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About ranzo1

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  1. @Harvey If there is no me,why i have passion for something? There are no one to need something...
  2. @FindingPeace I like to remeber nice moments from my life,you can realy enjoy memories,in my opinion,memory is for some reson, to leatn from past experience,...You know that it is dream, and you create in way that you want,if something goes bad,you know that is dream. Ego is there for a reson... What we are,we dont know,cant explain with words,but like Don Miguel said,every of us is artist that create masterpiece of art(that is our life story),and with tools(1.be impecable with words,2.dont take things personaly,3.dont make assumptions,4.do your best) you create your life how you want.It is really nice if you have dreams and works towards them. To live life and just meditate isnt complite life. To live life day to day isnt best idea,you have to earn some money,to have something to survive.if you have job that you really love,and work for your dreams,and in other hand,you realise nature of ego,you can limit suffering,and you will have complete life. And,talking about enlightenment,is so fucking stupid. I was in depression because of that,just do meditation,that cant be exolained with words. But,if i have no ego,what life would it be? Are you enlightened ? If you are not,how can you talk about that? You can have opinions ofcourse,but you know that or you dont. Why than ego is here? You can enjoy story,you can suffer story, but you choose what you want. Only problem with enlightenment is that i lose motivation and focus for stuff. Just not interested anymore,and that makes me sad. Sadhguru said,that,for 99% enlightened people,moment of enlightenment and moment of death are the same. I will meditate,chase my dreams,and do my best,i just cant thinking about that stuff enymore,soo tired thinking about that. It is time for action,not for theory.
  3. I readed book 4 agreements,and i was really impresed ,don Miguel Ruiz is amazing man. He talks about dream(ego),in really interesting way. And,my question is,is it ok to enjoy your life story and not kill the ego? because,it is your creation,you see that is dream,and you can create that dream how you like,he gave us tools how to do it. Zorba the Budhha, is greath video on youtube,combine west and east. Put awerness into your life,and live life how you like. I was fucked up with that idea of enlightenment, constantly thinking about it and lost motivation for every action, but Migel explains really good,and i think that i understood what is all about.
  4. 4 agreements is fantastic book ,does fifth agreement is about truth? Don Miguel Ruiz is amazing person,i like him really,and i will read this book for sure,but some opinions on this?
  5. Yesterday,i was been at house of my college friend,and, i dont usally smoke weed, but, we start smoking(this is second time that i try weed)...He has also have projector in his room,and he play on projector some music video,and thought appears about meditation and enlightenment...i just start to really focus on that music spot on projector,I started to laugh so much, i was in now ,complete ,become so spontanious, i dont think about myself,absorbed in now... unique experience..and in one moment,i looked in sunblind(i hope google translate do well :D) ,and saw light of the sun which is moving trough small holes ,and that is like i was experienced some image from childhood ,something warm,really nice.Maybe this is not true,or maybe this isnt about enlightenment (third eye whatever) ... but this is so similar to what Leo or other people talk about enlightenment.Can someone gives me perspective on this,is this enlightenment experience? This is really unique experience...Sorry for my shitty knowlidge of english .
  6. Living life and do try everything is waste of life really,didnt master anithing(be greath in something),didnt have amazing felathionship,didnt help others,...not to pursuit in life-no dissipointment,but,for me,that is so wrong, meditation isnt purpose of life and only thing,it is the tool for inner world,and it is also outer world,if you meditate you will be more efective...okey we are in universe,we exist,but lot of stuff to explore,to go to limits,you just sit all your life and do nothing ,why are you living? Enlightenment teachers have seminars,and youtube channels ,earn money , ... they dont just sit and do nothing...
  7. You think that for first time you will be really good,or be satisfyed ,when you do that for much more times you will know what you want from that and what you like. And also,we also have some kind of instict, we know what we want,but maybe we are confused . This forum will not give you answers. You are in charge,in life,you can do what ever you want and feels right for you.
  8. Do you think that trough sexual expression you fell authentic, because,im male, and,when i talking to some girl in that way(that i like),i feel positive energy,and,when is conversation good, i think that that leads me to core of myself,of masculine guy...but i also heard from this forum that sex can be bad,and women are distraction to enlightenment and to cut relationships and live lifestyle minimalism ,but also can reach enlightenment trough sex...lot of stuff. I'm still young,and, i want to shift my focus on this area of life(i dont have much expirience),also on my college ,but this negative words on this stuff slowing me down and im less motivated. I feel good when i do aproach,but,often bulshiting myself to not approach because of bunch excuses,and this negatives are also be my excuse...I hope that relationship with right girl can bring lot of inspiration to perform better my college,and making art,and think that metaphorically said, every warrior need some girl to rest and have inspiration to fight. What do you think about that,and,is it possible to reach something special from yourself by having lot of expirience with women,and finding that one right for you,if is it posibble to find someone special,or is it just hormons running trough our bodies and this is need that every animal have?
  9. Okey,nice. But consider this option. Sex also means new life. Animals also do sex,this is energy of creation. This is so true to me. And it is important. Animals dont have social condition and do not feel wierd,or ashamed,or some kind of negative emotion. Why ignore that? If you dont feel needy , greath! This will help. And pe playfull. Be with girls,hurt yourself,fell that, fall in love,feel that. Very big problem from this actualized,we constantly looking for answer. What should i do? Tell me,what should i do? Try by yourself,that is real actualization. My invitation,try by yourself,be with some girls,and you will know. Really, you do not have much time ,because you will not be young for many years. And when you try that and you are not passionate for that,you decided what is most important to you. @psychonaut
  10. What do you think about blueprint? I considering to start applaying that in my life,do you read that stuff?
  11. Yes,suddenly ,everyone is competent to talking about enlightenment,but no one is enlightened. How can you explane that we are never born,who than writing this message? And also,people are oppsesed of death,but every day we die(fall a sleep) , that is death...mini death... and real death is like that, but we didnt woke up...when you sleep,you dont know that you sleeping ... Living for 5000 years for example is curse,i dont want that,who want that? We gonna die,so what? That is good.
  12. Im really glad to hear that,and you are approach is so helpful. I now that i cant take this anymore, and noticed that im depressed and unmotivated on daily basis... But i was really going well ,year ago... also said ,this enlightenment probably isnt something bad,if is something posible,why people pursuit that if it is bad anyway,this actualization is about feeling greath in your skin... I hope that i will find way from this situation,because,depression isnt way to live life, lack of drive is my main problem...Thank you,for advice,im tired from : "they are no person ,why to be sad" ,why people oppsesing with that anyway?
  13. Thanks for answer. Problem is that,know i know about enlightenment,it is hard to pursuit other stuff becouse of lack motivation,somtimes i just dont want to do something(but it is important) . Sometimes you dont want to do something that you love,for example,training,and you have that extra push,motivates you,but enlightenment is about "who is that who wants to train?" And kills my motivation. Also is talking that goals isnt important,but i disagree,if you want to be healthy,you must to organise yourself,train regulary,and you must have plan and goal to keeps motivation... Or enlightenment is for guys who acomplish lot of things in life,and... what is next? But my logic is that what you are doing is important and give all yourself,one day you dont be able to do that...Maybe i misunderstod enlightenment but "kill the ego" isnt posible,you need person to be in this world . Maybe is that some change in mind ,not actually kill ego...Meditation is really good and i will do that,but, something in wnlightenment is wrong. It is really logical that we are dont exist,and that are toughts,but,is it better to create better yourself. Killing your dreams for me is kind sad... i started actualization because that i know about this life is purposless,and you are here and you are gonna die... im kinda stressed about that and cofused,and some other people of my age are happy and dont even know about this everything...try to meditate for 30 days,and do stuff and we will see
  14. Just try to cut useless shit. Do things what is really matter to you. For me,we arent here to just sit and do nothing, find balance,cut all low quallity stuff and habbits. That is my opinion on that