Average Investor
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@kira Blue ocean strategy and only the paranoid survive.
Really just to create content and keep doing it. Learn and progress. I am reworking what I want to do with youtube currently, so I can't say I am living up to my own advice. Take more action and less theory. I've been trying to build a higher purpose business wise and have been considering readjusting this to follow with that.
@IChoseTheRedPill What research showed it was good for mental illness? I am looking at the clinical trials and not sure what you are referring to https://www.ketonutrition.org/clinicaltrials You're fine I am interested in learning about the topic. If you try it and have good results that is awesome and excellent. So not trying to say that is not a possibility. Just thinking there is other factors you are going to have to help control. Looking at this diet looks better than what most Americans eat, so it is definitely an improvement and I have heard of people doing well on it.
@Nickyy Yeah, usually right around when it would end my stomach growls a bit. I want to research it a bit more. I just gave it a go and it seems to be pretty good. I had heard it could help you live longer due to less time the body spends breaking down sugars. But I have not really verified that. I know the body can handle much more. But obviously I want it to be beneficial. I had seen a lot of people do extended ones with a lot of good results, but I don't want to do multiple days or anything like that.
Incorporate and grow rich is a must read although not by him, but his cpa I believe. Rich dad's guide to investing really good for getting into investing and how to look at it. The rest of it is pretty good stuff for your foundation. I would say if you have not read any business or investing books give them a go for sure.
I have recently started playing around with 18 hour fasts, but I drink water during it. I seem to have a good chunk of energy doing this and giving myself a good window of time to eat. Really helps me with my exercise and meditation in the morning so far it seems. I have seen a lot of positive research around fasting although I am not sure of the point of dry fasting.
@Preety_India I would not just do fruit. You can get a lot of nutrition from fruit, but vegetables are quite superior. There is a lot of good starch based options such as beans and quinoa as well. Definitely do the research though. But you would be able to control your diabetes very well with a diet like that. A whole foods plant based diet is what I would research. Removes all processed stuff, oils, sugar, etc. Salt is good to keep around though ideally Himalayan salt. There is a fair amount of variations of a vegan diet. I would put the fruit as too extreme just because of the fact that you would likely go into a calorie deficit. Fruit is really awesome though and tastes great. There is a lot of good food you would be missing out on though.
I would be hesitant to dive into it looking for the results that two people had. It is really hard to determine all of the factors of each of those individuals. Take a look at the rate of bipolar in each country and look how it differs and check out their diet. Not only that take a look at the leading causes of death. For the US it is heart disease. Take a look around at other countries and see what their leading causes of death are and what they eat. Here is just a quick search online lead me to this https://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Bipolar-Disorder-Naturally There might be a lot of other factors causing you to have issues with it. I think a big piece is to not identify with having it either. The brain is very complex and to condition it to be deficient somewhere or in pain it tends want to amplify the issues. Just like you can have a placebo effect and actually get a good result without actually having anything added to help the issue. Of course pharmaceuticals are probably going to be best to avoid. But life style changes are going to be important. Drop all drugs and drinking. Exercise and eat better. Look into a lot of different healing modalities. When I say eating better there is a lot of culprits. Tap water contains a lot of bad stuff usually. Sugar, wheat, and processed foods are quite bad. But do your research and really investigate. I have a feeling if you do enough research you will come to a different conclusion on the route you want to go.
@Raptorsin7 Glad I am able to help. Best of luck.
@Raptorsin7 I have faced quite a few similar battles, so I know how it gets. I think it is pretty natural to feel like you need more from life especially at our age. Don't let the desire go away completely, but manage it. It is good to have drive for the best life. I am pretty bias with the running because I really enjoy it. But nothing wrong with a good walk either that is how I started and I walk / jog when I go. Walking actually helped propel me into self improvement. I would not have been able to make it this far without it. My life is significantly better. You do have a desire to improve yourself and your situation, so you are much more ahead than most. I assume most of your issues is coming from the finals. I did do a year of college that was probably easier than yours and I still found it difficult. College takes a toll on you mentally for sure. Life is fucking awesome man. I know all of the petty stuff adds up sometimes and it might not always feel like it. But just take a second to appreciate that you exist. I imagine a lot of humans thought that they had it easy in the time they were living in, but we truly have a really laid back life. A lot of it is sucked up by bullshit money and survival, but really we live in luxury. There is so many worse problems that could be a burden to you right now, but I know how stress builds up.
@Raptorsin7 I think you have the desire to do more with the life that you are living. I lived like that for a long time and it did make me unhappy. Now I am not going to tell you that my life has turned into something extreme. Part of it is self acceptance as well. What life would make you really happy? I want you to actually write that out. If it is too personal it doesn't have to be in the reply. But write it all out and figure out why you want those aspects in your life and what it will actually do for you. I have started to do cardio in the morning after I get done shipping stuff. Are you doing anything high intensity? I have only done yoga once, so I don't know how it gets. Like does your heart rate pick up? Maybe try tossing in a jog or I have found some cool workouts on youtube that are only like 10 minutes that get the heart working. That should really help you relieve more stress and give you more of the feel good from working out. Diet and health are not something really easy to just turn around immediately on. Don't guilt yourself. I recommend looking into more reasoning and benefits of why improving it would help. Then when you feel ready change one meal into a healthy one and just keep that up until you are able to proceed further. I was eating fast food a few times a week sometimes, eating garbage all the time about a year and a half ago. Today I eat very clean. No added sugar, no wheat, no meat, no dairy, no frozen food besides fruit or veggies. That is not something I had not ever seen possible for myself. It started with me eating crappy burger king salads even more years ago without much knowledge. But I know that if I am able to eat better it is possible for you. I don't want to make you feel like my time frame is anything you should follow or the choices I made. Do the research and decide what your optimal intake could be. Oh and one thing healthy food actually starts to taste really good about 3 months or so in. Your pallet will start to change if you keep working at it. Advice is always hard to give because I cannot tell you answer you are looking for. But in my experience fitness, food, and patience are really good practices. I could not tell you if you should run out and get a girlfriend or something like that. I would probably recommend against it if you really don't feel happy. I am trying to have a relationship that will not depend on them at all for my happiness, but more of just someone to bring a long for the journey. Try to work on having happiness regardless of the external situation. Maybe get up every day and write down three things that you are thankful for.
@TRUTHWITHCAPITALT I was thinking of paying for a service for it, but it just depends I suppose. I usually have enough good content on youtube to keep me busy audio wise. I will see what is out there though. I usually just don't prioritize the reading the book enough. It depends though sometimes I just read a few hours a day. I feel like if I read it I get the most value from it.
@Michael569 Yeah, I probably will enjoy some organic tofu on occasion still as I don't really see anything suggesting it is really bad, but I also don't see anything saying it is really good either. I had not really made a full decision, but I was eating it pretty regularly. I have been replacing it with more beans and avocado. But yeah, of course we cannot really avoid all of that stuff unfortunately it is part of what society is built on is cheap garbage. I would like to try to source more food at farmers markets when I get the chance.
Has anyone heard of this? I recently removed all soy. I have been looking to invest in this for water "Megahome Water Distiller MH943TWS" I eat quite clean over all, but seems kind of hard to avoid all plastic. What are your thoughts? Anything else to look out for chemical wise? I see a lot of stuff on heavy metals here too I have been trying to avoid. I was going to get the apps recommended to check products I use.
I don't really do any audiobooks, but my pace of reading the books is not super faster either. Usually finish a larger book every few months. I probably should invest into auido book service though.
I had heard that the most common regret of older people is living a life for someone else, or what someone else will think. I'm kind of in a paradox with anxiety and really not giving a fuck what people think. But the thought of whatever they think will run it's course and I will still keep not caring. Do you spend a lot of time on social media? I notice if I do I start caring about what other people are doing. It's all garbage. I had a time where I had not had sex at like 18 or so? I got with a girl that I just thought was kind of a cool, but I knew other people would criticize me for it. She was heavy set and I actually turned down another girl that was more attractive to society's standard at my work (both were coworkers). I just did not like the more attractive girls attitude. I had a guy ask me if I had sex with her in front of several people and I looked him dead in the face and said yeah. I will admit it was not something I was going to blast all over facebook right away though being with her, but eventually it would have if she did not have neediness plus more issues. It turned out to be more of a starter girlfriend as I had not really had much of a significant relationship for a long time. But that got me a lot more comfortable. To be fair I would not date someone even as remotely unhealthy as that just because I can tell we would not align by any means. But at the time I was not taking care of myself even 10% of what I do now. I do live with my mom and am just a little younger than you. I am kind of in a similar boat, but just run my own business. I am employing my little sister next month most likely and living here is quite beneficial compared to an apartment right now. Although, I do pay all of my expenses and rent, but that has not always been the case. My goal is to possibly buy my own blank property with cash, but I am not 100% sure yet. I love what I do besides one piece that I am hiring my sister for. But the more financially comfortable I get the more I desire a bit more of a purpose. I would probably keep doing this business as a hobby I think though regardless. Which it actually started as that. The more I keep thinking about it the more I find impactful ways to positively effect the world. I've been gradually moving away from really caring about being rich, but it would be nice to spend less time thinking about survival. I think you will reach a point where you gain a sense of just happiness from nothing and that will be the best. That comes through for me more often now. The business and all of that running through your head all the time is just going to make you feel bad. You will find out what you like to do and be happy with it. Just believe that you will find that. Everyone has a different path. Are you exercising enough? Eating junk food is not going to help you be less depressed or more energetic. I have been in that position. Eating right and exercising will make a huge difference in your happiness and mood. I had seen you do the yoga, but I don't know at what extent you go to. Do you ever consider maybe the weed is not helping you? It effects everyone different, so I can't say if it is helping you or not, but maybe go a month or two without it and see what happens.
@TrynaBeTurquoise I cut it out and went with pyrex glass. Not sure what the rubber lid thing is made of though. I cut out all microwaving. You might want to look into a stainless steel toaster oven or air fryer. If you buy the cheap ones they are loaded with chemicals themselves, so go stainless. The guy here states that just having it in the container it does leach off of it. This video is worth the watch. I already gravitated to removing most of this, but this has brought some new stuff to my attention.
Average Investor replied to SantaMaria's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura So far so good. I have been making sure to pace myself as to not over do things. I'll go with investing the $600 elsewhere. -
Average Investor replied to SantaMaria's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Is it still worth doing Ayahuasca at a shaman? I found a church near me that has two day ceremonies for $600. Or am I better off just doing it myself? I have had 3 "light" mushroom trips, so nothing crazy. -
Average Investor replied to montecristo's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura If we follow it like a blockchain everyone would have a say. Possibly cutting out most of the directors. I notice even though people don't really have a reward for working on bitcoin, they still do it. However, it becomes less people. But it kind of leads me to believe that there is leaders and creators that are the most passionate are left if the fame and monetary incentive dissolve a bit. I know that sounds a lot more strange than what we do now. But it makes me wonder if the collective would evolve better with that. This is a much more far fetched idea. The whole system for bitcoin is much less complex, but it is designed to keep itself in check with all of the users. All of the miners want to be honest or they will not get their reward for processing the transactions honestly. Now to bring that on to a larger scale I imagine it becomes a whole lot more complex. But if it works with just this money it might be able to work with larger things. The problem is creating the incentive to collectively improve and deciding what is best to improve with because that is always changing. I think even most people do not care about their ballot because there is no upfront incentive to vote. So the system has to have incentive to keep all pieces being tended to. People need some sort of leader to look to for the most part though it seems like. I think a good chunk of things would go bad without dedicated teams and branches to cover them. Too much causes issues and too little does also. More practically let's say even if you just restructured the presidential campaign to an ERC20 token running off ethereum. Everyone could be issued one coin and it holds X amount of USD value that can be directly exchanged with some sort of authority. ANYONE can create a wallet to receive one to make the spot for president. Now something would need to be done to remove abuse to take money for example. A token can be issued one per SSN with a wallet, which can be done with a smart contract. All campaign funding directly comes from the ERC20 tokens, which is collected from some sort of tax for example. Only the money from the tokens can be used to fund the campaign. I think even that would remove a lot of corruption in campaigns. Then another coin would be issued at the time needed to vote. Each coin would cast the vote for the candidate. This dissolves the need for senate votes as well. Just a small piece that could be put together with this type of system that gives more power to the users. But it would need so much more thought and work to rework the whole thing. I guess what I am thinking of is less control to decide control. More incentives to maybe not improve directly, but to actually form a vote on topics. That and cutting out all of the bullshit of ballot machines and etc. Maybe not a fully decentralized world can work, but possibly pieces of it can make it great. -
I found it because a friend shared the content with me. It took a little while to sink in, but I was just in a position to be ready for self help. So I would not give up on trying in some way to direct people you care about to self help. Doesn't necessarily have to be Leo's content either.
Average Investor replied to montecristo's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura I agree with you there. Laws and regulations are overall good. Collectively can't we move away from the "bad" though? I realize that most people would have bias views. But is that any better than having a select group that can cause harm? Are we collectively better than Trump for example? I'd like to hope we are at least able to do better than that as a whole. But I suppose he became president for a reason. Or does society really have to surpass most survival to even reach that stage? -
Average Investor replied to montecristo's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura Yeah, I see your point. Air would be regulated if they could. It will be interesting to see how it all evolves from here. If you start having social media for example be decentralized ( there probably is some). For example your youtube videos would stay even if they were "banned" from society. It would get used by devils like you said. But I imagine what would start to happen is the user would be less and less manipulated like the current stuff. I imagine elections are heavily manipulated by facebook and others, but what if a higher conscious decentralized version became constructed? I realize there would be violence and some worse stuff may show up. But what if there was no more manipulation of what goes where and the audience really decides. Currency is really a small factory in all of this. But it can be used to create an economy in the platform. -
Average Investor replied to montecristo's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Thewritersunion I would not be surprised if they had the most miners. But one entity would need 51% of hashing power to attempt something like a 51% attack. Costs a pretty insane amount of money per hour to even try to attack the network. Really all you could do is try to double spend for a short period. You actually profit more just helping the network. See the definition for decentralized. -
Average Investor replied to montecristo's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integral That looks exciting. I had been thinking we might see something form like that years ago. Not sure when this started though. But I had seen even in the government systems for the coins that we could in the future have some big enhancements. I really do believe some great things will come from this tech. Now I don't know about making everyone rich with it, but society could get better.