Average Investor

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Everything posted by Average Investor

  1. @Leo Gura I mean the structure itself cannot be modified by a single party or entity. The government cannot seize it from you without having access to your private keys even if you did buy it from one of those. There is much better coins for private transactions though for sure. A lot of it comes down to what the user values in the coins they decide to use. Most people could not care less about their privacy with most things they do it seems.
  2. Money is really an essential foundation for your growth. It is one survival element that is hard to skip. The point of this work is not to just do psychedelics all the time. You have to work on all facets of life really.
  3. A good product sells itself. You would not need to pay into sell something if it were that good. You will unknowingly make yourself a con man.
  4. @Commodent If you read up on my earlier replies it is actually faster than a bank transfer or credit card payment. Expensive really depends on network load and how you send it. Have you ever sent money to your family in another country? A lot of immigrants would have a massive savings just using it to send their payments back to their family. If you were to travel to another country it would make switching currencies actually easier. Of course banks do not want to adopt it because they cannot control or manipulate it. Store of value works much better with more users and that takes time. How it is structured is much better than current stores of value like gold. It's structure is FAR superior to the US dollar too in terms of inflation it actually deflates over time and becomes more scarce. There is an exact amount and users know how fast it is distributed. There could be so much more gold we are not even aware of. I am sure there is plenty of people holding mass amounts as well. I bet below the oceans there could be a huge quantity found of gold as well. It only gets better as it ages. If you made another coin with better processing it features you can easily adapt that tech to bitcoin. Look at the adoption of segwit 2x. And the beginning adoption of the lighting network. It takes time though for the community to move to it. So you have all of this other stuff being the test coins. It seems useless to you because you have a traditional bank account, but billions of people do not. Having something like ripple does not solve issues for people with bad governments. As well as if you have someone who can control it you open a huge can of worms for corruption. It's infant technology at this point and it has the most secure network of any of those coins. I'm not going to tell you I sit here and spend it everyday or use it. It's going to take some time.
  5. I forgot to mention I would not be depressed trying psychedelics either. I see a lot of other people gamble on the fact it might get them out of depression. Have a couple good happy weeks, then give it a go.
  6. @Commodent Btc is suppose to just be simple. Has no need to be built on. It is just government resistant, boarder less currency. Which it does that very well. But yeah, much more exciting things are being built with smart contracts.
  7. I would work on completely cutting out antidepressants. You might have to do it slowly though to not cause too many issues. They are likely awful for you anyway and I really doubt they would react well to shrooms.
  8. @TrynaBeTurquoise You can purchase "shares" where a company holds it for you too. Something like robinhood for example. But ultimately that defeats the entire purpose of it. No problem.
  9. @Tanz Yeah, mostly there is just greed around the coins, which is fair. A lot of scams and garbage. I think we will evolve with it over time. Would be interesting to see at least one country have its own coin.
  10. @TrynaBeTurquoise I'm a little rusty, but here is what it means. Hot storage would be somewhere the wallet is easily exposed like a downloadable desktop wallet or an online wallet like coinbase. Cold is exactly what you mean by off of the pc. You can actually generate a wallet without using the internet and store the coins in it. Actually, you can even send bitcoin with just radio waves if you needed to. In my case I have a ledger nano. The ledger is great for ease of spending and security. There wasn't anything like that when I first got started, but a paper wallet was around. But like I mentioned for someone not very tech savy these things would be hard to understand and use. So it makes it hard for society to adapt to them, so people losing coins is unfortunately part of the evolution. But I believe this is just the start, future money will most likely be based off of these. https://www.youtube.com/user/aantonop This guy is probably the best possible source to learn how it actually functions and the use of it. I own all of his books besides the etherum book. The mastering bitcoin is super tech like though, internet of money is more ideal. There is an insane amount of knowledge around these though. It is not just bitcoin there is almost 5000 different coins.
  11. @Nahm Same goes for you. Your site looks exciting as well. I will await to see it's progress.
  12. I have depersonalization disorder. I read that obviously it isn't the same thing as enlightenment. But how can I really determine the difference? I do have a little resistance to the neti neti method. I was on a mountain yesterday and some states of consciousness I was in just seemed different than what would normally occur with depersonalization. I did have 3 hours of sleep before a big climb, so that could just be the effect of that. I was a little anxious today even with like 10 hours of sleep and recovery, so it might have just been that.
  13. @JustThinkingAloud I have had fear of heights my whole life. I still could not say they are completely gone. Maybe I will ride in a plane or sky dive lol. Sometimes the most enjoyment is really found in the fear.
  14. @JustThinkingAloud Fantasy of things is what makes up my fear of them. The reason I was afraid of going in the winter was because I had seen this girl go hiking on mountain by herself and I don't believe she has been recovered yet. It's been a month or so. I was pretty sad learning more and more of this. It intruded a bit on one of my mushroom trips. I had constantly thought of death daily for about a month or so after the trip. It has been good for me I think over all. Then leading up to going to do this and just facing it. The mountain itself was actually pretty safe. If I had my own pair of good spikes it would not be too difficult. The picture you see of me that lake below was at 5000ft elevation. We were intending to just go to the lake which was 5 miles, but we picked up hitch hikers and went the whole way which was 24 miles. That picture was maybe half way at that point, but was a massive amount of elevation. 4 hours at the end we ran out of water. I had no flash light etc. We got out after 2am maybe 3 or 4 am. I got challenged by a mountain goat just a bit blow the level I took that picture in. I stood a on rock at the peak of this to face my fear of heights and it is still not gone. You can't see it in the picture really, but my eyes are kind of red. I was crying reflecting on my life up until that point. Just a year before I weighed 50 more pounds. I could not even fathom climbing that with the mindset I had. I would have just given up. My life was so much different. This was the unfolding of a new chapter. The mountain itself was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. The following week my body felt like I had been in a car crash from the sheer pain of it. That hike took about 17 hours straight. I did this hike in a pair of running shoes with not much experience. It was an advanced hike. It was kind of stupid and dangerous in some aspects, but the rewards are massive. Sometimes the boundary or limit you set on yourself just has to be pushed. I don't mean just the bike. But everything.
  15. @JustThinkingAloud I am going to buy some high end spikes if we go next early winter. The one spike was lent because we decided to go on a whim. I got crushed physically because I brought enough gear to fight off a snow storm we might have had come in. I would have be able to probably last a few days if there was something extreme happening. I have bruises up my thighs just from the climb and not hitting them lol. I think I am still too much on the side of being too afraid of death. I am still aware and protect myself and react as needed though. I researched how to survive andavalanche before we went too. So I do try and take some precautions. I would intent to live out this form to it's highest potential. Going on a climb sucks because I do not physically train to climb mountains. I mostly train just to run a marathon. It is a hard mental and physical battle that makes me much stronger. It makes me not give up even when things get tough. It helps me dissolve fear and I usually have a lot of growth from it. As this climb even pushed me into this thread here, which I feel will have a lasting impact.
  16. @Nahm Alright, so I gave myself another good 10 hour rest. I feel much much better today. I read your post and meditated on it for an hour. Thank you so much for your time and insight that you are providing me. You're right that is definitely an unconscious way to live. While meditating there isn't really any of these concepts that effect me, so I assume during this state my consciousness is much higher. They only exist when I allow them to. I will work on making myself present catching myself assigning this feeling. I believe as I was on the mountain top I was fully present, so there was no thought of self, past, or future. I have believed that I am an individual with this disorder for a long time. I did just have the thought/feeling come up of being depersonalized, but remaining present seems to be keeping it away. I will give the writing a try. But I do have a glimpse of what you mean just making this reply. I am done suffering. I am done being a separate self. I am slowing down and doing something about this. I will mediate on this and give yoga another try. I am working on my room structure to allow more of this. No offence taken. I am here to learn and grow. I will focus in on feeling the body more instead of focusing on believing in thoughts. I am You're right there is no real time. It's just a fantasy created by the mind. I mediated on this and was relived for an hour of this story I have created. I am free from this disorder. I am free from this story. I am free from the past. I will feel awesome. I do feel awesome. That was beautiful. I do believe that I have the ability to bring others much of what I have learned. I'm working on finding new channel to bring even more love into the world. It will take some time, but I think you are right I have a board placed in my room that has all of my goals from material to self and love. It's gradually expanding and becoming greater and greater. I will try some healing modalities. I mostly just mediate right now every day for one hour. It is become such a lovely experience. You're right there is nothing wrong with me. I think you guys are right more and more that I get close to death. When I climbed the mountain I only had spikes on one foot. I was 9000ft+ elevation I was at the peak and fell on plain ice that was at a very steep angle I slid for a few feet and stopped myself with the spiked foot. Looking down I absorbed what it might be like to "die" and it really did not seem bad. It wasn't harsh at all. I feel excellent reading over this a few times. I gained a lot of wisdom from this and I will refer back to it later. I plan to continue my path of love and awesomeness. I am going to mediate heavily on "I am done suffering. I am done being a separate self. I am slowing down and doing something about this." Thank you again.
  17. @TrynaBeTurquoise I can't really say mine is cold storage exactly. I use a hardware wallet. Which is quite secure, but for maximum security you would want a computer and printer that have never touched the internet, then you could generate a paper wallet where they could be stored at. A hardware wallet is nice because it can interact with a computer even if it is infected and not give over the private keys. It only acts to give a signature. Different levels of security are effective depending on the value and use of your coins. There is other layers of the bitcoin network that offer less security (still really secure) called the lightening network. Most are on segwit 2x which, is not the bitcoin core. Lightening would aid better in buying coffee or something like that. The recipient can actually confirm they will receive the coins before it ever arrives. Which is especially ideal for something like buying coffee not a mansion. Remember a merchant would wait days for a credit card transaction and bank transfer could take a week. A bitcoin transaction without a clogged network is much much faster. I actually have .155 btc on my old computer I deleted from the wallet. I made some efforts to recover it, but have not really committed enough time to getting it's recovery. When I deleted that it was only worth maybe $25 lol. I will get around to trying to recover it again. I recovered some and put it on the hardware wallet from another old wallet. It actually sat on my desktop for years without a password on it. Which if it had one I would have just forgot it. But if I were infected all someone would need to do it just literally take the .wallet file from my computer. I was just using it for actual money at the time. I probably spent .5 btc on actual stuff. I was pretty broke, but I did have a time I wanted to buy a whole bitcoin at $200. I never actually bought any though just received it as payments.
  18. @TrynaBeTurquoise No depends on the storage method really. Always best to keep them in cold storage. I switched to cold storage a few years ago and have had no need to check on them. They are offline, but can be recovered by the 24 word phase. Which it has to be put into the exact order. Any sort of online wallet or desktop wallet opens you up to massive risk. Simply losing your recovery phase can be the end of the coins too lol. It's hard to say since I am not sure how people are losing them. But there is always someone losing them lol. That is one thing that does make it hard for the mainstream to use it.
  19. @Nahm I would be interested in learning more. I can't say I have a ton of experience looking into this though. I have more recently been exploring it and would be open to exploring more.
  20. @Good-boy Yeah, see what I had experienced on the mountain was much more blissful than normal. So that is why I asked. But what does a single experience do? I mean I do feel more accepting now if I were to die on a mountain or etc. I actually climbed it because I had a fear of dying on one in winter.
  21. @Rigel My sense of awareness and connection to my body/surroundings.
  22. @Rigel Is that a trick question? I identify with myself. But I suppose with an enlightening experience I would not.
  23. @TrynaBeTurquoise Yeah, I could definitely see it possibly being better from a health standpoint. A big thing is the actual act of smoking like you mentioned too. The cigarettes themselves produce over 7000 chemicals during combustion and it causes the user to become addicted to much more than nicotine. Once you remove the other additives it becomes a lot easier to stop nicotine. Tomatoes and eggplants actually contain nicotine. There is companies that actually extract just from eggplant to use it in vapor products. Synthetic nicotine is actually the best in terms of purity and quality. People have quit with the gum just not at a very high rate comparatively. But it all really depends on the user, so gum in this case could help op. I only mentioned it because of the fact there is so much propaganda around vaping I want to see op have the best success.
  24. @Dlavjr Glad to hear it! Try to see if you can cut the amount of nicotine down in the vape if you can too. That will help you ease off. You could even have 0mg at the end if you needed.
  25. @Inliytened1 "Was a feeling of separation from the body while I was looking down the mountain. An experience of just being experience I think. Felt okay to die and not in like some sort of negative way, just accepting" That was what I felt. I had an infinity epiphany one time just from hearing the word. But not sure that these experiences are what I am looking for. The infinity thing was quite a bit deeper. The mountain thing was more of just being.