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Everything posted by tenta

  1. Stage blue reacting to women finding different hairstyles attractive, while not wanting to adopt those hairstyles because they go against the stage blue narrative
  2. What about a stage turquoise leader trying to appeal to stage blue, orange and green and modifying/changing his message to win the election?
  3. Nice, he will get over it, but you need to know the consequences of taking big actions in the moment
  4. Two companies coming together to screw over the customer A company manipulating it's collective ego Trump using loyalist republicans to hide information and keep echo chambers going Cults etc.
  5. https://saidit.net/s/Incels/comments/1dzz/jews_attack_nofap_founder_with_antisemitism_in/
  6. I see threads like this, but in reality even saying "yes action A is morally right from YOUR perspective, doesn't have to be from other people's" will cause insult hurling and maybe reinforce their closed mindedness, at least from my experience
  7. That's not correct, but idk why you'd think this is a political issue? Unless you're that triggered by no-fap existing?
  8. I finished the "going meta is a superpower" video and am considering the difference in structure between somebody with zero motivation problems easily succeeding and someone who gets easily depressed and easily gives up. If I am disadvantaged, I am then further disadvantaged by realizing that I am or realizing the ease with which some successful people succeeded, sure they worked hard, but they didn't go through what others have while those others didn't succeed - or realizing how much effort is required of me and being unmotivated by that. The structure is that I am wired differently, with different emotional buttons, in a different setting than someone who learned an entire coding language well enough to create a video game at age 12, but realizing this doesn't give me a solution.
  9. Yet demonizing individuals for using straws instead of realizing companies need to take responsibility continues
  10. I don't know, but I haven't seen enough evidence that people who voted for Trump will stop supporting him, if Joe biden keeps the lead he has and is the nominee I doubt Trump will lose
  11. So a no-true-scotsman fallacy, if you get kicked out of a mosque for whatever reason are you also not stage blue? Is him killing Robert de Nero stage red? Obviously to an extend, but not fully, joker is not stage red and he tried to make his life work and makes kids laugh - he also killed him because he ignorantly embarrassed joker on TV, from his position of privilege, against some guy who is clearly disadvantaged
  12. Well you're starting to sound biased against Joker The mentality is: "When misfortune happens to joker, it's his fault and he's just a manchild" But when it happens to rich or famous people who mock others, it's a tragedy done by some guy who should be demonized"
  13. He is beyond beige, beige is for example an infant I'd say the dancing on the stairs is stage orange and red then "how little happiness Arthur had in his life that he mistook that moment for happiness." I'd say the Joker wasn't a sociopath or psychopath, just a person living life after traumatic events and in completely unfair conditions
  14. What is the context of the stair dance? If he was feeling liberated it could be stage green, stage orange and mostly red if he was dancing to celebrate one person dying I'd say Jaoquin Pheonix is stage green and the movie itself is stage green,it being original and not afraid to do what other movies aren't is part of that, as well as being in the Chinese market
  15. Ofc not, and the (majority of) people who believe in it just use it to discriminate, like race
  16. And what exactly will Yang do about mass surveillance, cyber security, global warming, AI and automatization? Also he is not for medicare for all, he says he is on the front page of his website but he isn't when you read what he says about it
  17. Ben Shapiro is not right, but John Lennon's anger towards religion while China is secular and torturing people at the same time he's writing the song? That's a good point
  18. How about another update? Are you really eating like Cristiano Ronaldo?
  19. Meh, no need to necro this deluded thread
  20. That's not too likely, if they have technology that allows them to travel incredible distances they've probably evolved a good amount, and they don't have, for example, their version of democrats being centrist and/or using right wing talking points