The Mystical Man

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Everything posted by The Mystical Man

  1. For some reason, I find this funny:
  2. I went through a phase where I felt very angry at God. You can't change God or others. You can change only yourself. I recommend this short article: Whose Business Are You In? Don't empower yourself to change others or God. The ego is powerless, and that's the reason why it's so angry. Empower yourself to change yourself.
  3. I like Adyashanti's definition of meaning: "Meaning: an experience of being; that experience where you feel as if you're in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. It's the experience where you feel that you're in alignment with the cosmos. Your life feels right; it's on course. That gives life a sense of meaning." "Our lives feel meaningful to the extent that we are connected with a transcendent value, with something that transcends simple self-interest and connects us to life as a whole." "Get your mode of being in the world oriented around the self-transcending love and wisdom of being, and you will experience life to be a rich, meaningful, creative and inspiring adventure." What could be more significant and meaningful than the fact that you exist?
  4. The suffering of humanity is very real on its own level. Death is as real as it gets. It's the only thing that is guaranteed. Death is an intrinsic part of life. Without death, life would be static; it'd be even more horrific than it already is. Death leads to sorrow, but it also leads to freedom. Death makes life beautiful. "To face the totality of life we must face the reality of death, sorrow, and loss as well." - Adyashanti
  5. I don't like statements like "Death is not real", either. Spirituality is not just about seeing the illusion of death. It's also about accepting the ever-present reality of death. Consciousness doesn't die because it was never born, but that doesn't change anything about the fact that physical bodies die all the time. I recommend Adyashanti's teachings on the subject of death.
  6. This show keeps getting better. I never thought I'd enjoy a show like The Office. I usually prefer tragedies, but this is a great comedy. I love this version of the theme:
  7. What I like about The Office is that it's very easy to watch. It's mindless entertainment. This is my favorite scene so far:
  8. Adyashanti is a great man. In fact, he's the best man that I've found so far. He is a gift to humanity.
  9. Well, it's better than nothing.
  10. Yeah, it's very eerie. But it's also what you'd expect a black hole to sound like.
  11. Read the text in the video.
  12. I like this video:
  13. I was obsessed with the idea of Mahasamadhi when I first heard about it. There is not a lot of information about it. Sadhguru is the only one I know who talks about Mahasamadhi in detail: "If your awareness has grown to such a point that you know where you as a being and this physical body which you gathered are connected, then you can disentangle yourself whenever the moment is right for you." I think Mahasamadhi means that you're fully present at the moment of death, that you're conscious of the expiration of the physical body. I don't think it means that you can simply drop your body whenever you want to, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's actually possible.
  14. Here is a list of the 101 Best Written TV Series. Share your favorites without spoiling anything please. I loved Lost and The Sopranos. Breaking Bad was great. Twin Peaks was good. I'm currently enjoying Six Feet Under.
  15. Adyashanti talks about what the spiritual process is really about: One of his most fascinating talks. I recommend the full-length video. It's a topic that doesn't get talked or written about a lot.
  16. Has anyone tried this? Any problems with customs?
  17. My biggest problem is grandiosity: "the quality of being impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so; pompous superiority or pretentiousness." I love grand things. Grand people, grand achievements, grand language. I think it's a way to compensate for my extremely low self-esteem.
  18. That's still not conclusive enough for me. There is no clear answer. People are sharing different opinions; they all sound plausible, but they all contradict each other. It's a tricky situation.
  19. This is an interesting link.
  20. You know the law better than a lawyer who focuses on BtMG?
  21. I did enjoy Mulholland Drive.
  22. It's difficult to find a conclusive answer, but according to this lawyer, you're wrong: "Es ist aber ein Trugschluss, dass aufgrund des gemeinsamen EU-Binnenmarktes damit automatisch eine Legalisierung in allen anderen Staaten der Europäischen Union und der Europäischen Freihandelszone (EFTA) verbunden ist. In Deutschland gilt weiterhin die bisherige Rechtslage und damit das Verbot nach dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz. Cannabis ist – bis jetzt – in Deutschland auch nicht legal, nur weil es in Holland bis zu einer bestimmten Menge frei gehandelt werden darf."
  23. As far as I know, it is not legal. Truffles aren't legal anywhere, except in the Netherlands.