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Everything posted by tenta

  1. That is so idiotic, Jordan Peterson doesn't even really say if he is christian or not
  2. I don't agree with Obama doing that, but again why vote trump? Why is he better than the democrat candidates in 2020? Why do you think that trump is right on global warming despite science saying otherwise clearly? Amazon paid nothing in taxes last year, trump doesn't have a problem with that (hardworking people having their fruits fueling the greed of large companies https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/djp433/this_is_what_they_call_capitalism/
  3. Hope you enjoy your VACation from this forum But before that, check this video out it will give you a different perspecive
  4. It's not that simple, do you know about his proposals of shooting immigrants and how he has separated families? And also coming into the US legally should be easier Even if the policies are far left, it doesn't mean they're wrong
  5. By the way, all of the backlash against pointing out climate change has not been backed by facts, mostly just "I don't like you're saying this", like trump's tweet
  6. You're right, except the thing is you didn't have any in the first place... if you did, provide evidence or talk about them
  7. Bernie and Yang are getting trump supporters, and the ones that aren't going to support them aren't supporting centrist democrats, it's about getting people to vote which ideas like medicare for all would do Yes it comes down to the candidate but that isn't relevant here, which democratic candidates do you think trump is better than? You are ignoring his border policy and what he has proposed about it, you are ignoring his support of dictatorships, you are ignoring his corruption, you are ignoring a lot of his blunders etc. and just focusing on "well he's republican and I am too so let's vote for him, who needs a thousand dollars a month?" I've seen people say some deregulation trump did helped their business a bit, even for the people who are befitting from it like that would benefit more from free medicare for all or a thousand dollars a month, instead of working tons to fuel the greed of billionaires
  8. Yes you time-traveled and weren't just hallucinating it... but how do you know?
  9. A lot of people will vote for trump because they haven't seen anything that bad happen for his 4 years (to them), it will also depend a lot on the democrat candidate going up against him
  10. Women are not attracted to money, do women want money? Yes, but putting money as what attracts women isn't true, for example social status is more inherent to you while money isn't, so social status is more attractive, women don't just want money - they could, if they are using the guy for money because they aren't after him inherently If you become disabled in some way, or lose social status, or can't get it up anymore - why would she stick with you instead of finding another guy when the attraction was based on those things in the first place?
  11. Trump will likely win if we look at the polls and at how many democrats are anti-socialist, so while they might not vote republican and for Trump, they won't be voting for Bernie, while Trump will get supporters who just vote republican no matter who it is and don't see many flaws with his presidency
  12. Somewhere on the left since it's the rich that the people joker inspired are against
  13. It's about getting votes from people who don't vote, and Bernie could do that well About trump's devilry being exposed, it's not being exposed as much as you think, a ton of his supporters and the right wing circle-jerks just say his devilry is exaggerated or not a big deal while sticking to their ideas of anti-LGBTQIPP or nationalism, and so sticking with trump But trump's chances are not as good as you might think because warren, bernie, yang etc. would get people to go out and vote more than trump
  14. If it's Bernie or Warren against trump, then maybe not, or just a minor increase will be enough to make trump lose
  15. Joker stoked the flames that were already there from the top 1% "chads" experiencing pleasures you cannot imagine, while those at the bottom suffer from so many problems at the same time, just avoiding suicide taking a lot of willpower out of them, facing problems that everyone else thinks define their personality and flaws, when they weren't caused by them at all
  16. Trump will very likely win if we don't get an impeachment
  17. Why? He hasn't considered even one of the sources which proves looks (or genetics in general) are what attracts women If you think your social skills are the problem, listen to rsdtyler, be more extroverted etc.
  18. Man loses thousands of dollars in prize money because of a small comment about hong kong protesters
  19. Man loses thousands of dollars in prize money because of a single short comment on hong kong protestors:
  20. I don't see the movie as a revenge fantasy, Joker wasn't resentful of people with wealth, but wanted to take out robert de niro's character, just having privileged people die due to ignorance isn't having a movie of nietzsche-ian violence, resentment of power and influence etc.
  21. Biden won't excite anyone to vote, and if it comes down to Bernie vs Trump, people aren't really supporting trump but free college for all, free medicare for all etc. will excite people to go out and vote, I doubt trump will win 2020 despite all of the crazy vocal supporters who don't question anything he does and are trying to be ignorant Here are some things that would help towards trump losing: 1. A message of "Trump is incredibly, incredibly privileged and has lived one of the most pleasurable, amazing lives you could possibly imagine... are you... maybe, just maybe a bit mad or jealous? Then don't vote trump" 2. Exposing how little trump cares about others and how much he would fuck you over if he could 3. Focusing on the biggest blunders he has made, and listing them, while ignoring the smaller ones