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Everything posted by tenta

  1. What exactly do you mean by that?
  2. Where do you get these images? Also how is it stage yellow?
  3. It's because the game has already caused a controversy, and they're charging for a feature that everyone wanted to be included in the game But a subscription model for a game is already stage orange greed
  4. It's impossible you don't realize the contradiction between saying you cause trauma and suffering to your children but still love them, then saying you aren't virtue signalling or propping up your own empathy by saying "we still love them", ofc you are, to make up for "neglect, cause physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual harm to them"
  5. Any factual number about how this will impact global warming?
  6. There you go, they didn't realize this would even result in backlash
  7. If you aren't okay with being born in a country that is much worse than the US, would you want legal immigration and immigration in general to be very strict, tyrannical and difficult? Or would you want immigration to be easier? It's not a fair system unless you are okay with being born in any place, immigration being easier would by definition make it more fair because it gives people the opportunity to actually improve their lives despite being born in a place that is much worse than the US which was out of their control. You could say you'd kill for your child - so why condemn people doing a minor offense for their children? This isn't to say the worst of the people that other countries are bringing to the US should be let in, but why make legal immigration needlessly difficult or punish people who'd get a job easily and be good citizens if they entered the US
  8. "Are you saying Trump is wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned?" Not at all, it's not me saying it, it's factual Separating children from families and putting them in cages for something that can't really be called a crime is not helping "and you think separating them will make it worse." So the fact that they already suffered through some thing or risked them means adding on another bad thing is now okay? Why even support trump if he can't change things? And if he can, then yes very obviously legal immigration is more difficult or less difficult depending on who the president is, me saying that the president of the united states has some power isn't very unreasonable Why do you like Trump's stance on climate change, whistleblowers, legal immigration etc. " The Dems have not talked about ideas or passed any laws regarding immigration." You saw trump's proposal of shooting immigrants? I highly doubt people who don't try to keep up a tough guy cult leader persona, who have talked about legal immigration (like andrew yang) are going to be worse than trump when it comes to making immigration easier, if you want to make it easier trump is not your choice, if you want a president who will do something about the 1# threat to the US according to the US defense force, don't vote trump, if you want some regulation, don't vote trump because he does support large companies paying nothing in taxes, while you do
  9. Wanting whistleblowers dead or imprisoned, separating people from their families at the border, making legal immigration difficult and ad hominems towards someone for stating climate change science are also "There, take that!" things, but you easily excused them I'm not for vandalism but now you're focusing on that specific example while you easily excused all of the above Again why support trump over others? Giving one comparison between how he treats illegal immigrants compared to how some democrats treat illegal immigrants (which is an anti-trump argument) isn't reason enough to support trump
  10. Edward Snowden does not want another 4 years of trump, without a stage green president or above he won't be able to return to the US and will have to stay in Russia which is ironic because Putin is in good relations with trump
  11. I never said Obama is perfect No he isn't, there is already more than enough evidence for impeachment since it's illegal to withold money from a country until they smear your political opponent, doing this just to get an advantage int he race "for doing nothing more than illegally crossing the border. Do you think this will help the situation on the border? I think it will make things worse." So because of the one reason, that they're giving people free stuff for joining the US instead of putting them into concentration camps, Trump is better? What are your solid pro-Trump arguments and reasons you want him as president? Having some more resources to compete with china and india isn't worth ruining the planet, and Trump himself isn't giving reasons not to combat climate change, just nonsense or deflections, when the US defense force admits the biggest threat to the US is global warming Okay so, why should you pay taxes but not amazon? Yes they hire people, who they'd pay a garbage amount while making them piss in bottles, but they pay them more now because of regulation, you're agreeing with Trump's deregulation so again why should you pay taxes and amazon shouldn't?
  12. Too optimistic, devils will fight tooth and nail for this to not happen, even if they have no arguments they will easily hide behind censoring others or ignorance About the specific techniques of splitting military into smaller millitaries: there are better ways, like making it so that one person with a specific job doesn't also have needless power that serves nothing other than their extreme narcissism, for example moderation here is different than on other forums, where if you get banned, people will circle-jerk about how you were stupid or the mods will outright flex about being mods and just disagreeing with them on anything could get you banned or heavily insulted That gets corrupted when perfectly valid or even factual edits are un-done by people who have zero idea what they're talking about, but will get to undo your edits or get you banned from editing (don't know how it is on wikipedia itself but other online wikias have this problem), or there will be a hierarchy where some pages are not editable unless you meet requirements And make legal immigration easy, get rid of extremely archaic rules like having to subscribe to or pretend to subscribe to nationalistic ideas to be able to enter the US legally, zero pledge of allegiance required to enter the country either, and make requirements to be able to run for congress only living in the US for one year or so and being above the age of 18
  13. That's just far-left idiocy, while Trump is in power you might underestimate the stupidity of the far left (anti-white racists etc.) but it's still there
  14. Just show why the soviet union has nothing to do with today's socialist proposals
  15. Stage orange trying to appeal to stage blue and other stage orange youtube viewers
  16. You don't actually fully own your money, so if you have people's very hard work go to fueling your greed because you want to pay zero taxes, despite getting so much money you could never spend it, you are the parasite. It's not thievery because that's how money works, and giving the money (UBI, free college etc.) to the people would be trickle up economics, which lifts people up and goes back into the economy, giving control back to them, which is hard to disagree with because a ton of the time people who have the same IQ or lower IQ than you are earning more money than you are
  17. Bernie would tax billionaires a ton, while Yang wouldn't