Average Investor
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Average Investor replied to Growly's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
They smell good, but are pretty bad overall. Might be better to get something for essential oils. -
Just the experience of moving out and exploring will be worth it. It will boost your confidence so much and make game way easier.
I hit a lot of the goals I wanted with moving to a new area and have really progressed in my life. Unfortunately, I found myself back to square one in terms of my living situation. I never really update this kind of stuff anymore, but it is mind blowing to look back at some of the things written and what I have accomplished. I would never have guessed I would have been so successful in a new area. I have grown so much and learned so much about myself. I have hit a point where I am not sure what exactly I want to do in my life. I feel like I need to get more on track with business. Dating is starting to seem a lot more viable. I have been wanting to do some more dating as it has been so long since I had a partner. I just need to keep a level head and think things through. It is hard to believe all of that stuff that has happened in my life over the last year. I have really become a much better human being all around, but I still have some flaws to work on.
It's been a really great year for personal growth. I have got a much more larger amount of control over my emotions and well being overall. My diet is amazingly clean at this point and tastes great. I have built my business up quite a bit to a much more stable and sustainable point. I have been a Toastmaster in two groups for a whole year! I read close to 40 books this year! I am still living at home, but I want to change that this year. I am going to be working on getting enough resources and income level to move myself to Arizona or another state I might choose. I have been doing really well with investing, but I am not going to bank on that to get me there. I want to build up my business to a high level where I can afford this transition more easily. I will see how things pan out with Covid and how my living environment changes. I really don't feel that happy living here it seems like. I feel like this is something that is limiting my growth a lot. This year I plan to really work on and refine my life purpose a lot more. I am cruising through books lately and just love it. I am going to read all of the life purpose course books, then a lot more! I am going to be taking this much more seriously than I did previously. I feel like my purpose revolves around teaching people, but I have a lot to learn myself and limiting beliefs to break past. I might try to transition into my life purpose this year, but we will see. I am going to be working on building out a lot more deliberate practice though and really honing my skills. My speaking skills have improved so much now. I am going to work on really embedding a lot of this stuff that I am reading into my life. I cannot really describe how much better I feel over all. I still need to work on a stronger and more refined work ethic, but it is getting there. I am starting to be a lot more strategic with my energy and time as opposed to how I use to be. I am working on cutting out more of the bullshit in my life. Surpassingly, I was able to break myself out of being too strict this year too. I allow a lot of time to heal and relax now where I could not before. My exploration with psychedelics has been extremely impactful. I was actually able to mostly forgive and move past a big wall of being upset with my father. I actually contacted him after not talking for 7 years. There has been a lot of trauma from being raised by him, but I seem to be moving out of a lot of that. I can see taking these has made a profound difference in my ability to forgive and heal. I am building a good balance here with a lot of manual practices. I am not tripping all that much. I plan to explore further and deeper as I go though. I have had a no-self experience this year that was during meditation. I also had an awakening to infinity while sober, but there is likely more degrees and insights to be had. I am making a bit of spiritual progress, but not a whole lot. I am going to be working on doing more of the neti neti method and a bit of other practices mixed with my mediation. I am not really putting this as a main focus, but something that I am becoming more and more intrigued in. I am getting there with it. I think right now I just want to put finances as the main focus with knowledge building. I am going to work on hitting $50,000 worth of stuff listed. This needs to come up more to the top of my things to do. My income is growing well and I can see it going up more and more if I can keep focused this year. I think that I can get to this goal easily if I can just keep my eye on the ball. If I were to build up to $70,000 or $80,000 listed a move would be very feasible I think. I am not putting in enough work right now. I have a really efficient system going though. I am really likely going to do some Youtube videos again this year, but not put it as the main focus. I feel like if creating this kind of stuff is my purpose I need to explore it more. I felt so good making content before and with just reselling I feel kind of depressed. It might be possible that I could place it as the main thing if it is where my heart is. I am going to do it for fun though and to practice honing my speaking skills more. It also would really help me to retain the information I read in my books. I also already basically make the content for it in my Toastmasters groups anyway. I am going to invest in a $200 green screen and get working on doing some of these. I actually am putting together a really bad ass PC for editing and stuff too. I put off dating or really considering dating for now. I feel like I have fully healed from my last relationship. A goal I would like to have is to join some yoga class that has hot women in it and get comfortable talking with them more. I can see myself getting into building more social skills in the future for doing cold approaches. I would mostly just be looking for long term partners though, when I am ready. Just another facet of life that I think I want to put more on hold at least for now. I can still practice here and there. This year I discovered and practiced the Sedona Method a lot. Probably one of the most profound techniques I discovered for the year. This has really changed my emotional well being completely! I also working through a massive chunk of having OCD. Not even funny how much this garbage use to run my life. I feel awesome to be able to break free from this so much. I am going to get myself completely free of it. One big thing I have developed this year was getting into Kryia Yoga. I am doing a couple techniques. I am going to go much deeper with this. This is an amazing habit to get into. It has enhanced my meditation a bunch. I also investing in a proper meditation setup. I might give some other types of a yoga try as well. I really want to put as much of myself into this year as I can. I don't want this year to pass without making significant progress. I am putting in the work and I will get closer to my goal of moving out and being independent. I've made it another year in my self actualization journey. What a ride it has been going from where I was. You can see the previous journal here:
Anyone had good success controlling bipolar disorder naturally? What kind of supplements, exercise, food, sleep, etc works best for you? I have been experimenting with krill oil and inositol and have had a bit of improvements. I work out 5 times a week. I eat super clean and do a lot of juices and smoothies. I find that this is helpful, but I am hoping there is more that I can try naturally.
@LfcCharlie4 I have done that and am reading a lot of books. Most of the groups on reddit and such just push taking meds your whole life. I was hoping to find some people here with personal experience.
@BipolarGrowth Any tips here?
Anyone here have bipolar disorder and trip? What substances have you found to work well for you? Have you had an episode due to tripping? Has your condition gotten worse after tripping? Like having more hospitalization etc?
@D2sage I have stood at the top of a couple and it is great for sure. I am sure I could use some more nature.
Any recommendations on resources for bipolar disorder? Anything from medications, techniques, books, etc. I found this book to be very high quality: https://www.amazon.com/Bipolar-Disorder-Survival-Guide-Third/dp/1462534988/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+bipolar+survival+guide+by+david+miklowitz&qid=1692940265&sr=8-1
@Yimpa It's been a few months, but you are right. I need to take some time to let things heal and get back in order. I am going to finish the LPC again and work on my health in the mean time.
I experienced a dark night of the soul that totally shattered everything I was doing in my life. Destroyed my business, lost my savings, 10k in debt, lost a girl I was attracted to, lost my apartment, etc. I nearly lost my life with the entire situation and thankfully, I am okay. I have got some pretty insane results over the last 5+ years of doing this work. Something that I have not managed to do is get a solid life purpose together. I am going through the course a third time and it has been a struggle to really pick something. I have been in a limbo faze for a few months of really trying to make sense of what happened to me and what to do next. I have done some life coaching and health coaching, which has been great. I love working with people and getting them results. My recent experiences have lead me more towards doing something as a counselor or something like that. I could maybe go to school and do that. I have considered trying to build some branding to get more clients, but I have struggled in the past with making something sustainable and keeping with it. I have been debating on working on something mental health related and helping people get through similar life situations that I have been through. It's just been tough to fully metalize something. I actually have been planning out some branding and stuff around this and I am considering going deeper in it. It's temping to try to get things back to where they were a couple months ago, but I am not sure. I had a reselling business that I loved doing and it was actually going well. But it would require a lot out of me to get back to where I was with things. I have just been in limbo for a few months. For a bit there I was grinding games out and now I have just hit a point where I want to really nail this down. I am just not sure how I should move from here. What am I missing here? I feel like I have just been hitting my head against the wall for 5 years trying to figure out my life purpose. I tried a lot of different stuff and it just seems difficult to come up with something tangible and viable to do. What lead you to making the right choice for a career path for yourself? What helped you get clarity in a major life rut?
Well, I should have suspected this girl was no good. I ended up talking to some other girls and revealed some massive lying around me and the entire situation lol. I should have trusted my gut more. Thankfully, I didn't get sucked into it. Thanks for the comments guys.
When I was younger, I recall a time where I would lie about some stuff at the start of a relationship. It defiantly hurt my chances if I got caught. I would even become a "better version of myself" like trying more in school etc. I notice even in myself there is a bit of a push to be a bit more agreeable to other peoples desires at the start. However, I am radically honest and probably say more than I should at the start now. What kind of standards do you have when it comes to others lying to you at the start of a relationship? How much lying is tolerable? Or what is the severity of lying that you would tolerate? What if someone told you they didn't have a tattoo because they knew you didn't like them, but really has one? What if you called them out on it, but then they minimized about how big it was or didn't want to share. What topics or things would be a red flag for you? I would expect some lying as there would be a fear someone might not like you. However, I would be concerned there would be a lot more stuff someone could by hiding or lying about. Edit: Made the post a bit more clear.
@integral It's fair. I think I have just reached a point where most of those things are gone for me. I am not wealthy, but I have my own business and my own place. So it makes it easier for me to put all the cards out. For me I realize I am probably in the top % of men in my age group. Not that I have anything super special about me, but I have put a ton of efforts into making myself a high quality man. If I had other limitations, which I have had then I probably would put that stuff off more.
@NoSelfSelf You're good. I think saying the bits about myself in the post made this more confusing. Mostly just wanted to see how much initial deception should be tolerated from a romantic partner.
I am really upfront. Probably more upfront than most people these days. It's something I am working on for sure. I still notice some subtle things if I like someone though like not being as picky on certain things if I already like them. Things that I would have been more picky about otherwise. I probably should have highlighted this more in my post, but I am more interested in screening others for these lies and things at the start. Less on what I could do to improve on think about why I might do it. The example I gave is something that I experienced with a girl recently and I am not really sure what to make of that. Even in this case I am kind of unsure how think about this exact issue. I like this girl and I did actually confront here over the tattoo, because I figured she had one. I showed up to a class she was at and her tattoo is pretty massive compared to how she played it off. I am probably way over thinking it at this point. I didn't even approach her again. I just had seen the tattoo and didn't do anything after that. Just did the class and left.
@NoSelfSelf I am pretty good on all of this for the most part I feel. I am quite confident in myself as a person. I just notice things like having kids I might be more agreeable on, when I am not really sure exactly what I want. I would say with that in general a good amount of that is just from not actually be sure on that value there. Rather than trying to actually get someone to like me. I would express that I am really not sure.
@NoSelfSelf I agree with that. Personally, I have no need to lie. I actually prefer someone know exactly how I am. I looked into it a bit and it seems that lying at the start and giving into others values is pretty common. So I am curious what others would tolerate.
I find for me that I need a good evening routine. A hard cut off time for electronics and doing things like sauna make a big difference. Hard to stick to, but it works if you get it down.
@Roy We basically looked into eachother eyes and expressed attraction for eachother and talked about interests etc for awhile. We talked about what it could be like to date eachother and stuff. I am sure she would be confused after that as well. I would be surprised if she did not remember that because she was quite flustered. Intent wise, I basically had her signed up to be my GF, but blew it lol. The approach only worked so well because I was not really trying to do a cold approach. I have a bit of an avoidant attachment style, so it's a bit difficult for me to want to stick to something. A fair amount of push back in my mind to just leave or find some reason that it isn't a good idea.
I did my first cold approach and I talked to this girl for about 10 minutes. I reached hook point and had a really good time with her. She was really interested and we did agree to go on a date. I am not really sure what I was thinking, but at a point I just left and never got her number. We were going to do yoga at this place and eat there. She is a regular there and I know what time she goes, but it's probably been like a month since that approach. I imagine she probably did not understand why I left and was probably hurt by it. Should I drop into a class with her? For some context I haven't went on a date in like 4-5 years now. I'm also not really actively dating anyone or seeking much out. So I did consider just doing some of those classes in general to meet women and friends. I'm mostly looking for a pretty solid stage green girl at this point and that's probably the best bet for finding one. I don't really feel overly needy or anything about it, but I haven't really been interested in any of the girls I have meet aside from her currently.
I love it. I recently got a citrus press and make fresh orange juice a few times a month.
It started after chelating? I don't recall that in the book. I have heard of people complain prior, but not after. Also, something to consider is that you might have just not noticed it before. I can go months forgetting that I have that.
@Something Funny https://www.amazon.com/Innovative-Steno-Project-Ruled-Notebook/dp/B002HFSHH4/ref=asc_df_B002HFSHH4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167156626445&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7225162726506270315&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032555&hvtargid=pla-306114560085&psc=1 I have been really liking these lately. There is different sizes.