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Everything posted by tenta

  1. No it's not low consciousness if you don't make it so, but you will have to appeal to an audience... I'd especially suggest making a stage yellow+ ending and cutting out filler What are your current favorite manga?
  2. Leo was referring to saying something along those lines to her, not using that specific word, which you would not do because that still wouldn't get you far.
  3. Saying issues are more complex than they are serves jeff bezos and others like him, it's not just about him throwing money at it, he isn't concerned with that because it isn't profitable. Trump isn't a figure of virtue who is trying his hardest to stop climate change but is stopped by the issue being complex, he isn't even admitting it's real which is the first step.
  4. Look at the comment sections there is a valid point there that I pointed out in my first comment on this thread Even the video about "do I doubt myself" is funnily self biased It's not unreasonable to question if a forum is too conformist, devilry corrupting communities, a teacher being wrong and not willing to see it etc. but with that being said this forum is good relative to other places
  5. No, you're just limiting yourself falsely based on time of birth.
  6. May be, but what you said is still clearly a belief, read my first comment on this thread.
  7. I pointed out that you can say "leo doesn't exist" to PRAISE of him just like you are saying it to the criticism of him, yet you aren't doing this when agreeing with Leo's teachings - you only bring it out when you try to deal with people who disagree with Leo. You are proving my belief that you're biased towards defending someone because they made you a "moderator".
  8. Yes it's a belief and you're doing spiritual bypassing, there are smart comments in his comment section such as "People like Leo can’t accept the horror of the natural world so they disassociate even though even if you are personally in a good mood suffering is still occurring across the world". By saying there is no Leo, you're absolving Leo as a human of ever being wrong, it doesn't debunk criticisms, you're just self biased and bypassing the criticism. If you use direct experience to say you have validated something, how do you know you weren't just hallucinating or are wrong and didn't account for something? You don't know that and that's a belief By the way despite me not agreeing with the guy criticising Leo, Leo has personally admitted to being a narcissist and the banner of the website proves it
  9. Nope, that's stage orange, I doubt much of stage green is based around making others look stupid and insecure but that is found in orange a lot.
  10. Well, if it was the rise of stage red that would be easier to give an alternative to because blue & orange don't agree with that, but since it's a stage blue value and stage blue and orange are the biggest stages right now it's more difficult. I'd say don't underestimate how much people cling to nationalism, racism, biases, countries being real etc.
  11. People should have been skeptical in the first place, there are people who spend tons of time and 500$+ to become a moderator on a website (at least we don't have that type of stuff) so why would someone not be putting up a fake front while in a company? This should be common sense but people still fall for it - there are people right now keeping up a false front of virtue while in reality they embody typical stage orange greed, not going up to stage green because they don't want those qualities they just want to appeal to stage green if that. A CEO who says they support gay rights and donates a little bit will keep up a fake front easily to people who feel the need to defend capitalism because their parents defend it, when in reality their actions are against medicare for all, against not having money in politics etc.
  12. What if your improvement will only be hindered by denying some of that stuff?
  13. None, weird actions don't debunk every atom being pre-determined
  14. Woke culture needs to be challenged, but if you look at the other things Obama has said it's to the contrary: he's not green enough while Bernie is solid stage green Pandering to centrists =/= stage yellow
  15. Then you're completely stuck thinking like this, you're fucked, nothing I can say will change this. "reduce the chance of nuclear catastrophe (i.e., possible human extinction and exacerbating ecological damages)" Read above, that is a completely biased strawman of the situation.
  16. The US president who is known to be friendlier to dictators, meeting with a dictator to try to be friends with them and make sure a nuclear war doesn't break out (north korea's nukes can't reach the US) that clearly wouldn't have happened anyway, while the dictator is screwing over their people and the western leader has no problem with this, keeping up a front of progress while the dictatorship keeps going just like before: is tacitly endorsing dictatorships.
  17. Like someone pointed out North Korea has been barking for very long without doing anything. Why do you think the meeting with Kim Jong Un doesn't tacitly endorse the dictatorship?
  18. Is Trump going to end the dictatorship? Ofc not, you would not be saying this if you lived in a dictatorship. there are ways to stop dictatorships without invading them. Your comment is just mental gymnastics, I never said the US should invade North Korea.