Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. A structure like Bitcoin is great for society. The actual money system is very broken and corrupt and will eventually collapse like all currencies. Government does not like it because it does not require a government. As the coins get more sophisticated they become more and more free of singular control. Basically all of the miners fill out a ledger and share it with each other to verify transactions and they get rewarded with new bitcoin. The bitcoin is set at an algorithm that will allow a flow of bitcoin to come into existence at a set rate and it does gradually get harder to mine. I think the last bitcoin will be mined in 2144, but a quick google search would tell you. I think a big positive for society because there has never been a currency that existed like this and they just get better and better. Boarder less peer to peer currency is the future. Did you know only a very small percentage of people on earth have a proper bank? You can instantly be your own bank creating a bitcoin or crypto currency wallet. No discrimination whatsoever on the network. Even a cheap cellphone could be used for applications that can move and send bitcoin with just cell service no internet. A lot of the really early people were just nerds to be fair lol. But a few things like SR and what not did generate massive amounts of bitcoin. Almost no criminal would even want to use bitcoin anymore because it is not nearly as private or untraceable as other coins. There is much better coins for committing crimes anymore. Ironically things like SR would actually cause a decrease in violence and bad drugs because from what I have heard a site like that would work like ebay.
  2. @StephenK No sensory overload, but did have signs of ocd type behavior pretty young. Still do some ocd stuff, but not really that bothersome to my life or anything. Be nice to drop it eventually though although I am not sure how probable that is. Shroom trips seem to suppress it for awhile, so I get the feeling there might be something good there. I would have to track depersonalization really anymore to know how much it happens. It does not effect my life a whole lot anymore negatively. When it was bad it would be difficult to become motivated to do anything though.
  3. @JustThinkingAloud Yeah, I definitely can appreciate myself. Life is very enjoyable for me currently. Someone interacting with me would not have any idea that I have the disorder. It's more of a prolonged feeling of detachment from yourself and surroundings. Kind of feels like watching a movie or TV show, but it is your life. Ego and identity is still present, but it kind of numbs out or stuffs away your thoughts unless you are really anxious etc.
  4. @StephenK I think I am probably at about 7 years or so now. It's kind of like the minds self defense for trauma it seems, but it just could not stop doing it. It sounds like you have managed through it well. You're very good at expressing it, which seems rather hard to do usually. In my case it was just very prolonged abuse from many different people until I reached high school. I never really had a time where I was not present around an abuser. Physical or emotional. Once the abuse stopped is when I started having heavier issues. I have experienced remote viewing of myself once as well early on in it. I imagine enlightenment would feel much more pleasant.
  5. @JustThinkingAloud That makes sense. I had just kind of wondered if it was my ego fueling something. Was a feeling of separation from the body while I was looking down the mountain. An experience of just being experience I think. Felt okay to die and not in like some sort of negative way, just accepting. It's quite manageable just because I am use to it anymore. I am rarely heavily anxious or depressed after working on myself so much. But that has not removed disassociation. I have felt like maybe I have a couple day period where it does not happen though now, but I don't really track it or anything. But typically everyday for part of the day. Sometimes not very noticeable at all if my mood is elevated quite high. I use to have it where I would be depersonalized for months on end for the whole day. Would actually feel surprised to "feel" sometimes. Caffeine, lack of sleep, poor care amplify it much more. I actually feel depersonalized typing this to you. I don't feel any emotion currently and it isn't really bothersome. I would anticipate feeling much better tomorrow with extra sleep and care again to recover from the mountain.
  6. @TrynaBeTurquoise I don't think there is anything that has worked statistically better for quitting than vaping. I've seen first hand a large amount of smokers quitting cigarettes and eventually being able to quit vaping. Some of the pharmaceuticals are even really harmful for it. I'd be very skeptical of anything else on the market to be honest.
  7. @Raptorsin7 Do it if it works best for you. If you're happy and growing that's all that matters.
  8. @Justine Good luck to you. You are able to achieve anything that you desire.
  9. @Raptorsin7 That's a lot of years to dump into something you won't use. But I believe you might have mentioned that you get a free ride from doing it for now. So I can see that, but it is kind of double edged sword eating up a lot of your time. Just something to consider. Figuring out how much time that takes up and how much time a job would take to survive and hopefully have more cash to put into business ventures.
  10. If you are just vaping that is a huge improvement from smoking cigarettes. Look at the report from the royal College of physicians. However, air is the best thing for your lungs and mind. You are going to have to find the root causes for those issues if you really want to get past them. Find what triggers your anxiety. It might even be what you eat or drink things like caffeine. Overeating can also be part of what you eat if you are consuming a lot of dense fattening foods, but it could even just route back to the cause of the anxiety too. I would try to work on adding healthy habits and that will ease wanting to have bad habits and encourage you to improve. It's a step at a time and do what feels best for you. When I quit nicotine after using it for 5 years I was eating candy for a couple weeks to help with it. But really you could just tough it out for a couple weeks and most of the withdraw will be gone. Few months and you won't even think about it anymore. I actually completely removed added sugar from diet as well after that, so I did not just replace it with sugar. A lot of the issue might just be what you are trying to get off your mind while you are doing it, or using it to distract yourself.
  11. @Raptorsin7 I don't use any others. But I would be interested in joining some. I was probably going to try out bigger pockets, but that is real estate investing related. To be fair depending on how long it will be until you graduate you could have your own firm and work on getting other lawyers and eventually just kind of sit back from it if that isn't your purpose. You should be able to bring in enough just being a lawyer to be financially free. Your biggest thing would be just trying out things and discovering them. Youtube is excellent to find all sorts of different businesses people run.
  12. I'd try and touch your law classes into business related stuff. Trademark, corporations, real estate, etc if you want to get anything more out of it. You are really going to have to decide for yourself what is the best route. None of us here can pick that for you. If you simply want financial independence you could find someone doing something that works and do that yourself. You don't have to come up with something new. But I will say to make the most in that market you have to be different from the rest. But there is a ton of industries you could reach financial freedom with. Starting a business is usually a lot of hard work upfront, so be prepared for that. It also might not be successful. So you have to be willing to adapt and change.
  13. @CreamCat Yeah, I have experienced that as well with it. Sometimes it is necessary for me to grind out those extra hours. Especially forming the business. But I have done it enough to where now I can go at a good enjoyable pace that I am enjoying the work without as much burnout. This is the happiest I have been in quite awhile without really doing a whole lot to try to be. I'll keep it in mind more though. I've kind of sucked myself into a thought loop of needing some huge purpose. Which maybe it is something I will discover a long the way, so that is where I am with kind of ditching it. Of course I probably need to run out some years of this and I might do it on the side for much longer since it is fun and I am good at it. I resell collectibles and various items by the way. So I can do it in ways that are more conscious to the environment and consumers, but it does not have too big of impact on most people.
  14. Ego backlash will be heavy sometimes making large changes. Resistance to it and backsliding is important to watch out for. Few things to check Habits Friends Diet Exercise Mediation You need a strong reason to keep yourself on course especially when times are tough. You will want to backslide back into old habits. Surrounding yourself with people who encourage your old self is not going to help at all. I would say at the core of it you need a habit or two that you will not give up no matter how tough times get. I would say meditation and exercise would be best. You also really have to commit to keeping the bad habits out of your life as well. If you go back to indulging and toxic and negative things will bring your consciousness down. You will get back into your new projected self soon enough and surpass it if you continue to work on yourself. Growth is not a linear path.
  15. You ever have Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door? They could be telling you the best advice you would ever hear, but the presentation and the intrusiveness is a huge put off to most. Kind of the same thing with food. If someone wants to hear about it I will tell them. I am trying to help my mom fix her diet. I am not telling her to go vegan even though I am. I'd rather give her neutral unbais meal recommendations to help promote her to thrive. Because she is looking for the help. I don't have a ton of faith it will work for her because she a root issue that is not solved. But I would like to at least give it a shot and it gives me something to do with her. Granted I am little bias towards fruits and veggies, but for good reason they are good for you. I even picked her up the 150 healthiest foods book for part of her christmas present and one for my sister too. Those have nothing to do with being vegan, but a good collection of good foods. Now if they ever want to try some vegan food or want some help I gladly will. I'd rather just see them make better choices for themselves if they are willing too. It all starts somewhere.
  16. @CreamCat Not struggling now. Just spent all of my money of the business. But that business has a good amount of assets. Just getting to where I am piling up cash now. I usually only spend a few hours a day working now. Sometimes I go for the whole day if I have the energy for it. But I relax the next day usually now. But that still leaves out 1 hour meditation and 1-2 hours of exercise if I decide to work that much. I am trying to get enough cash together to just buy a blank property out right I think. Just kind of depends. I can't really just ditch what I am doing at the moment. I could hire though sooner or later and mix that in with low expenses of own the property and stuff I would be doing pretty good. At the moment I could probably pay all of my monthly expenses with like 3 days of work. But only issue is that part is not repeatable really until the next month. Trying to figure that out lol. If I have that kind of cash piled up and we go into a recession I might just invest it instead into rental property. Just depends how low prices go. I've been wanting to set up a roth ira and put a bit into the S&P every month too. Edit: I have debated on spending that money once I save it on another business venture that is much more conscious too. First mover advantage locally, so it could work. Just not sure if that is what I am ready for. Would want to be producing healthy plant based meals. But I am going to keep a few ideas similar in rotation and think about it. I definitely need to extract some money out of this current business as I just dumped like 6 months and thousands of dollars in and have the engine running good now.
  17. @CreamCat Exactly! I will admit you are not going to probably catch a whole lot of SD green and up in these kind of business books. But there is a lot of great foundation principals. I had a nudge moving me out of my previous business and it was really hard to let go. The lessons in this book allowed me to look at the industry rationally and encourage me to end the business. It was definitely best for me. I am at much greater peace and happiness. Making a bit more money now too. Still think I am yet to discover the larger purpose though. It's been running my mind a lot. For now I think I need to max out this business for awhile to gain a much greater financial freedom.
  18. @CreamCat Letting go is good to do, but it wouldn't be wise to let something that would crumble your business slip past you. The book is based around looking into the future of your industry. It is about intel and how they managed to go from making memory in a crowded market of Chinese sellers and going into micro processing. While they had already been successful in making memory, but were losing footing due to competitors being able to produce it cheaper. It isn't really to encourage you to be paranoid, but more aware of your situation and industry you are involved in and where it is headed. If they continued making memory it would be unlikely you would even know what company I am talking about. Very good book for forming structure in your business and leading it strategically.
  19. Only the paranoid survive is a great one for strategy and longevity. Saved me months of headache and despair. Really it covered a few things you are looking for. Probably one of my favorite business books. I have read a little of blue ocean strategy and that looks really promising. Only a couple chapters in, but I would say it is worth the purchase.
  20. Anyone have skin irritation go away after regular use of Rei-Shi mush room? Was gong to cut cut the dose in half tomorrow and see if it persists. I had seen it could develop a rash though too. Was kind of debatable to just not take it and find another nootropic. But I read that people worked through the side effects for much better positive effects. Still have pretty itchy skin 10 hours later. Probably going to call it good on taking these.
  21. Loneliness is well worth confronting. If you can become happy in isolation and loneliness you will be much happier when you are in the presence of others. Not to mention you will realize how much less and less you need to depend on anyone for anything. I get that in school it might seem ideal to have all of the friends and what not to help pass the time. But most are just going to introduce to drugs and low conscious activities. So you probably are not going to miss out on as much as you think. Everyone gets busy from time to time, but if someone makes a habit of just blowing you off or ignoring you all of the time I would just break it off with them. It could be possible they are wrapped up in issues of their own, which it would not hurt to ask them about. I'm cool with not talking for months or once a month. But if the person just blows me off for months at a time if I contact them there is something else going on there. I have a cousin lately I noticed won't open a snapchat from me for over a month. I don't really go to crazy or send a bunch of spam out to people on there. I have usually 3 people I message on there at most if I do. But I can see that he does update his status or whatever it is on there, so he does open the app and use it. It was a little upsetting because I do enjoy my cousins presence, but I also realize that he had just communicated with me over the last few years mostly when it benefited his survival. Now I don't really benefit his survival at all. Even when we last spoke maybe it wasn't appropriate, but he was going to give an excuse of why I had not heard from him in months and I just said "I enjoy your company, but I don't really care if you contact me or not" or something along the lines of that. And I reassured him I do enjoy hanging out with him etc. So maybe that helped clear the air on if he really wanted me around or not. I spend most of my time by myself now. I cut off about a lot of toxic relationships. One more isn't going to make me lose any sleep.
  22. @FuriousGeorge Yes, thank you for taking that advice. It could save you thousands of dollars. I would seriously suggest you have a lawyer set it up. Might cost like $1,500, but at $500 a piece that is well worth it. Good luck with your investment. I hope it provides a great profit.
  23. Take it slow. Even 15 minutes is plenty fine to start. When I was getting into exercise I started just walking a mile. And keep in mind every now and then it is actually good to take a break from it because it allows muscles to repair and actually build.
  24. I've had the most success finding a workout I can complete everyday. I like to add a little more to it every month or so right now. What you decide to do is going to vary a lot on what you want out of it. If you just want a good baseline of extra happiness and energy a good 30 minute workout should do you well. I find cardio to be the most fun for me. Make sure you stretch after your workout. Make sure you start consuming extra water to compensate for your loss. Probably the most important thing I will mention. Seriously buy like one of those water flask things and keep it around with you. Try not to skip more than a day in a row especially starting out. After some months you will likely want to go and feel the need to. Find activities that you actually enjoy. Try to challenge yourself. Set goals. Like mentioned above make sure that you don't overdo it. It's good to push yourself sometimes and see what you can do. But you have to work up to that and have a cycle of light working out after. Don't just keep trying to do your max all the time. You said you want to go vegan. I recommend getting the book 150 healthiest foods. Finding fruits and veggies that you really enjoy and start adding more and more of them into your diet. I would not just try and make a full on change immediately as that will be pretty difficult to sustain especially if you do not know what kind of food that you like. It is really easy to get stuck on vegan junk food too, but it can help you make the transition if you do it wisely. I had success with just switching one meal into a vegan meal at a time and that seemed to help me the most. I just started with a smoothie for breakfast everyday. I absolutely love it and it is a great way to get a high amount of fruits and veggies in right off the bat. Do you research on potential vitamins that you might become deficient in. You will want to analyze your diet over time and make sure that you getting all of your proper nutrients in. I only take a few supplements now and even that might be overkill. But I have make sure all of the stuff I am eating will supply what I need. You will actually notice your taste will attract you to nutrients that you need. I had a lot of luck by just watching videos about how bad dairy was and that was literally enough for me to just immediately stop eating it after consuming it for over 20 years. Maybe that will help for you maybe now. I went vegan myself mostly. Not really for the environment and stuff, but if what I do aids in other things it makes me happy to be apart of it. Factory farming and what not is pretty disgusting though I have to admit. You might find it better to remove an item at a time. Do what you can and good luck. I am happy to help you with questions you might have.
  25. @Aquarius I am happy for you. It is really hard to see clearly when someone is abusive. It isn't always the easiest thing to break it off from them either. You will be much more prepared boyfriend though.