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Everything posted by tenta

  1. He will be taxing the middle class to make free healthcare for all work, instead of taxing the very rich, sure the middle class will still benefit because they'll be getting free medicare for all for the increased taxes, but it could be sustained purely by taxing the very rich more
  2. As someone who doesn't speak german I don't really see what I was supposed to see from both videos
  3. If you're talking about stage 2 AI or above, it will most likely not be commanded by anyone nor will it comply to low consciousness desires, more dangerous than AI is neuralink which could make way for stage orange and red, especially with people either not understanding it enough to challenge it or just believing that they will conform and be fine
  4. Things are getting extremely circle-jerky on both sides, for example the trump people aren't even admitting the obvious points and are just disregarding any criticism without arguing back, just thinking they're right because of group mentality, authoritarianism is going completely unquestioned or even endorsed, win-win-lose situations on the rise, nationalism on the rise as we're approaching the 20s... yeah we have learned nothing from the last century Yeah the argument "blindfolded" is making on whatever platform that is implies that there is some magical vague drawback to taking money that isn't used for anything, and giving it to people who need it, also has a closed minded view thinking that if things are screwed up then the government must be involved, but there are so many examples of this not being the case UBI isn't perfect but that kind of comment is coming from someone who hasn't listened to the arguments for it
  5. I have literally only seen girls go for bad boys and psychopaths, who are also goodlooking
  6. They do have an effect but your one vote changes nothing
  7. Do you think that saying people from third world countries should be let into first world countries (not all) easily, but not wanting more crime is a contradiction?
  8. This thread doesn't seem to be much about predictions about trump anymore
  9. Nothing was said about how you're responsible if you voted for someone else
  10. You aren't really proving you can control your environment and so your looks, and many traits talked about in those communities are certainly pre-determined by genetics You're right, the site is filled with people who just post a lot to feed their narcissism by having a lot of posts, but it's still a blackpill site, because it doesn't have to be nihilistic even tho some traits cannot be changed without surgery
  11. You might think trump supporters will see how trump isn't as good of a president as they thought, but from what i'm seeing they don't see any of the stuff he's done as negatives or are making heavy excuses for them Also if you look at it objectively, andrew yang isn't electable, bernie is more electable
  12. Or it could be because narcissists and unconscious people are more likely to be extroverts
  13. "My one example debunks mountains of evidence for your view" Imagine every atom's movement is pre-determined, that wouldn't be contradicted by those people at all
  14. I don't know what you're thinking of when you say "sit back and let shit happen" but if you do that, you'll still be playing a part "Choose" to play a part
  15. "Persisting as an ego" still means the universe is taking "control" over you if there's no free will
  16. Stage orange likes inauthentic marketing that tries to look authentic, like a commercial shitting on the product it wants you to buy to seem genuine, while never actually really criticising the product A related example is google's devilry yet their inauthentic moto was "don't be evil"
  17. Should have posted this on the relationships forum Also yes you are right, you could do experiments to confirm this, women will treat men with bad personalities good because they have good looks/genetics, you could use a picture of a goodlooking guy you know IRL who gets female validation, while you don't, then act like a more socially awkward version of yourself on tinder and you will get all positive responses from girls
  18. Coding below a certain threshold is useless, but it's useless anyway as there are a thousand other NPCs who could code the same thing as you after being told to do so by their superior
  19. Then you are an endomorph
  20. But I haven't seen any confirmed example of breaking the laws of physics nor know how to get a direct experience of that
  21. I find it difficult to believe anyone here has access to psychedelics
  22. "but but but pirating is absolutely immoral and unethnical"