique
  4. Make sure you don't over-train because it leads to you having less willpower for later workouts, but workout frequently
  5. It's not inherent social skills/personality that attract girls if you just want to have sex, get to a low bodyfat, get a haircut and show that you are confident